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Protector of the Sanctuary

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I personally like this card. It used to be pretty damn good back in the day, if memory serves me correctly, and in my opinion it has a pretty cool artwork.


Also, I love how it basically just gives Exodia and Chicken Race players a giant middle finger. Especially Exodia players.



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I mostly remember this card because it's among the better splashable maindeck EARTH/Fiends, which isn't saying much. If you are curious on why I was interested in maindeck EARTH/Fiends, it was just me being silly by trying to tech 1 Dark Calling in Block Stun without conflicting with Block Golem.


That comment aside, the card isn't good. Yes, it can mess with stuff like Exodia, but you would need to draw into this and summon it before they get the chance to ftk you. And it may have a decent DEF but its ATK is on the low side so if you want to make it live right away by Normal Summon it you put it on risk. If it had a Monk clause of switching itself to DEF then it would have been slightly better, but still unimpressive for what it does.

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Do you think this could ever be viable as a Side Card again? I'm not entirely sure what against, but I just can't help but feel like it's one of those cards that could easily be brought back into the picture.

Well, honestly considering searching is generally more powerful (and becoming more widespread than generic drawing) I don't think so. Unless Konami slows the game down and kills generic search cards/search decks, it will be real difficult to swing drawing to be in vogue. Of course, you can side it for devistating effect against alternate win condition decks...

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