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Pokemon X & Y (Post Launch)


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Probably late, but here's my FC if you guys want it: 4098-4005-6941. My Mii nick is Jason if you need it (Otherwise, you'll pretty much see it)


Not sure what my Friend Safari has, so if I have you on my list, let me know what kind of stuff I got in there.

For everyone else who already got their codes up, mind if I add you guys? (Mainly for the members who requested that I ask before adding them)


Added you.

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Quick question... Swampert still learns Ice Punch with the move re-learner guy right? Like in BW2?

just theif a heart scale from a luvdisc on rt 8 with an old route, and find out.


ALso if anyone needs a modest Noibat, let me know I have alot of them, most of them has 31 Sp. ATK and 31 on Def or SP.def[some have both]. Don't have an extra 31 Sp.atk and Speed one, as I only got 1 from breeding that I am going to use[but I can try to get on if someone, wants  one], the ones that have the 31 Speed IV have 0 SP, atk IV so, it would have to be breed out[which I can do if needed]. 

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I have a friend with Onix safari. I can get a couple for you. You don't need them in specific pokeballs, right?

nope, just need the hidden ability onix, so  I can try to breed for one with a good nature and the IVs I want[and the hidden ability as well of course].


Also I just got hold of a Jolly Totodile with ice punch and DD, with  31 IVs in Hp, Atk , and speed. Which I should be able to get a few totodiles just need to give the knot and stick it with a ditto [at least until I get a female one]. Have to love when you get awesome stuff from Wonder trade, and I also got a hold of a TImid hidden abillity Eevee with SP. ATK, SP. Def, and speed stat at 31 IV [but poor ATK IV] from wonder trade as well, so I can also breed for them as well.

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@evilfusion: Alright, I'll go add you back when I get back on my 3DS. 


Had fun on the Wonder Trades last night. Got two Protean Froakies (one English, one Japanese) with Timid natures among other stuff [think they're different genders so I can go breed them later if people are still looking for any], some Charmeleons (both Solar Power), a Japanese Gible (Adamant) and some other random stuff. 


GTS, found a Japanese Squirtle (though I had to trade a Ditto for it, and it's Adamant + holds Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere and some other event stuff) and German Glaceon. Overall, it went well (and racks up a good amount of Poke Miles for stuff)

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I would not mind having a protean Froakie or a squirtle that is basically loaded.

I have more Proakies than I know what to do with so I could hook you up sometime.

I just got the Oval Charm. For those of you who don't know, you don't have to catch all the Kalos pokes; only see them all across the three pokedexes. I'm working on getting max style in Lumiose so I can get the Hatching O Power and start popping out pokes forever.

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I have more Proakies than I know what to do with so I could hook you up sometime.

I just got the Oval Charm. For those of you who don't know, you don't have to catch all the Kalos pokes; only see them all across the three pokedexes. I'm working on getting max style in Lumiose so I can get the Hatching O Power and start popping out pokes forever.

got at any female ones?

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I do. It's Naive, too.

lol, Yea need one of those[nature not much of a problem as that easy to change], what do you need? I got 2 Antipacation Eevee[timid], 3 extra totodiles with Ice punch and DD[all males, because a female will not hatch for whatever reason], I got chamanders, cyndaquil[that I can breed for more], Modest Noibats mostly with 31 Sp. Atk IV and 31 in one of the defense stats, I have my partner Venusaur if you need a bulbasaur, I have a chespin to get more chespins, Technician scyther with awesomes IVs that I could try to breed into new ones, and I also have Fennekin.

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lol, Yea need one of those[nature not much of a problem as that easy to change], what do you need? I got 2 Antipacation Eevee[timid], 3 extra totodiles with Ice punch and DD[all males, because a female will not hatch for whatever reason], I got chamanders, cyndaquil[that I can breed for more], Modest Noibats mostly with 31 Sp. Atk IV and 31 in one of the defense stats, I have my partner Venusaur if you need a bulbasaur, I have a chespin to get more chespins, Technician scyther with awesomes IVs that I could try to breed into new ones, and I also have Fennekin.


I'll take one of those Totodiles.

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I added you vla1ne; my FC is in my sug, just hover your mouse over Tesm Ariel.

Also, I'd love one of those Totodiles as well

alright, I'll pass you one, let me check If i need to breed one real quick. I got 1 extra left, and about to make more with the original.


ALright pass me a trade invite and I can give you one of the totodiles as I have more of them now.


Woow... I get my 1st cyndaquil egg and its a female, while I hatched like 15+ totodile eggs not a single female...


Anyways, I know have totodiles and cyndaquils. I can also breed for chamanders, bulbsaurs,chikoritas, fennekins, froakies, and chespins[normal ones].

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forgot this thread existed until I remembered friend safari. My friend code is 4957-4003-0345, I'm not sure what pokemon are in my safari though. ask and I'll add you.

Added you (and Broke N.)


Don't have high hopes here since my statuses went unanswered, but would anyone have access to one of the Saurs with Chlorophyll? Really really want one, and I've got a whole bunch of stuff I can trade...barring PokéBank stuff.

I have a Bulbasaur, but it's the standard nature for them. There's probably some on GTS, but either people don't list if they got their HAs (usually they do based on stuff I went to look on there recently) or they want event legendaries or again, Pokebank stuff.


Anyway, adding you as well. My FC's in my sig if any of you need to see it.


In terms of Wonder Trades, getting a lot of Froakies (last time I checked, I have 7 of them; 3 are standard nature and rest are the HA ones (most are Timid/Modest but gotta double check if some aren't). I did get a few Pokebank starters (some aren't the best natures, but meh). For the most part, I got stuff that's of equal/better value than whatever I traded in the first place (including a Japanese Level 85 Abomasnow that has a ribbon from beating Elite 4 [not under my care however]) and some JP starters.


I have a Fennekin with its HA (need to breed it though); has Timid nature which works nicely. Its Male though so need to use Ditto if I want a new one to name/breed/whatever.

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