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[Hearthstone] The Grand Tournament!

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I'm gonna craft Varian the second TGT launches, that's so awesome. Even if it only ends up being a 10 mana 7/7 that draws you 3 cards, that's still a solid effect. But imagine a Control Warrior playing him and getting a free Ysera or Grommash or something.


Couple things said on Twitter regarding the card:

If you have Chromaggus on board, you will not get a copy of the minons Varian puts onto the board. You will get a copy of any other cards Varian draws into your hand.
If your board is full, Varian will put the 3 drawn cards into your hand. If that is the case, and Chromaggus is on the board, then you will get copies of the 3 drawn cards.
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Nah guys Varian is bad because he costs 10 mana and you're deaad by then and dies to BGH and disables your battlecries and fills up your board to be killed with Equality or whatever and it's also Patron fodder if you draw a minion with less than 2 attack


I laughed at this way too hard. I'm still laughing as I'm typing this.

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I laughed at this way too hard. I'm still laughing as I'm typing this.

Also Rhonin is trash because it dies to BGH and Arcane Missiles are useless late game and Antonidas is a bad card and Ragnaros does the same job but better and why aren't you playing Boom gg Blizz 400 dust

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Looks better than Aviana in almost every way. This nets you card advantage while giving you a similar effect and you don't need a good hand or anything; just summon it.

Look at the cards warrior is getting compared to the rest of the classes. Warrior is shaping up to be the "Island" of Hearthstone.

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Mulch: It's better than Naturalize, I think. You'd just better hope whatever they get isn't super useful.

Knight of the Wild: Cool, more Beast synergy for Druid. There's a good number of good Beasts now, but even so you'd have to get this in your hand first. But I like situationally great cards. 

Wildwalker: Another Beast synergy card, this one's quite good. 4/7 for 4 is pretty darn good.



Acidmaw: Bleh. The stats are awful for an effect that's honestly not so amazing, since it counts against your own minions as well. Doubt it'll see much play, even with the following card...

Dreadscale: I get that it's supposed to work with Acidmaw, but even then, assuming you get both on the field for any length of time, it'll only activate Acidmaw's effect twice before killing it, and there's still the matter of Acidmaw affecting your own minons. But on its own this card is a lot more useful, sort of like Wild Pyromancer.

Stablemaster: Unlike Bestial Wrath this also gives you a good body for its cost. It's essentially a Hunter's Beast-only Argent Protector, and I like that. Cool card.

Powershot: 2 less mana for 3 less damage compared to Explosive Shot. Sometimes better than it, sometimes worse. Not much else to it, but it's pretty nice.

King's Elekk: 3/2 for 2 Beast with a solid Joust effect. At worst it's a Bloodfen Raptor, but otherwise it's a straight upgrade, especially if you can bring something like Savannah Highmane to your hand.

Bear Trap: A 3/3 Beast with Taunt for 2 mana, at the cost of some face damage and a slight delay. It's certainly interesting, though whether you'd run it instead of/alongside Explosive/Freezing trap is hard to say.



Arcane Blast: Currently 2 damage for 1 mana spells aren't being played all that often, but doubling Spell Power on it is pretty neat. It'll definitely see play in gimmicky Spell Power decks (imagine on turn 10 playing Malygos and one of these for 12 damage to a minion), but outside of that I'm not sure. However, only being able to be used on minions cuts its flexibility, so it's sort of meh.

Polymorph: Boar: Mages get their own Huffer! Use it on something weaker that's served its purpose (say a weak monster whose Battlecry has activated, for example), or maybe push in a bit more damage. It's sort of like a buff card, though you can also use it on something big of your opponents if you have a way to clear its 2 health afterwards. Neat card.

Dalaran Aspirant: Mage is one of those classes whose Hero Power goes off more often than others, though I'm not sure how much you'd be able to build the Spell Power on this one. At least its stats are decent.



Enter the Coliseum: Paladin getting some big removal this time, one that doesn't rely on a combo like Equality + Consecration or Wild Pyromancer + Equality. Sort of lies somewhere between Brawl and Twisting Nether. I might have to try this out in a control deck.

Mysterious Challenger: Now that's pretty cool. Avenge is definitely a secret I see run a lot, and this might make someone more inclined to run some of the iffy but sometimes run ones, like Noble Sacrifice or Redemption. A 6/6 for 6 which is still okayish, but if you can get at least 1 secret out that's pretty good.

Competitive Spirit: If you can put this down when you know you'll have a good amount of minions for it to hit on your following turns, it's great. Otherwise, not so much. Could be interesting to summon Mysterious Challenger onto a fuller board that you keep alive until the following turn.

Murloc Knight: I don't see this getting much use. Murlocs aren't that useful unless you can get a lot of the key ones out quickly, and the Inspire effect on this is both too slow and too random for that.

Seal of Champions: For 1 extra mana, they've put Divine Protection and Blessing of Might into one card. Combining cards usually increases value, but I'm still not sure if this is good enough.



Confessor Paletress: Wow, now that's an Inspire effect. Unfortunately, I don't think the stats are quite good enough to be worth it at that cost, especially with 4 health. If it were a 5/5 or even a 4/5 I'd rate it a bit higher. Even with Priests using their Hero Power so often this just seems too easy to get rid of. But if you can keep it alive, oh man, the value. That alone will probably mean people will at least try it out.

Shadowfiend: Now I really like this. With Northshire Cleric, it's entirely possible for a Priest to draw a lot of cards very quickly. Put this down before a big draw from Circle of Healing, for example. The stats aren't bad for its effect, either.

Spawn of Shadows: I imagine the sort of burst damage Priest decks that would want to run this would want something faster than this. Healing yourself so it's 4 damage to your opponent and a net 2 damage to you isn't that bad, but you may not want to always heal yourself. You wouldn't be able to rush down an aggro deck or anything but maybe you slowly whittle down an opponent in a control match-up.

Wrymrest Agent: Not a bad addition to Dragon Priest. A 2/4 Taunt for 2 is nice value. Otherwise it's just a lame 1/4, but that sort of assumption goes with a lot of the Dragon synergy cards like Blackwing Technician or Blackwing Corrupter, and those are pretty good cards.

Convert: Another copy card, this time copies from what you can see on your opponent's side. Say they only have 1 minion on the board and it's good, you copy it. Or maybe they have abunch of useful stuff and you copy one. Maybe you have to pray to RNGesus and hope to get the 1 good minion they have out of abunch of crap. Regardless, this seems like a pretty fun card.
Power Word: Glory: Like a Priest's version of Blessing of Wisdom. Seems really useful to cast on an opponents minion to keep them from attacking, or at the very least negate some of the damage they deal if they have more than 4 attack.



Beneath the Grounds: I'm assuming "Ambush" isn't an actual card and will go away once drawn. Potentially amazing if you can summon multiple Nerubians for 3 mana, though it's pretty unreliable. Cool, though.

Shady Dealer: More Pirate synergy for Rogue. Unfortunately Rogues don't run Pirates much.

Undercity Valiant: Slightly smaller SI:7 Agent. It's kinda harder to combo the low cost cards in a way that's useful, and it seems like it'd be better to run a Knife Juggler over this. Though maybe you Backstab and summon this to take out a 3 health minion or something early on.

Buccaneer: Pretty okay, I suppose. Play this turn one, Hero Power turn 2 for a 2/2 weapon. Or maybe play this before an Assassin's Blade for a 4/4 weapon. Interesting.



The Mistcaller: Now this is a Legendary. 4/4 for 6 is perfectly okay with a Battlecry like that. Suddenly every minion you play for the rest of the game is +1/+1 stronger? Yes please, this card is awesome. Imagine it; 4/6 Sludge Belchers, 5/4 Piloted Shredders, 4/6 Al'Akir. What value, and no Overload! 

Elemental Destruction: Now for something completely different, holy sheet that Overload! It's esentially an 8 mana Flamestrike that's possibly 1 damage more, but you also hit your own minions which is pretty harsh. Having that sort of clear clear early on in the game is insane, though you're most certainly going to be skipping your next turn (which might be worth it). It's definitely a wonderful card to topdeck if you're in a bad situation late game, but detrimental if you're ahead. But it's wonderful that Shamans got a big board clear, it's a big thing they've been missing.



Dark Bargain: I really like this card. Just like you'd try to avoid playing Doomguard if it meant discarding some good cards, this is the same way. Unless you're in a bad enough bind you're willing to risk the RNG if they have a couple big minions among smaller trash, I like the value of destroying 2 minions like this.

Void Crusher: Now this I like less. Being an Inspire makes it harder to pull off in the first place, and the double-edged effect could be less than desirable, unless you can fill your board with Imps and only manage to destroy them, or something. It's entirely possible for it to destroy itself with its effect, too. Not that impressive.

Tiny Knight of Evil: It's got an interesting effect, but +1/+1 at the cost of discarding something isn't all that hot. It's not a card that would make me want to run more discard effect cards.

Fearsome Doomguard: A simple vanilla. A Boulderfirst Ogre with 1 more health and the Demon tag at the cost of 1 more mana. Eh.



Magnataur Alpha: It's got a really cool effect, though unfortunately it's rather easy to kill. At least Foe Reaper has a lot of health, but this doesn't have that luxury. I'd much prefer if it was a 3/5.

Sparring Parter: Wow, that's some nice value. It's a 3/2 Taunt for 2, so it doesn't lose any stats for its taunt, but in addition it can give something else of your choice taunt. Beef up your defences for some of the Taunt synergy cards Warrior's getting, or give Taunt to something important of your opponent's so that it can't hide behind other Taunts. I like it.

Orgrimmar Aspirant: Seems okay. If you can get its effect off and buff your weapon up, that's great, but I'm not sure how often you'd be able to do that.



Chillmaw: The stats and having Taunt is nice for its cost, and if you get off its Deathrattle while your opponent has a board and you don't that's awesome. Cards that are better when you're behind than when you're ahead are pretty sweet.

Bold Ramshield: A unique effect on this guy. It's stats are perfectly on line for 6 mana, too, and thankfully they're weighed on the beefy side. It's a big shield, either taking damage with its effect or by drawing attacks away from your face with its psuedo-taunt until its dead. Cool guy.

Sideshow Spelleater: Um, that's neat, I guess. I think in most cases you'd want to use the Hero Power of the class that you chose in the first place, and even if you do want a different Hero Power, there's no guarantee you'd face an opponent with the right Hero Power you want. Doubt it'll get played much.

Recruiter: If the 2/2 Squire is 1 cost, like the one summoned from Silver Hand Knight, that's a pretty cool Inspire effect. I think it might be a bit slow, but I think the card would be too strong if you simply summoned the Squire to the field.

Twilight Guardian: Get of its effect and it's a 1 less mana cost Fen Creeper with the Dragon tag. I wonder if it'll have enough staying power to be worth running, because a lot of Taunts aren't.

Mogor's Champion: 8 damage for 6 mana is a lot of damage, though it has that 50% chance thing that the Ogres have going for them. 5 Health might not be enough at that cost if this thing has a chance of hitting things you'd rather it not hit.

Saboteur: I like this guy, like a smaller Loatheb. Maybe you want to keep a Priest from healing something, or a Druid/Rogue/Mage from killing something of yours that only has 1 health, or even stalling out a Hunter's 2 damage at your face. Or if it's late enough in the game, make it so that using their Hero Power to do something major is a huge tempo loss. It's stats are nice as well.

Fencing Coach: Doesn't seem worth the card slot. You get a free Hero Power, but I think I'd rather summon or play something better than a 2/2 for 3 and just hold off on my Hero Power for a turn, or use my Hero Power in favor of playing something minor like this.

Captured Jormungar: It's better than War Golem, but that's not saying much. There's not much to say about this guy, big vanilla cards simply don't see much play, they'd have to have much better stats to be popular.

Kvaldir Raider: It's a Neutral version of Floating Watcher, so that's pretty cool. Unfortunately you can't activate its effect multiple times like Floating Watcher, though.

Pit Fighter: We finally have something between a Yeti and Boulderfist. Neither see all that much play outside of Arena, though, so I imagine this'll be much the same.

Frigid Snobold: It's stats are in line with 4 mana, but a lot of cards like that with Spell Damage aren't run (Kobold Geomancer, Soot Spewer, Ogre Magi) so I doubt this'll be much different. Though being a bit more survivable than most Spell Damage minions is nice.

Refreshment Vendor: Just a stall card with average stats. If you're in a dire enough situation where you need the health I don't think it'll make much of a difference in most cases. Next.

Evil Heckler: RIP Booty Bay Bodyguard. It's actually not too bad now, but Senjin is still better in a lot of cases at 5 health.

Dragonhawk Rider: That's a pretty sweet Inspire effect, though you have to keep activating it. Could be neat in Priest if you can keep healing it and using it for value trades. I might try it out.

Ice Rager: RIP Magma Rager. 2 Health isn't much better, but a 5/2 is infinitely more useful than a 5/1 because it can't be outright killed by a number of Hero Powers.

Boneguard Lieutenant: A 3/2 for 2 is always nice, and if it sticks around it can get even better. I like the idea of it in Priest where you can get multiple trades using him. Value dreams, people.

Tournament Attendee: Goldshire Footman isn't good, and this is only slightly better since it can trade better. Still not a very useful 1 drop, though, I think.

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Mulch is nice, giving them a random minion isn't the end of the world.

Knight of the wild is sweet if you have saber druid or something like haunted creeper to play so you can get it out turn 5 or maybe even 4.

Wildwalker is... Interesting, although, I'll take a 3/6 ironfur grizzly on curve. (Turn three ironfur, turn four buff it with this.)

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