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[Hearthstone] The Grand Tournament!

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Why? BGH is 2 mana cheaper and comes with a 4/2 body which is nothing to scoof at. This card probably won't replace him.


Mainly because it helps with that 8 health weakness that mages has, and it comes closest to beating stuff like Malygos without Polymorph. It allows you to be more aggressive with Polymorph basically.

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tbh the only truly notable thing flame lance has over bgh is its ability to hit kel thuzad, and frankly that's just not worth it

not to mention with the advent of justicar and fallen hero, mage's hero power doing 2 damage is actually going to be somewhat common, since both those cards are quite good and will likely make it into some form of control mage

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I mean I'm more concerned why you aren't playing Polymorph over Flame Lance since Polymorph hits Ysera/Maly as well as any of the 7/8 but <7 attack minions (Sneeds, KT, Cenarius). Also consider that Polymorph is 1 less mana.


It's very obvious what Flame Lance's reason for existing is and it's to add more premium removal to Mage in Arena. If the common pool is getting diluted with cards that aren't premium removal, then adding more premium removal is the only way to make it more common in a format like Arena. This is easily on par with Polymorph for Arena regardless, so picking Flame Lance isn't going to be THAT uncommon.

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