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Yu-gi-oh 5D's, Armageddon of the Virtual World(Lock~)

Sunshine Jesse

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"Best thing about being a program is how quickly you can adapt (Stolen Hydra quote >_>). Your "virus" has done nothing more then increase my power."

He gave of a macabre smile.

"In my current form, it would take someone leagues more powerful then even Sigma to defeat me... and Im not even at maximum power."

OOC: Also, I attacked you Broken. And Viral Core Mu is gone >_>

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Sigma watched in horror as his ace card wa slashed in two. He could barely utter 'you monster' before the rest of the blast hit him and took him into the wall and further out of the cathedral, WAAAAAAYY out. 'Why does this always happen to me?' he asked as he slowly fell, not even watching the ground.

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"Heh. Thats more like it." Neziarx said after getting out of the core.

"The mask happens to be a very important portion of me."

Neziarx thrust his hand into Sigma's chest and pulled out the Viral Mask.

"Heheh. This is perfect. This is absolutely perfect! Hahah... HAAHAHA! AAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!"

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Neziarx just blasted Zhilo away.

"No need for pests like you. Heh. Sigma... 'll just leave you here..." he said, holding a sample of the virus in his hand.

"...to rot!"

Neziarx thrust this sample of the virus into Sigma.

"This sample... wont infect you. It will instead slowly kill you... I'd give you 2 days at the maximum."

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Neziarx effortlessly held the sword still in his hand.

"The gap between us is too great Zhiilo." he said, crushing the sword in his hand. However, he started wincing.

"Ugh... I shouldnt take this form too much...its a huge strain on me..."

He regained his composure, and looked at Sigma, while he was falling.

"Look on the bright side... with the sample I gave you, you can construct a potent anti-virus. I wonder if you can do so in the 2 days you have left. Heh."

OOC: Then I thrust it into you long range

Jesus H Christ that sounded dirty >_>

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Sigma was thinking to himself as he fell. 'I wonder if this is how the whale from the Hitchhiker's guide felt, or the bowl of Petunias. But, I hope he enjoys the gifts that mask brings. Their code is to corrupt and conquer, but, the mask was deprived for so long of viruses, it might be a little, 'hungry'. Heh, but he is powerful, but power has a price, you must give it back. I'll know that soon enough' he thought as his deck glowed and the God of Rock appeared and caught him. 'I can always rely on you, get me away from here' he said. His monster nodded and flew off.

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OOC: I actually plan on pulling a D-Reaper later on in the RP XD

Also, Broken or Blazing, wither of you have MSN/AIM?

"I finally have it. The last portion I need..."

Neziarx opened up the viral console. The volumes of data dissapeared.

"/goto Viral Castle" he typed in as he dissapeared

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Neziarx was in the viral castle. He looked at the 5 pedastals that represented the Viral core. A 6th one popped up in the center, and he put the mask there. Another insignia popped up. That of an upside-down black cross.

"Looks like its time to put the first phase of my plan into motion... Hah.. Hahaha... AHAHAHAHAH! AHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!"

All of the pedastals glowed, and traces of the virus slipped out.

OOC: Add meh. [email protected]

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