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I had a cat once, but had to put him down because he got really sick, and a female (at the same time as the male) that we had to get rid of because for some reason it got ultra hostile to the entire family, hissing and clawing at any one of us as soon as we were in range (aswell as hiding underneath sofas and such then refusing to come out)


No pets right now, cant have one either with my current finances and living situation, but still wish I could get one, if only as company.

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I had a couple of Betta fish a few years ago, but that's it.

Only reason that happened was because I got a free coupon for one due to reading programs at library.


But at some point, I would like to get a mammalian pet (mostly a rabbit or something, because I like them), although conditions on why I can't now.

  • House is warm a lot of the time, and I have no AC. Will not be good to keep it in front of fan all day.
  • I am not home for most of the weekdays due to school and other stuff (though my dad's at home now, so he can help a little)
  • Not enough space to run around (either in house or backyard)
  • Other commitments on weekends, which means vet trips will probably cut into my plans for the day.

Parents say that I should get a cat or something, but idk.

Dogs are iffy, but let's see. (I won't like picking up after them though)

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The only pets I've ever owned (and by I, I mean my sister) were a bunch of fish. Longest that one lived was for a year, a goldfish named Squidward (Spongebob fishtank).

Otherwise, my family wasn't too big on animals. But I've warmed up to dogs and cats over the years, so I wouldn't rule out owning one whenever I get around to having a family.

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Had a cat named Artemis, but my ex took her :'/

Okay when someone takes a pet that's gone too far. :T



I have a large yellow lab named Moose and a tiny old Shi Tzu named Angel. (My moms) and I love em, Moose is a giant puppy and always good for cuddles and Angel...well I suppose he's cute in a weird alien dog way.

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Okay when someone takes a pet that's gone too far. :T



I have a large yellow lab named Moose and a tiny old Shi Tzu named Angel. (My moms) and I love em, Moose is a giant puppy and always good for cuddles and Angel...well I suppose he's cute in a weird alien dog way.

I still think calling a dog moose is kinda cool and cruel at the same time xD
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Okay when someone takes a pet that's gone too far. :T

She took a lot more than just that, but I dislike conflict haha


I've been thinking about buying a Snake, but idk how my appts. rules work with regards to that. 


I get really sad when things have to end, I'd prolly bawl my eyes out when the pet died eventually so idt I could get into it again :/

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Currently have a Golden Labrador, three cats, a Russian Dwarf hamster, and two Degus. Previously have had numerous fish, a couple of craps, a bunch of free snails with stuff for the fish, a Red Setter, two half Collies (not sure what the other half was), two other dogs I'm not sure on, a couple of rabbits, and a few Guinea pigs.


Two of the dogs had to be put down, the other three were given away, all the rest died I believe. When I'm older I am thinkin of getting another dog, possibly another Labrador or another type of Retriever, as well as a reptile of some kind, possibly a Bearded Dragon.

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