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I really liked the bit about Urouge. I think it was easy for me to fall in the trap that Luffy, Law, and Kidd were the strongest three and the rest of the Supernovas didn't matter as much, but it's been clearer to me that I was sadly mistaken. 


And that's actually insane that Cracker's that strong. You guys were right, Luffy is pretty outclassed right now compared to the Yonko. It makes me wonder if the big showdowns with each of the Yonko will involve the whole Straw Hat crew to take them on. 

Although I'm betting power creep will just allow the Straw Hats to fight one on one against Blackbeard's crew by the end of the series.

I think Cracker still has some fight, but it won't go past next chapter. 

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To be fair, fighting against Blackbeard's crew won't probably happen for, like, ~8-10 years irl if it's going to be the final battle. They have tons of time to grow.


And when it comes to the Supernovas, don't count out Zoro. Post-timeskip I'd like to think he's closed the gap between him and Luffy more (though since Gear Fourth has been introduced, maybe less so), and I can't remember exactly but has he had any truly serious fights since the timeskip? He one shot Hody underwater and all the Straw Hats curbstomped all of his crew in that massive battle, beat Monet with overwhelming fear, and while the Pica fight took forever like most fights in that arc, I wouldn't say he had a hard time of it, he just had to deal with the annoyance of Pica's DF. I'm not sure if I'm forgetting anything else major.


And yeah, I imagine with how Dressrosa went, as amazing of an arc as it was, Oda's going to pay a bit more attention to his pacing, particularly when it comes to fights. One more chapter to the fight sounds about right.

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To be fair, fighting against Blackbeard's crew won't probably happen for, like, ~8-10 years irl if it's going to be the final battle. They have tons of time to grow.


And yeah, I imagine with how Dressrosa went, as amazing of an arc as it was, Oda's going to pay a bit more attention to his pacing, particularly when it comes to fights. One more chapter to the fight sounds about right.

My gut tells me that he got a little carried away with Dressrosa because he had fun with all the side characters he threw into the tournament. But I'm hoping/betting the extra time spent in Dressrosa will pay off down the line when the Straw Hat Grand Fleet comes back into play for some really cool sheet. But I agree, I think he'll try to go back to doing an arc per year. 

I know Zou was about half a year, so maybe this rescue Sanji arc will only go for half a year. I get the feeling that the big showdown with Big Mom won't quite happen yet considering the power gap, but who knows.

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All the side characters probably had a lot to do with it, especially with how I imagine he wanted to flesh them out plenty given how they've all joined together with Luffy at the end of the arc. Before we knew that they were forming that grand fleet, people were worried that these great characters were just going to get tossed aside after all the fleshing out they'd been given, but if the opposite had happened where they got very little fleshing out and just joined up with the Straw Hats in the end like they did, people would've also been confused or angry.


I remember reading about it from an interview he gave in the past, but basically Oda's had an absolute ton of elements that he's not been able to put into the story proper due to how long things would take. Between his own decisions and advice from his editors, he's said there's been tons of stuff he's had to cut or otherwise combine within story arcs (iirc there was something about how all these islands made of sweets in Big Mom's lands were originally going to be in something else).

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That doesn't surprise me. If One Piece didn't entirely exist in the mind of one guy, I could see it becoming a franchise with multiple spin-offs and characters exploring different ideas and parts of the world, like following different heroes in the Marvel Universe.

Probably for the best though, too many ideas at once can clog the pacing. That's why I like them exploring a handful at a time per island; it's a great set-up.

And when it comes to the Supernovas, don't count out Zoro. Post-timeskip I'd like to think he's closed the gap between him and Luffy more (though since Gear Fourth has been introduced, maybe less so), and I can't remember exactly but has he had any truly serious fights since the timeskip? He one shot Hody underwater and all the Straw Hats curbstomped all of his crew in that massive battle, beat Monet with overwhelming fear, and while the Pica fight took forever like most fights in that arc, I wouldn't say he had a hard time of it, he just had to deal with the annoyance of Pica's DF. I'm not sure if I'm forgetting anything else major.

Missed this, but yeah I can agree with that. I'd say Pica was a good challenge since he had to get creative with how to take him down and he enlisted some help like getting thrown by the punching guy (or someone, forget who). It's also interesting to note that he didn't have a handicap fighting Pica like he usually does.

I'd still say Luffy's stronger, but if he and Zoro were 10 and 8 in strength before, they'd be something like 20 and 19 now.

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I'd still say Luffy's stronger, but if he and Zoro were 10 and 8 in strength before, they'd be something like 20 and 19 now.


Yeah, exactly.


Something I thought about, does Luffy have other Gear Fourth forms he's still got hidden away? When Gear Fourth first happened I wondered why it was given a special name. Gear Second and Gear Third are just that, there's no additional thing like with Gear Fourth: Boundman.

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The fact that Oda has had tons of ideas for the series and just doesn't have the time to implement them all isn't shocking. I mean, you don't get to +800 chapters and keep this level of quality unless you are insanely creative.


As for Zoro, yea he hasn't had a proper fight since the time skip. He has just kind of walked through everything. Which does make sense since his goal of worlds best swordsmen has him fighting one of the strongest characters in the world.


And yea, I never though about Gear 4 having a sub name. That is curious.

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We're on break next week, RIP.


[spoiler=Chapter 838]Oda, you  magnificent bastard. He totally got us, this is not at all what I was expecting with Cracker. The fight's far from over, it's hardly begun.


Meanwhlie we know what Chopper/Carrot and Brook/Pedro are up to, so that's nice. And the Vinsmokes are all here, now. Sanji's still scared of his older brothers, it seems.


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[spoiler=One Piece]


Agree on the fight. Super happy with how Oda is playing it out. Looks like if Luffy can actually hit Cracker he will be OHKO but getting the hit is going to be the hard part. Cracker himself is really turning into a cool bad guy. His power is so One Piece too. I love it.


Nice getting the shot in the mirror world. It pretty much follows all Mirror based powers too with an alt dimension that connects all mirrors. Also nice detail that Chopper and Carrot have balls and chains on which would limit their ability to fight. Also, dat nickname. Nami's face was also great.


Another little detail I liked was how Big Mom seemed disappointed that the Straw Hats aren't going show.


Also, didn't think Sanji shivering was out of fear. I honestly just kind of thought he was cold. Its possible, but him having no issue with his dad makes me unsure.




Anyway, break is expected. They happen every 3 or 4 weeks and the last one was thanks to a normal jump break.

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Didn't expect that at all. I always love when Oda can take unassuming devil fruits from their names and turn them into something absurdly OP (like Kuma's Paw fruit). I guess Luffy vs Cracker will be making the former sweat more for a victory and that's fine by me.

I've felt some vibes in my gut wondering if this arc will start prepping Carrot to be a potential Straw Hat, but those vibes were dead wrong about Rebecca, so I'm ignoring them.



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[spoiler= chapter 838]

That was an interesting twist about Cracker. And I suppose pretty much every material-manipulation Paramecia user should be able to use their powers to such degree. I mean, with enough training, practice, experience, etc. Galdino/Mr. 3 for example, should be able to use his wax powers in a similar way, at least in theory. Also, only after this chapter I realized the Vinsmoke heirs have color titles xD

Even Sanji, despite growing separated from his family, ended up one (Black Leg).


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I feel like the "talking animal" role is already filler by Chopper, so Carrot doesn't have super good odds of being a Straw Hat.


I had forgotten that the Vinesmoke kids had color titles until this chapter. With 5 kids they are basically a sentai team. Red, Blue, Green, Pink, and Black.



Also, should note the cover story has finally ended. Since they almost always end up being important, curious whose wedding was taking place.

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You know who'd be really awesome to have make a comeback? Crocodile.


He may have been beaten by pre-timeskip Luffy back in Alabasta, but not after he just about killed Luffy multiple times over. During Marineford he clashed with Jozu, Doflamingo, Mihawk, and Akainu while escaping the war almost completely unharmed. In Alabasta he didn't seem to have Haki, and while part of that is probably due to it not being wholly introduced until much later, he also didn't show it during Marineford, but if he makes an appearance in the New World I'd be surprised if he didn't have it by then.


His Devil Fruit is also really powerful, even for a Logia. Despite not being Awakened (from what we can tell), he can control sand beyond his body, while also being able to terraform the environment around him into sand for him to control if he's in an area where it's not normally available. Being able to dehydrate objects and people by just touch is incredibly powerful and deadly, and in a way it allows a Logia fruit to combat its natural weakness. It seems to have a lot of utility.


We know he's somewhere in the New World with Daz Bones and, unless it didn't make the news or something, has been able to evade any sort of Marine or pirate capture since the time skip. I'd honestly be incredibly surprised for him not to show up again in the future. Dude's probably one of the stronger characters in the series, even if his loss to Luffy before would belie that, and he'd only be stronger now.

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Yeah, I don't doubt we will see more of Crocodile and Daz Bones eventually. Oda has shown us to be not one who leave characters behind, especially if they stood out in past arcs. Heck, we even got to see relatively forgettable characters like Bellamy and, indirectly in the current arc, Lola again.

And I agree his Logia power has so much potential and I think it still has a couple of tricks left to show, paired with Haki abilities he may learn in and for the New World.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know who'd be really awesome to have make a comeback? Crocodile.


He may have been beaten by pre-timeskip Luffy back in Alabasta, but not after he just about killed Luffy multiple times over. During Marineford he clashed with Jozu, Doflamingo, Mihawk, and Akainu while escaping the war almost completely unharmed. In Alabasta he didn't seem to have Haki, and while part of that is probably due to it not being wholly introduced until much later, he also didn't show it during Marineford, but if he makes an appearance in the New World I'd be surprised if he didn't have it by then.


His Devil Fruit is also really powerful, even for a Logia. Despite not being Awakened (from what we can tell), he can control sand beyond his body, while also being able to terraform the environment around him into sand for him to control if he's in an area where it's not normally available. Being able to dehydrate objects and people by just touch is incredibly powerful and deadly, and in a way it allows a Logia fruit to combat its natural weakness. It seems to have a lot of utility.


We know he's somewhere in the New World with Daz Bones and, unless it didn't make the news or something, has been able to evade any sort of Marine or pirate capture since the time skip. I'd honestly be incredibly surprised for him not to show up again in the future. Dude's probably one of the stronger characters in the series, even if his loss to Luffy before would belie that, and he'd only be stronger now.

I agree, Crocodile will definitely come back into things in a big way at some point. One thing I really liked about Impel Down was Oda bringing back these old characters, weak characters, and having them do epic sheet during the breakout and the Paramount War. I mean, I would've scoffed at the idea of Buggy being a Warlord a few years back and now he's risen to the top in a hilarious way. 

I dunno how I feel about the theory going around that Crocodile was a woman and possibly Luffy's mom, but I'm hip for him to come back. Now that I think about it, maybe he'll show up around that summit the world leaders are convening for. It'd be cool for him and Vivi to see each other again.

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that's fuckin stupid


Any basis from the people that say that?

Him being a woman is based from the little interaction he had with Ivankov in Impel Down where the latter threatened him on some secret weakness he has. 

And him being Luffy's mom I have no idea. Probably wishful thinking from crack-fic writers. I heard some people like to reference this one mafia OVA where Luffy resembled Crocodile.


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[spoiler=We back now]

Hello Nazi imagery. Lots and lots of Nazi imagery. Side from that, an awesome Sanji chapter. Get to see an old call back to his hating of seeing food wasted as well as his constant chivalry. The look on the cooks face when Sanji praised her food and the way she was beaten up also worked extremely well. Not to mention all the stuff with Zeff. Did see that being brought in as another tool to control him, but should't be shocked that it was. Ending is really curious since it seems like the strength of the Germa seems to come from growing or making humans. Also explains why everyone in their main work force is male.


Seriously, awesome chapter. Really want to see that lunch now.



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[spoiler=Chapter 839]

I didn't like that beating at all, the poor lovely girl didn't deserve it. She being properly introduced as Cosette makes me think we will see more of her, if not her having an important role later on.

Reiju has been acting too compassionate and understanding of Sanji compared to the rest of the siblings... it's suspicious; somehow it gives me the impression she is scheming something and may be interested in getting the assistance of Sanji. Yes, it was her who put the cuffs on Sanji, but their father was there so I guess she did to not raise any suspicions. Maybe she wants to revolt against her family, for similar reasons Sanji rebels, or to dethrone his father an take control of the Germa? Yonji could be involved too; he and Reiju let the Straw Hats go, after all.

Also, maybe it's just me, but from the way Yonji was quick on blaming Niji, I suspect it wasn't the latter who beat Cosette up, but actually Yonji, or even Reiju or at least under her command, in order to trigger Sanji and lead him to that room with the soldiers.


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[spoiler=Chapter 839]

I didn't like that beating at all, the poor lovely girl didn't deserve it. She being properly introduced as Cosette makes me think we will see more of her, if not her having an important role later on.

Reiju has been acting too compassionate and understanding of Sanji compared to the rest of the siblings... it's suspicious; somehow it gives me the impression she is scheming something and may be interested in getting the assistance of Sanji. Yes, it was her who put the cuffs on Sanji, but their father was there so I guess she did to not raise any suspicions. Maybe she wants to revolt against her family, for similar reasons Sanji rebels, or to dethrone his father an take control of the Germa? Yonji could be involved too; he and Reiju let the Straw Hats go, after all.

Also, maybe it's just me, but from the way Yonji was quick on blaming Niji, I suspect it wasn't the latter who beat Cosette up, but actually Yonji, or even Reiju or at least under her command, in order to trigger Sanji and lead him to that room with the soldiers.




Yea, Pink's reactions and facial expressions certainly suggests SOMETHING is up with her. Even from her introduction when Luffy is like "give Sanji back" she's been like this. Though they were let go back then since making a scene would have been bad for the marriage.


I thought the same think about Yonji. The whole "the most obvious suspect is Niji" is like, yea, he didn't do this.




Ok, so I wasn't the only one who thought this.


All these chapters with Sanji and his family have been really good. And yay on Oda (and all of WSJ) for the Kochikame shoutout.

The imagery is just SO overt and obvious. I'm curious why Oda is giving it to them.


And yea, when a 40 year, 200 volume series ends, you pay your tributes. Hell, given that a lot of the series in Jump now are only 4 years old at max you have to imagine most of the mangaka weren't even born when Kochikame started.

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