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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds: Rise of the Emperors [started][ocg thread][accepting]

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Plus, it allows for more episodes since 149 is set to air 2/23/11 and Zexal doesn't debut until sometime in April/May, meaning that we'll have another short arc after this or else ZONE is a decoy antagonist.

Card games on motorcycles my ass

But yeah, I have no idea what the final arc could be other than the return of Divine.
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Yu-Gi-Oh ends at Episode 153. Why? Because [b]CONSOREDZ[/b] bought the rights to 153 episodes to Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds. There are only two reasons for this:
1. [b]CENSOREDZ[/b] is afraid that it'll become like GX and thus ends at that season.
2. Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds ends there.

Well, yeah.

Trimage, reply to Servant already!
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Well, it all depends on if March 2 counts as "Spring 2011" I personally don't think it does, but maybe in Japan they switch the seasons earlier.

Also, assuming that ZEXAL picks up the week after 5D's like GX and 5D's did after DM and GX, respectively, then in mid-April, there will have been a Yu-Gi-Oh! series airing consistently for 11 years straight with no major breaks.
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I'm more curious about what Top Clear Mind and Delta Accel Synchro do, though now I'm willing to bet that the SSD-like thingy in Future Colors is Stardust's Delta Accel Synchro form.

Also, BWing, just playing devil's advocate here, but Crow, Kiryu, and I think one of the guys from Team Catastrophe have that same criminal mark.
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Name: Xero
Gender: Male
Apperence: Xero has green eyes and the most messed up hairdo you can think about. His hair looks a bit like Placido/Primo's, but it's grey with red highlights and two of his bangs goes down to his hip. He wears a black outift with a white coat above and two white boots. He also carries a mysterious device on his chest and on his left arm he is equipped with a white Duel Disk, which looks like [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPNU1IeU6149]this guy's[/url] Duel Disk, only white.
Group: Students, currently
Dorm: Obelisk
Deck: D-GODs
Duel Spirit: None
Bio: Xero is not from this dimension, it's not even certan if he's human (no, he's not an alien) He is a dimensional travler from a yet unknown dimension, and during his travels he encountered the spirits of the three Machine Emperors. He witnessed their destructive powers and traced them to this reality, and is now trying to find them disguised as a student at the Academia.
D-Wheel: He doesn't have one yet.
Other: His goal is not to find the Emperors so that he can use them for evil, he's instead trying to get his hands on them so that he can either destroy them or use them in his dimensional travels.

I will change anything if my app is not okay.
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[quote name='Blackstone Dresden' timestamp='1294530607' post='4921275']
I'm more curious about what Top Clear Mind and Delta Accel Synchro do, though now I'm willing to bet that the SSD-like thingy in Future Colors is Stardust's Delta Accel Synchro form.

Also, BWing, just playing devil's advocate here, but Crow, Kiryu, and I think one of the guys from Team Catastrophe have that same criminal mark.
[/quote]I think the marks are just similar, but I'll check in a minute.
I guess I don't mind Simdoggy.
Also, the above app is accepted.
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Pretty much all of the students made it to the academy, James (one of my characters) dueed a caerd theft called the Capturer (TFF's character), lost, and would have lost his Stardust Dragon if not for Drake (Blackstone Dresden's character) keeping her from leaving Also the Capturer says she needs the (not sure if she said five or six, since there is six signers now) to complete a ritual. That sums up the main plot so far.
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As Co-owner, I say go for it but don't just have the mark pop up.

Maybe he could find out that the vice-principal is one evil motherf*cker, Duel him, get his ass kicked, activate his Mark, Synchro Summon his Signer Dragon, and then proceed to lose and have his memories altered because Bryce is the final antagonist and the plot dictates that only James can beat him.
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