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Kingdom Hearts: REVERSED/rewake [OoC Thread/Started/ Always Accepting]


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[size="1"]*Depressed because lives in the Smallest country.* England's Tiny. :( And Indonesia is Islands. Most of the Islands of it have Island it their names.[/size]

Anyway, hurry up and finish it. Just skip a bit and start a big fight in the centre of the Castle or something. Then we all go full power, end up blowing each other up, and then we start on the other one. And I can finish my app.

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[size="1"]Actually, I think I can relate Magnet...I actually live on on the smaller indian reservation here in Arizona (a state in the southwestern part of the U.S.) (good luck finding me! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!), and we're only giving a small parcel land...*sigh*...only some 250-300 miles of land...*sigh*...well there goes the farm, so I'd better start hitting the OOOOOl' dusty trail...[/size]

Yeah, I pretty much agree with everythnig you said man. A giant brawl will pretty much give a nice ending to the role-play. Unfortunately I won't be able to partciapte in it (I have no sutible characters)
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[size="1"]Yaaay!! My reservation..err...I mean prison is actually bigger than a country!! :rolleyes: [/size]

Yeah...I myself is still trying to figure out how to interprate that...yeah...

Anyway, what are you thoughts on it? Like, I am seriously debating about cutting Akira from the sequel. But that's only an idea.

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hahahaha!!! Don't mention the [i]Last Reports...[/i]man. Besides, that thread is pretty much dead (I'm not saying it is dead, it's just it's seeing a lot of inactivity, so my hopes for it died...*sniff* *sniff* rest is peace my beloved thread...*sniff* *sniff*...I'll make sure you'll get the proper funeral...)

Anyway, it's just as the title suggests. "Last Reports." They were mainly based off characters who were only able to write their last Journey Entry before this role-play started. If anything, it was mainly about the characters The Staff and I created. With that being said, I'm currently in the works of doing an all new thread regarding Journal Entries about the new characters in this role-play.

With that means is that I won' be able to accept new journal entries for the [i]Last Report...[/i] thread. so I'm making a new thread about the all the characters who introduced in this role-play and upcomming new characters. So you can still make your Last Report, it's just that it'll have to wait untill I get the "New" thread up and running in the fan-fic. Of course, it would make production go even faster if some folks were able to help me.
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I dunno, when do you want to start remembering about it?

Besides, I don't even have time for it. I'm way too busy trying to draft the teams for what projects, making sure I can rely on them, then trying to figure who specializes in what, and last but not least. Getting the rough drafts of the sequel done.

Of course, I can never get any of that done as long you procrastinate about your post? Like I told you already, most of us are waiting for it...Or do I have to take some "precautionary" measures...Hmm...? Either way, you yourself probably won't be too happy about it...[i]Kekekekekeke...[/i]
Although right now, Chaos, Magnet, and Christain are all showing promise. Right now, I'm even considering about replacing you guys (you, Monsieur, and TSA) for the sequel :) . They're that reliable.

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FinalFan, fanon has rights. Such as so long as fanon isn't published officially and claimed as an actual part of canon, or even official non-canon for that matter. Fanon also is safe because it is part of free will, and free will is very important these days. This website is not a copyright violation because it is not published and not claimed as official work, and do not claim to be affliated with companies in any way. The RPs on this site have rights, since they are counted as part of 'fanon'. Fanon may promote canon and official non-canon, but are not affliated, unless some maniac fan bugs the respective companies about their fanon until the companies give in, which rarely ever happens, if ever. But fanon is simply a group, so the things in that group need copyright as well. So yeah, Frybread cannot forget about me, as much as Adjutant Reflex cannot forget aout you, YRPOTaku169.

Tell you what, Frybread. I am goiung to draw Xemanon, and I'm also going to make the title. And just so you know, the Xemanon Reports were [b]never[/b] a copy of your own journal entries. The journal entries just hit me in the head and made me think. Like for example Roxas's Journal to the Secret Reports, or Jiminy's Journal to the Ansem Reports. That's what I thought. I never meant to start a chain reaction.

I always start chain reactions.
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Speaking of forgetting, I have decided I have done more b***hing and f**king up other peoples' plans to impose my own than I have done good.
Therefore, I have decided to not help create the next RP in the series.
Lominax and the Seraphs will not be involved in the next RP, unless someone wants to take control of them.
I might join the RP anyways, but not as Lominax, though I might as a Seraph or two.
Thank you for allowing me to roleplay with you all, and I apologize that you all had to put with 10 months of my crap.
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