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Trump demands removal of casual decks and Misc. section


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In a shocking turn of events, Trump announced his plans as future president as well as some long standing prejudice he's held towards casual decks as well as the Miscellaneous section.


"This game is all about winning in the most optimal way possible," Trump said to the press earlier today. "When someone comes to me with some rogue, casual deck, I don't know what to think. If I tell them their build is bad, they get angry at me for it. It's not my fault they don't know how to properly compete in this game!"


Trump later on announced his thoughts towards the miscellaneous section as well.


"They're all just seeking pointless attention. I have yet to see one person post something remotely quality in that section, and that's why I'm announcing my proposal to demolition the Miscellaneous section and divert funding to more quality methods of forum posting."


When asked about his reasons behind these decisions, Donald Trump only answered "I don't care if that's how they have 'fun'. These trends are hurting the community as a whole, and if we want to move forward as a nation then we need to move past these childish tendencies and work towards a more constructive future. People find them annoying, I find them annoying, and we need to just get rid of them immediately."


We've asked Trump if he has any comment on the existence of 'Fads' and will report on any comments that he has.

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