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[spoiler=Chapter 840]

Wow damn, biotechnology and cloning concepts being introduced into the One Piece universe. This is so exciting. They had already introduced robots and human experiments (the Punk Hazard kids), but successful cloning is on a different level. And to think the Vinsmoke kids were genetically engineering and Sanji resulted as a "failure"... I didn't see this coming: Oda addressing the controversial topic of human genetic enhancement; and with one of the main characters no less.


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I actually forgot that Vegapunk was a thing, so when they introduced the clones at the end of the last chapter I was wondering how anyone could be so technologically advanced in One Piece (you know, aside from our resident cyborg firing lasers from the cockpit of his giant transforming robot).

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[spoiler=More thoughts on Chapter 840]

Really, I feel this revelation about the Germa is way bigger and has more drastic implications in the One Piece world than it seems. With the power of cloning and human engineering at their hand, I'm starting to think it's the Yonko who should seek to ally with the Germa, not the other way around. Then again, AFAIK it hasn't been stated yet who was the one to approach the other.

Still, I cannot but think that their human engineering technology and capabilities are still kept as a secret; otherwise I imagine the Germa would be overloaded with pirates or organizations that want to make an alliance with them or destroy them to steal the technology, and spies attempting to infiltrate; unless they already are and this problematic will be addressed in a future chapter.


Now I'm curious on what specifically the Germa seek to gain from their alliance with Mom. I'm pretty sure the other Yonko have big things to offer, so why choose Mom?


Also I noticed how the series progressively introduces technological advances. As I stated before, first it was Vegapunk and his robot and experiment Kuma, then we saw Caesar with his experiments on gigantism and synthetic devil fruits, and now Germa with human engineering and cloning. I'm eager to see what's next. Cloning devil fruit users? Reviving Ace?


It just occurred me that the Vinsmoke heirs being experiments could explain why the color of their eyebrows and facial hair is different to their hair; or at least as is it depicted in Sanji. Also, it took me this last chapter to notice how the heirs are numbered from 0 to 4, while the organization (Germa 66), and I guess with it their father, represent #6. Could there be a kid-experiment #5 who was a "failure" and locked, or died?



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I love how Vegapunk's name gets dropped periodically. Personally the thing that caught my eye was how the WG ARRESTED him. Clearly this would have been a time before he was working with them so now I'm all the more curious what his deal is. Also, this is one of the things I totally am behind the WG with. Hell, Sanji seemed to be too.


My guess is they choose mom because they figured she would be the easiest to ally with what with the whole "just marry one of her kids" thing.


Yea, I was thinking about the 6 thing too. It stood out most in the flashback when the 5 kids are all numbered and the dad has the two 6s on his clothes. Makes you wonder why Oda chose 0. My best guess is the mother was 5. Also it seems like Sanji inherited a fair bit from her. Also seen is suggested that Reiju was a "prototype" which would also make total sense.


I find it really striking reading this and seeing Sanji called a failure and that he has 0 potential since we is one of the stronger characters in the series. Makes you wonder if he got there by the modifications kicking in super late of if he truly is a normal person who trained like an insane person like Zoro.


Chapter seems to suggest Sanji's sister is actually a pretty good person. My guess is she figured out that Sanji isn't really dead and she is the reason he escaped. Speaking of, the ending is pretty heart breaking. Sanji is so confused at whats happening, asked them to speak to his dad only to be told he is the reason he is being locked up, and then he continues to beg for his father to let him out. Agree that I really want to see Sanji kick the crap out of his family.



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I love how Vegapunk's name gets dropped periodically. Personally the thing that caught my eye was how the WG ARRESTED him. Clearly this would have been a time before he was working with them so now I'm all the more curious what his deal is. Also, this is one of the things I totally am behind the WG with. Hell, Sanji seemed to be too.


My guess is they choose mom because they figured she would be the easiest to ally with what with the whole "just marry one of her kids" thing.


Yea, I was thinking about the 6 thing too. It stood out most in the flashback when the 5 kids are all numbered and the dad has the two 6s on his clothes. Makes you wonder why Oda chose 0. My best guess is the mother was 5. Also it seems like Sanji inherited a fair bit from her. Also seen is suggested that Reiju was a "prototype" which would also make total sense.


I find it really striking reading this and seeing Sanji called a failure and that he has 0 potential since we is one of the stronger characters in the series. Makes you wonder if he got there by the modifications kicking in super late of if he truly is a normal person who trained like an insane person like Zoro.


Chapter seems to suggest Sanji's sister is actually a pretty good person. My guess is she figured out that Sanji isn't really dead and she is the reason he escaped. Speaking of, the ending is pretty heart breaking. Sanji is so confused at whats happening, asked them to speak to his dad only to be told he is the reason he is being locked up, and then he continues to beg for his father to let him out. Agree that I really want to see Sanji kick the crap out of his family.




[spoiler=Oh, right]

Their mother being #5, Reuji a "prototype", and both her and Sanji inheriting a "heart" from their mother makes sense. That could explain why she is more compassionate than the other siblings. Although... that makes me think: if the kids are experiments, the mother most likely was experimented on, which could have been the cause of her death. That would be awful, but I guess it can be expected from Judge, considering how cold and ruthless he can be.


A thing I found weird was how Sanji didn't know the story of his father as a researcher and his relationship with Vegapunk. I think it's something Judge would be proud of and would tell it to his kids every now and then to empathize the greatness of him and the Germa 66, but I guess he didn't explain it to them until they were old enough.


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[spoiler=Oh, right]

Their mother being #5, Reuji a "prototype", and both her and Sanji inheriting a "heart" from their mother makes sense. That could explain why she is more compassionate than the other siblings. Although... that makes me think: if the kids are experiments, the mother most likely was experimented on, which could have been the cause of her death. That would be awful, but I guess it can be expected from Judge, considering how cold and ruthless he can be.


A thing I found weird was how Sanji didn't know the story of his father as a researcher and his relationship with Vegapunk. I think it's something Judge would be proud of and would tell it to his kids every now and then to empathize the greatness of him and the Germa 66, but I guess he didn't explain it to them until they were old enough.



It comes down to what the experiments were. Its possible the mother was experimented on while pregnant, but its also possible that they were "test tube babies" modified outside of the womb and then placed inside of it.


My guess is he wanted them to focus on training as kids and didn't say anything until they were older.



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I'm gonna love Sanji's mom and her death's going to be super sad and sheet, won't it? I think Sanji's love for his mother could be lying at the root of his chivalry.

Sanji had an awful childhood, but damn does it make me respect him more to see what he's overcome. 


There's this new podcast that these guys are making to talk about the new One Piece chapter this week, they say some interesting stuff about it. They're also friends of Digibro's if anyone gives a damn about that.

The first 20 minutes of that video talks about chapter 839 and there's a cool theory floating around that they talk about. I'd say it's worth watching, I do it at double speed so it's not as long.

[spoiler=About Sanji]

His eyebrows flow the other way from his family's. Sanji and his siblings were constantly observed and raised to heighten their physical prowess since birth. And we know about Germa's cloning technology.

What if they're all clones made from his dad and Sanji was a failed clone? We know his dad has a scientific background since he worked with Vegapunk.


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[spoiler=Chapter 841]And so it looks like we've reached the end of Sanji's flashbacks. Sanji's mom died of illness, seems pretty cut and dry there since we didn't go into it that much. What Reiju said to Sanji reminds me of what Saul said to Robin.


lol Luffy, he's been eating Cracker's soldiers for 11 hours. This fight is actually really fun, even if it's not as interesting as all the business going on with the Vinsmokes.


The cover art was nice, too. Wasn't expecting to see Whitebeard again in this capacity.


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I'm really liking Sanji's sister. She seems like a good person torn between her family and the fact that her family is actually pretty crappy. Also, totally called her helping him escape.


The bit with Sanji's mom was REALLY simple. Nothing BAD about it really, but pretty bare bones. Though it seems Sanji's desire to be a cook came from her, so thats pretty important.


Th bit between Judge and Sanji was also really good. Yea, it makes total sense that he wouldn't care that Sanji would run away. All he cared about was his family name, and Sanji hates them anyway so it works out for them. I like how he frames not being able to kill his son as him having humanity, when in reality it's the only thing keeping him from being out and out evil.


Loved the bit with the snails climbing over the Red Line. That was just really cool.


The final bit with Cracker and Luffy had me laughing. It really is such a One Piece, and especially Luffy, solution to the problem. Guy attacks with food, eat the food. Bet Cracker never saw that coming.



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I feel like Sanji's mom was way underused here. She doesn't even get a nametag? EVERYONE gets a nametag in One Piece!

On a side note, I found it very interesting that Judge showed happiness and affection towards his kids. We never saw that kind of display until the kids started advancing. I think now that they have talent as weapons, Judge showed appreciation since they would come to be useful to him.


Luffy was absolutely hilarious. That'd be cool if his eating ability let him defeat an actual opponent.


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Wish we'd seen more of the fight, but seeing that Nami was able to provided support was pretty great. Naomi's continued control over the homies has been fun to watch. Also, don't remember who it was that said "Gear 4, Boundman was oddly specific and Gear 4th might have more modes" but they called it. We didn't see much of Tankman but combining the hardness of Haki with the softness of rubber seems interesting. Curious what else it can do other than make cannonballs. Curious if Luffy can reach that form normally or if he needs to get nice and fat before he can use it.


For the other cut arounds, the Mirror World stuff went where I'd expect with them being chased around. Guessing that and the meeting with Big Mom will be the next few chapters.



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Also, don't remember who it was that said "Gear 4, Boundman was oddly specific and Gear 4th might have more modes" but they called it.


That was me. I just felt like it didn't need a subtitle of "Boundman" if that was its only form. Though Tankman is most certainly something Luffy put together on the spot, I doubt he had it in mind before this fight.

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That was me. I just felt like it didn't need a subtitle of "Boundman" if that was its only form. Though Tankman is most certainly something Luffy put together on the spot, I doubt he had it in mind before this fight.

I can totally believe that. I think the most interesting thing from this is going to be how the designs of the various Gear 4s change. This one had the haki more focused on his stomach while Boundman is his upper body. Boundman has a very obvious Kabuki feel and I've seen Tankman compared to Sumo, and since that is a fighting style my guess is if we see more of the mode the fighting style will be based around that.

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I gotta agree! Nami helping Luffy was a nice touch, doesn't always have to be a one on one. And this was a great combo between hilarity and an awesome action sequence. That'd be interesting if Oda incorporated different fighting styles into Gear 4th, not sure how many that'd amount to but it's still a cool idea to think about.

I feel like the chivalry bit was tacked on. For once, I think I would've preferred another flashback chapter going more into his relationship with his mom and caring for her gave birth to his sense of chivalry.


With Sanji's face not being healed, I'm hoping this leads to another funny situation with a new wanted poster.


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[spoiler=842]Damn, I really loved that last page. Luffy and his clever moves and forms, also the struggling faces of Cracker. Speaking of Cracker, I find his (real) appearance cool; sad that he is going to be ultimately destroyed by Luffy


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  • 2 weeks later...


Great chapter!

First with Big Mom's power to control the weather, that's random considering what we've seen of her soul powers already, but that's pretty cool. Maybe her soul power allowed her to meet these gods or some vessels of them and absorbed their souls. So maybe she has other powers as well from souls she absorbed? 

The other commanders are Starch and Smoothie, pretty varied line-up for the commanders. Though Commander Snack seems more of a general theme than the other 3, wonder if that was on purpose?

A small detail I really liked was the Vinsmoke brothers reacting to Nami. Plus the brothers had a number of hearts emanating from them regarding their number (I think that Ichiji's one heart from his eye stretching next to Niji).

I want Luffy and Sanji to throw down for a bit. Luffy's had brief fights with Zoro and Franky, and then a pretty cool one with Usopp, so I think it's cool to see a brief fight with Sanji too.


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The weather ability is weird, but we know normal people can have a 6th sense for it (Nami) so not super out there. Plus it explains the sun talking to her and everything earlier in the arc.


I loved how quickly called bull on what Sanji was saying. Dude is dumb as dirt, but he can read people. Excited to see the two face off since we haven't seen something like that in a LONG time. Though we sadly know that Sanji and the Vinsmokes will make it to the castle. I don't see this arc ending without the wedding happening.



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[spoiler=843]Yeah, after what happened with Nami/Arlong and Robin/CP9 it's nice that Luffy's just immediately calling out Sanji. This fight will be interesting for sure, I wonder if either are gonna hold back against the other or if this will be full on.


I'm really curious about Big Mom's weather abilities. I'm wondering if it's somehow something natural about her (like how there's something about Blackbeard that allows him to have two DF powers at once), or if it's a result of her DF.


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Another cool thing that came to mind upon learning that is we have two Yonko, Blackbeard and Big Mom, that multiple different abilities that aren't just directly stemming from their main power. Whitebeard was just so funking strong with the Earthquake fruit, and it seems like Kaido is another powerhouse. It makes me wonder if Shanks is a powerhouse or if he falls into a special category like the other two. 

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Unlike the others, Shanks looks pretty normal and we haven't actually seen him do anything monstrous. Kinda like how we still have no idea of Roger's power, I imagine Shanks is probably along the same vein of power. Partly because he was a member of his crew.


EDIT: [spoiler=844]Dammit Oda, you got me again. I was expecting a heated battle instead I got blasted with feels. TT^TT


The hunger strike is pretty crazy. And I had just read Shokugeki no Soma before this, too.


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