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Anime series with unique visuals

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I want to discuss anime series that have unique animation styles, character designs, visual styles, etc. and how these things can affect the impact or plot of any series. The best examples of anime series with unique visual styles (out of series that I've finished watching) are, in my opinion, Mononoke, Ping Pong: The Animation, Gurren Lagann (kinda), The Tatami Galaxy (I've only watched the first episode so far), Requiem from the Darkness (I'm about halfway through this series), Monster (for its realistic-looking character designs), JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Mushishi. With Ping Pong, I guess I felt like the themes and character development wouldn't have hit home with me as much if it had a more bland/normal art style. Mononoke's unique visuals helped build tension and mystique. Requiem from the Darkness (so far) benefits from its constant use of black and white backgrounds to create a dim atmosphere. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is one of the few series that I believe uses CGI in a good way. Anyway, discuss away. Oh, and Paranoia Agent was pretty unique with its visuals, too.

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TTGL may have been unique starting out, but less so now given the stuff Trigger has done since then. Heck, look at the gifs in my sig (Space Patrol Luluco by Trigger), seem familiar? It's more just the style of guys who worked on it like Imaishi Hiroyuki (directed TTGL, Panty & Stocking, Kill la Kill, Space Patrol Luluco, etc.) really kicked off with TTGL, and they've since maintained that style in their other works.


When it comes to anime with unique visuals, Madoka Magica always comes to my mind.

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Heartcatch Precure's simplified designs and really vibrant colors allowed it to have some seriously gorgeous animation. It's fitting for a little girl's show but it also lets the show look really good despite being animated by Toei.


Bakemonogatari was pretty unique back when it came out. In a way it's less about the animation than it is the directing that allowed the animation to shine. By now though, Shinbo spams his 'style' into just about every Shaft show he touches. Rather than unique, it's become a safe option and I sort of dislike that.


Tatami Galaxy's a good one. It's simplified designs are probably because it's a novel adaptation. It's distinct enough to distinguish each character apart but still has that cartoony look, which helps with expressiveness. Despite that it helps to present the narrator's life with a strangely realistic feel.



That's what comes to mind for now, but I'm trying to remember what else I saw that I would count as having an interesting visual direction.

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Kaiba for sure, if anyones actually heard of it.



Aku no Hana's art style is more cringe-worthy than the show, and that says a lot.


I felt that the art style added to the atmosphere of the show.

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