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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1320684341' post='5623842']
I just dont want to get hopeful that, in exchange for these crappy fillers, not only will Yuma use a Number other than 39 or 17, but he'll use the epicness that is Number 61.

That'd just be so funny if he destroyed like something with 3K attack for Game

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I was so upset in episode 16 (vs Yamikawa) when Yuma used that Spell to reduce Dododo by 2 Levels for Hope with Gagaga. I wanted him to reduce by 1, then use Gagaga for Level 5, then go for Volca and kill Crimson Shadow with that instead.

Because I genuinely hoped that would happen, I realized that Yuma and Astral haven;t even TOUCHED a Number other than 39 and 17 during a duel (Number 96 doesn't count).

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1320687250' post='5623932']
I was so upset in episode 16 (vs Yamikawa) when Yuma used that Spell to reduce Dododo by 2 Levels for Hope with Gagaga. I wanted him to reduce by 1, then use Gagaga for Level 5, then go for Volca and kill Crimson Shadow with that instead.

Didn't Crimson Shadow have an Overlay Unit still on it?

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[quote name='ケニヨン • ボリンガー' timestamp='1320705238' post='5624606']
Didn't Crimson Shadow have an Overlay Unit still on it?

Yes, but Volcasaurus isn't once per turn in the anime. Just attempting to blast it would have been cool. I guess he could still use that Quick-Play to win, but the effort to shake Yuma's strategy up would have been great.

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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1320705412' post='5624620']

Yes, but Volcasaurus isn't once per turn in the anime. Just attempting to blast it would have been cool. I guess he could still use that Quick-Play to win, but the effort to shake Yuma's strategy up would have been great.

That means he could have been saved for a turn, then Yamikawa could have also used that Quick-Play Spell as well.

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Crimson Shadow can only save itself twice. Volca can blast it twice and still attack. Ultimately, it would die and either Yamikawa is burned to death or is short 1 Number vs Yuma's Volcasaurus.

Doesn't really matter that much. It was just something that bugged me.

Anyway, I saw the preview for episode 31, and noticed Volcasaurus' appearance consists of it flying out of Yuma's Extra Deck into the sky, which leads me to one of two conclusions.

1) Yuma somehow loses Volcasaurus before the duel. When he loses against Charlie, he loses all his Numbers, but recovers Volcasaurus before Astral dies (this would confirm the theory Jin started, that only Numbers in your immediate possession are lost in a duel). He then uses this Number in the rematch.

2) Volcasaurus is the Number he loses IN the duel.

It just seems too random to be meaningless. Of all the Numbers to go missing from Yuma's Extra Deck, why Volcasaurus? So either way, Volcasaurus is going to be important somehow.

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[quote name='Jord200' timestamp='1320715798' post='5625102']
Either way Volca makes a return. I'm happy. *hopes for Galaxy Queen, Big Eye, and Shock Ruler to make appearances*

EDIT- wait, how would Charlie take Numbers? I'm sure he doesn't have Photon Hand, [b]and theres only 1 Astral.[/b]
Or is there? o.0

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No idea. We've yet to see anyone that isn't Kaito, Jin, or Astral taking someone's Numbers. I've said numerous times in the past (probably not in this topic) that Numbers duels are always IMPLIED to be wagering Numbers, as some users openly announce their interest in taking Numbers, and Astral only starts to disappear when dueling a Numbers Holder.

Is Charlie going to be specifically after Numbers the same way Kaito and Jin were? Maybe not. But if he wins, we may find out some answer about how Numbers work. The fact Number 96 seemed to deliberately allow its holder to lose at the start of episode 20 adds credence to my theory that Numbers are wagered by default, and losing a duel against another Number user will forfeit your Numbers to them. Curiously, the duel against Number 96's holder is the ONLY time Yuma has ever Summoned a Numbers before his opponent, so if we operate on the idea that Number 96 is intelligent, it makes sense that the loss was deliberate, so that it could be passed to Yuma, rather than random chance.

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I've noticed. If this isn't the last one, I'll have a bad opinion of the show, again. It wasn't until the last few S1 episodes that I actually began to like this, and now they make the show worse than it was at the start...

Though, from what I've read of the next six or so episodes revealed, it'll be getting back on track.

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