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Sugar Cube Corner - Bronies of YCM


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That shirt.

Considering how universally Changlings seem to be hated . . . good luck.

So, I call it being about the characters traveling to the human world, live action with CGI ponies, guest stars and some popular band as part of the soundtrack.

Bow that I think about it, we already had a return of Tirek, why not Megan and the King of Equestria as well?

I mean the king probably wobt happen because it'd ruin the canon. But if Megan can be added in with a few minor edits. Still like my original guesses though
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I'm really not the kind of person who does this sort of thing, but today I just randomly started drawing an OC. It actually looks pretty good, I think, so I guess I gotta finish it. I'll post it here when I'm done.

Sweet, please do. I already have a picture of my OC handy.


In fact, here:


Key Ring

Professor of History for the Crystal Empire

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I wonder if there'll ever be a conclusion to the whole SpikexRarity thing (as in, him eventually giving up, or the less likely scenario where something actually happens between them) or if they'll just keep things where its at in their relationship.

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My Application:

Username: mlodif

Best pony: TS aka the famous Twilight Sparkle

Why?: hello? the most magical spell caster also, generally the leader among them in most cases/episodes. I love MLP and I am so glad that this forum have such an active thread about the show, EVEN A CLUB TOO!

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I don't like how popular Bulk Biceps x Fluttershy ship is becoming. I'm trying to stay loyal to FlutterMac, but even I like that other ship.


Big Mac X Cheerilee . . .


Currently at a standstill on my OC, trying to think of how I want to do the tail...


Eh . . . I just did my OCs tail and mane how I have my actual hair in real life. Dark brown, with unfortunate specks of white, that's a tad longer than norm yet not so long it can be considered the length a female would have.

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Oh crap, I forgot to watch Rainbow Rocks after I bought it. I will do that sometime today.


Also, just woke up from a dream where I was at this Halloween party at school, and one of my friends was dressed up as Nonon Jakuzure but with a Twilight Sparkle color scheme and her horn and wings.

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