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Fire Emblem Heroes

Astro Dude

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While an arena defense team needs to defeat an entire army, often times defeating only one unit is enough. Players aiming for a highscore might surrender when one of their units falls; continuing wastes time and swords.


Since arena offense teams tend to be balanced, they probably have 1~2 counters/checks to a color. If there is only one unit capable taking care of a single color of units, that unit might get worn down easily. This issue becomes greater when the enemies can counter at any range (Hector, Ike, Ryoma, Camus, Xander).

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This one lasts a whole month, huh. I'm wondering if that means we'll be getting less new banners in that time, or if they just want to give people more time to get limited characters. Also they accidentally used Frederick's line for Gaius, lol.


And here's what's gonna be in 1.5.: https://fire-emblem-heroes.com/en/topics/index.html?id=detail-20170630


Also, daily orbs are back and we get x2 SP on weekends. Huzzah!

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So it seems like we are getting mini tempest trials in the next update which give us free feathers. Don't know what to think of easier leveling though. On one hand it costs less stamina to get to level 40, on the other hand you get early in the high levels requiring more stamina to obtain skill points. It also seems that the tempest trials will be easier. Also some of the new settings are quite appealing: more control over sorting and danger area on by default. It looks like a nice update.
On another note: I managed to summon a "Summering scion: Tiki" with a neutral nature. Great for training axe users.

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Since we're getting x2 SP on weekends I think faster leveling is fine. Also, just happened to do a deathless Arena run while doing it for quests, and I got up to 4830 now that I have Hone Spd 3 on Ike, bumping me up ~1100 ranks.


And I've just realized how nice it is that the summer banner is lasting the whole month. In April we got about 150 free orbs, May was about 160, and we actually got up to 178 in June (163 if you don't include the 15 orbs past the 50k rewards of Tempest Trials since those weren't nearly as accessible). So assuming July is gonna be relatively the same, that gives F2P people lots of orbs if they want to try them all on the summer banner.

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Since we're getting x2 SP on weekends I think faster leveling is fine.

Especially in combination with the "valor" skills, while they don't stack similar skills, they do stack with bonus SP on the weekend; Tiki and Legion get 12 Sp each time they defeat an enemy close to their level.


Also, just happened to do a deathless Arena run while doing it for quests, and I got up to 4830 now that I have Hone Spd 3 on Ike, bumping me up ~1100 ranks.

That is quite an improvement. I also did some of the arena quests with Fae on my team (hoping for higher scores), but her tanking capabilites arent't quite on par with my expectations; it hasn't been a deathless run so far. So this season I will probably be demoted, but with the feathers from the voting gaunlet and 4 orbs I get either way, I am not all that bothered. Maybe the season after the next one I have more success.
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Fae's problem is that red is a popular color, and a fair amount of reds are Falchion users who completely destroy her. Though she gets a lot stronger if you get her Lightning Breath from Nowi or A!Tiki and maybe Quick Riposte as well.

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My team doesn't really have a problem with red units. I have a reasonable number of "strong" blue units (Ephraim, Sharena, Spring Lucina, Lukas, male Robin, bridal Caeda) and colorless units (Klein, Kagero and bridal Cordelia). Most of them however cannot stomach magic hits vey well, or have trouble dealing with units with high physical defense that can counter at any range (Hector). To counter those units, I have built Fae with "Lighting breath" and "Triangle Adept 3"; most Red units would probably oneshot her anyway, but blue units will barely dent her. Nino however still manages to one round her. There is also the issue of me not always checking the enemy skills ("Wings of Mercy"), or the enemy doing something different than I expected (Azura had Fae in attack range, but she just ran away).


The attempts with Fae didn't quite work out, so I tried it with a team of Ephraim, Spring Lucina, Ryoma and Anna instead. This team scored lower than the team with Klein in place of Ephraim. But it might be worth noting that Ephraim didn't have an A-skill, where Klein had "Deathblow 3".


So it is still some puzzling with what team to use and waiting for some units to fill in certain roles or that can be used to inherit skills from.

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It seems the next tempest trials focus on "Fire Emblem: Echoes, Shadow of Valentia". Celica and Genny are nowhere to be found as bonus heroes. But since I have neither, it doesn't affect me all that much. Quite a shame though that the unit I do have (Lukas, Lukas, Lukas, Clair and Sharena) only provide a 20% bonus. Not all that tempted to try summon on that banner; none of the units appeal all that much to me, the summer banner wants my orbs and "Choose your legend" might be hitting us soon.


The choice for Tobin is a bit arbitrary if you ask me, not that I'm complaining. I wonder whether he will be similar to "Enigmatic blade: Marth", in that he only has weapon skills, but we will find out eventually. Also, if Faye and Donnel are anything to go by, he might have a high base stat total since he is a villager.

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I saw Sophia was gonna be one of the next Arena bonus heroes and I instantly 5 starred her, since the gauntlet put me above 20k.


And I'm glad Alm is one of the 40% heroes for the next TT, I was already using him as a Falchion healer for the last one so he's good to go for this one.

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I wish I have the resources to build my Sophia - didn't have a Gronnraven fodder for her atm.


Ah well, I can live with Legion.


Also why did they even release Tobin before Gray, and why is he a funking sword user instead of...hell, a mage?

If he somehow gets Astra as a weapon though, that would redeem this choice.

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I'm just power leveling Sophia through the 5 star levels since I don't need any more SP on her, and it's hilarious how she completely stomps swords/green/colorless literally 10+ levels above her. She killed an entire 10th stratum when she was level 29.


I'm kinda hoping that the TT willl just use the same sacred seal rewards so I won't have to grind to 50k again. I'm also wondering if Tobin might come with Firesweep Sword.


EDIT: She's done! Mwahahahaha!


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Got back to (more than) 20 orbs, so I decided to summon from the summer banner again. This time I managed to summon a 4 star Cordelia (+atk, -res), which is great for my flier emblem team. And a "Seaside tactician:Robin". Her nature isn't that great (+res, -def), so I will probably use her as Cheerleader when training lance users.

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Spent 40 more orbs trying to get Summer Frederick (or at least Robin or Tiki for their Valor skills). I didn't, but I did get a -HP +Atk Reinhardt. I guess I know who my next 5 star is. I have joined the dark side of the meta.


And I finally pulled a +Spd Draug but he's -Atk. Same with the Kagero I pulled, too. :(

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Reinhardt can be quite hard to deal with due to his high damage output and huge range. So I would advice adding him to your defense team, though I cannot speak from personal experience (since I don't have him). Give him Deathblow 3, and he (almost) is good to go. Just add a singer/dancer for unpredicability, to make him even more of a threat.


In the category first world problems, I have issues deciding who to promote next. The main contenders are:

  • Alfonse (neutral): his recurring nature as a bonus hero makes it a decent investment (though I do have Summer Tiki and Robin, making him not that useful this iteration).
  • Cordelia (+atk, -res): she gets access to a Brave lance+ and Galeforce upon promotion. (Yet another blue though.)
  • Cherche (+atk, -hp): greater base stat total and "rarer" for a higher arena score… might be better served by +5 at half the price (I have the Cherches to do so), but that way she won't reach her full potential.
  • Palla (neutral): promotion gives her a better sword, higher bases and "Wings of mercy 3".
  • Xander/Camus (neutral): built-in distant counter, on a horse.
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Well, new update's out. Unfortunately the game now crashes on startup for stuff like jailbroken devices and Nox, so I might be SOL unless someone figures out a workaround. Chain Challenge and Squad Assault seem pretty cool, too, and have tons of rewards.

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Decided to upgrade Cordelia. With some help with positioning and dancing she can take care of entire maps. Unfortunatly I ran out of "Reposition" and "Deathblow" fodder, so I have given her "Darting blow" and "Draw back" instead. "Darting blow" should help her quad some more units, making it easier to activate "Galeforce".





Since my device is not jailbroken (as far as I know), I don't have issues with the game not starting. I also don't quite see the need for jailbreaking; most features are also available for regular users with a smaller risk of breaking things.


Edit: just taken care of squad assault on my second try; first time Frederick took down Lilina. Kinda weird that it is just another "Hp +3" seal with a differwnt name and description. Could be useful though. The enemy teams seem to be the same between attempts, though I doubt Mkv will be able to figure out a tactic with only free to play units.

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Nox is a no-go but Bluestacks seems to be working so I'm good for the time being.


Apparently the new stuff is a permanent addition from what I've heard, which is good because soon I'll be spending all my stamina on the upcoming Tempest Trials. So I think I'll start training my Reinhardt and Kagero and hold off on Chain Challenge and Squad Assault for now.




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The Tempest Trials are live once again, as you might have noticed. No paralogue though, though that might be because Veronica seems to have little to do with it. Tobin has mostly lackluster skills ("armorslayer", "pivot", "attack +3" and "seal speed 3"). There are also some new seals, of which neither seems all that great. Unless I'm mistakening, "phantom speed 1" only works with "watersweep" and "windsweep" (of which I have neither); might become more relevant over time though.

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Well at the end of the first day of the new TT I'm at 4300, so a bit over 10% of the way to the Phantom Speed seal where I'll probably stop. And I didn't even get to use all my stamina today because of work. So it seems like this TT will go smoother than the last one.

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I'm currently at around 6000 points. Tried to summon some more summer heroes today, since I'm still missing some. Unfortunatly I didn't manage to do so, though the summons weren't worthless: a Boey to help out with the tempest trials, a Matthew to give Ephraim "hone speed 3", and a workable Tharja (+speed, -hp).


Though I might need to stop summoning for a while. The "Choose your legends" banner is supposed to hit us this summer.

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Even just going through 6 maps gets you (6x3)+(6x3)+(6x3)+(6x4)+(6x4)+(6x4). Or, (18x3)+(24x3)= 126 SP for just the first 6 maps.


I'm using Faye + 3 dancers and I've already got her build half completed after maybe a total... hour and a half? Can't seem to get Faye past that point without dying.


Bless 2x SP event.


EDIT: Okay I can get Faye through Leo's fight (2-3) now. Much more efficient.


EDIT 2: A Misclick on 1-5 led to me beign able to get through 2-4, thus surrendering on 2-5 and completing faye!


shame she's -HP +Res, but could be worse.

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