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[spoiler=Chapter 844]

Wow, that was dramatic. Luffy may be too silly sometimes with his antics IMO, but when it comes to dealing with people's emotions, he really knows how to play his cards. And damn, all the pressure he managed to put on Sanji.


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I gotta give Oda massive props for the art in this chapter. Just the way Sanji is drawn you can feel his pain and heartbreak. When you first see him crying its a wow moment. I also really loved how his brothers are laughing and enjoying it all, seemingly oblivious to Sanji just breaking down next to them. Luffy not fighting back and just taking it was a fantastic way to do the fight. As was the "even as you kicked harder I wasn't the one feeling the pain". The smack from Nami and her face after was also just drawn fantastically. The final bit was simply amazing. When Luffy says he won't move, I'm certain he won't be moving from that spot meaning he likely won't be doing much for the rest of the arc. Guess thats why he had the fight so early. And for him to give up food is really a great showing of how serious he is. And that last line "Without you I won't.....I can't become the pirate king".


This chapter was amazing. Oda set expectations high and he delivered ten fold.




On another note, I normally don't notice any major difference between the official translations and the fan ones, but here mangastream's word choice for some of the bits of dialog was way better imo. The stuff I quoted above being the standout examples.

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And looks like the next chapter has come out a little early.



Solid chapter. Sanji really has kind of abandoned all hope, but I can't blame him. He is boxed in from all sides. The scene with him and Pudding was really sweet. She really does seem to want to marry him which is cute, but she knows this isn't what he wants. Him saying she is the one good thing about this was a nice little daw moment. The army looked really cool, and I'm curious how Luffy will fare given he is so beaten. I did like the scene of him turning around just to keep from eating food rain.




No chapter next week because Oda needs his breaks.

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Yeah, it was sweet chapter in a way. IIRC I mentioned it here before, but I will mention it again: I really want Sanji and Pudding to end up married; she is such a lovely girl. Hopefully Oda will give us the best of both worlds and marry them while still allowing Sanji to continue his journey with Luffy; having Pudding along in the crew is a possibility too. But... I don't know, Oda took Ace away from us after all, so that should be proof of him being capable of leaving Sanji behind.


And, this is just random speculation but after that comparison of Pudding with the girl with a third eye that made a cameo in a previous chapter, for some reason it makes me think that Pudding may have a devil fruit power that rewinds time (at least for a couple of days) or influence the past in some way, possibly tied to a "third eye" look-into-the-past clairvoyance power or something like that, allowing her and Sanji to re-do some actions and keep him and Luffy away from the sticky situations they are currently in. Yeah, that would pretty much be a "Deus Ex Machina" plot device but really, I cannot think of any other way Luffy and Sanji can get out of trouble this time.


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[spoiler=845]It's gonna be really interesting to see how Sanji works this all out. I didn't expect him to want to go through with the marriage, but now that he is I wonder what he plans on doing to also get back together with the crew. He's obviously not going to be taken out of the story like this so he must have something in mind. I really have no idea how this will work, I'm really excited.


And in the mean time, how are Luffy and Nami are going to deal with the army?


Also, with us seeing Zeus and Prometheus it's clear that controlling the weather is just part of her DF using some powerful creations from her power.



[spoiler=EDIT]Oh, duh. You know who we haven't seen for awhile who is strong enough to help out against the army? Jinbei.


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Oh, thought I weighed in already. The scenes with Sanji were kinda nice and I also thought it was a great touch that Luffy even avoided the rain to drink.

[spoiler=EDIT]Oh, duh. You know who we haven't seen for awhile who is strong enough to help out against the army? Jinbei.


Oh yeah, that didn't occur to me. I'm game for that.

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Have the breaks we've been taking been on any sort of schedule or have they been random? I've noticed we've had them somewhat often lately these past months. (which is good, don't get me wrong, I want Oda to continue to live healthily).

Its been every 3, sometimes 4, chapters then a break for some time now. Looking at when the scans went live we have

11/2, 10/27, 10/20

10/5, 9/29, 9/21, 9/14

9/1, 8/25, 8/18

8/4, 7/28, 7/21


6/30, 6/23, 6/16


The extra one in July was for the holiday.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally got around to reading 846 right as 847 is due to come out.


Nice to see the fight with Luffy actually wrap up already. Also went the way you'd expect. Curious where that plot stuff will go from here.


I think I do like Big Mom. She is very insane, but has still be likable this whole time.


Nice to get a little more about the stones. Looks like we'll be getting more Brook and Pedro in the next chapter.



Also, fun fact I read Chess Barbarian as Cheese. Too many food things.

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It seems like Pudding (who I've never doubted as a good person, this chapter only further proves it, though Oda could still give us the switcheroo) is planning on running away like Lola, that'll definitely enrage Big Mom to no end if she pulls it off. Then it'll definitely come down to a fight.
Pedro was badass, and Brook's actions this chapter were really awesome, too. It didn't occur to me that he'd be able to affect Big Mom's ability since both of theirs are soul-based.
What a badass panel.

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[spoiler=Chapter 848]

Uh, I was hoping to see Chopper in action in this chapter; has been a while since he took the spotlight in combat IIRC. I found this chapter rather calm, overall. And where is Jinbe when the Straw Hats need him? Also ,this is more of a personal nitpick but I find annoying that there is another slime-based enemy (the cream one) in Big Mom's after Doflamingo's Trebol executive; IDK, its a bit weird to see Oda fall in redundancy (so to speak), when he is so clever and creative with the different devil powers. Then again, it's not the first time he introduces different characters with similar fruit powers (Machvise's Ton Ton no mi and Miss Valentine's Kilo Kilo no mi).


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That was an awesome display from Brook. I hope we can see him do more cool stuff this arc; he hasn't really had his moment in a while, you know? And I can dig Chopper doing something too. I feel like Big Mom will want to add him to her collection, so he'll have to do something about that.

Pudding's great, I feel bad that she's about to oust herself from her family, probably.



Honestly, One Piece will be on top until it ends. There's too huge a gap between it and 2nd place, and that's the case every year.

Someone somewhere will have to bust out the next Dragon Ball to try and top One Piece.

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[spoiler=Chapter 847 and 848]


847: Big Moms animal book is kind of creepy. The fact it seemed to get to Sanji's brothers speaks a lot about it. The stuff between Mom and Luffy was cool and I'm really interested in what is in the box. Mom's feelings on Lola aren't surprising. Curious who it was she was suppose to marry.


848: The stuff with Brook having a natural advantage over the homies is really cool and makes total sense for the series. His "Soul King" panel was just amazing. As for Pudding....................please don't be planning on killing yourself. You're too sweet. I mean she could just run away, but Luffy and Nami's faces plus the way she was standing on the balcony earlier in the chapter made my brain go the much darker path.



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[spoiler=Chapter 847 and 848]


847: Big Moms animal book is kind of creepy. The fact it seemed to get to Sanji's brothers speaks a lot about it. The stuff between Mom and Luffy was cool and I'm really interested in what is in the box. Mom's feelings on Lola aren't surprising. Curious who it was she was suppose to marry.


848: The stuff with Brook having a natural advantage over the homies is really cool and makes total sense for the series. His "Soul King" panel was just amazing. As for Pudding....................please don't be planning on killing yourself. You're too sweet. I mean she could just run away, but Luffy and Nami's faces plus the way she was standing on the balcony earlier in the chapter made my brain go the much darker path.




The last chapter cover series ended with the Red Hair Pirates celebrating a random wedding somewhere? I wonder if that's connected to Lola/Big Mom, or whoever she was supposed to marry. 

But I can't really think of anybody it'd be that we know. One theory I heard was that she was supposed to marry a World Noble or Celestial Dragon; I could see that since it'd ally Big Mom with the highest power in the world and why Lola would not want to go through with it.


And sheet that's dark. The fact that she's a sweetheart heh would make that all the more tragic.

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The last chapter cover series ended with the Red Hair Pirates celebrating a random wedding somewhere? I wonder if that's connected to Lola/Big Mom, or whoever she was supposed to marry. 

But I can't really think of anybody it'd be that we know. One theory I heard was that she was supposed to marry a World Noble or Celestial Dragon; I could see that since it'd ally Big Mom with the highest power in the world and why Lola would not want to go through with it.


And sheet that's dark. The fact that she's a sweetheart heh would make that all the more tragic.



I feel like if the marriage would have given Mom enough power to defeat Shanks he wouldn't want to be involved a wedding of something that could be used against him. Marrying a nobel or something to that effect is possible, but I don't see them marrying into her crew.




Based on the Manga Stream comments I'm not the only person who had went to the dark place. We'll see soon enough. Though with December comes a handful of normal breaks for Jump. Likely won't know more until mid January.


Isn't it still full of bombs?

I looked at the Wiki page for it. And then it all came back. Yea......I totally forgot about that. Gotta love Oda since that was over 200 chapters ago, meaning its been over 4 years since he introduced that plot point. O man, this should be really interesting.

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And looks like the next chapter has come out a little early.



Solid chapter. Sanji really has kind of abandoned all hope, but I can't blame him. He is boxed in from all sides. The scene with him and Pudding was really sweet. She really does seem to want to marry him which is cute, but she knows this isn't what he wants. Him saying she is the one good thing about this was a nice little daw moment. The army looked really cool, and I'm curious how Luffy will fare given he is so beaten. I did like the scene of him turning around just to keep from eating food rain.




No chapter next week because Oda needs his breaks.

Oh speaking of which, you know that one OST I asked you for help to find, found it eventually. 


Turns out it wasn't a OP ost, tho imo it has a very OP feel to it



Anyway the tie-in is that the reason why I had it confuses it was played in an Enies Lobby AMV where Sanji looked down 

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[spoiler=849]Woo, a lot sure happened this episode. Chopper and Carrot finally beat those jerks in the mirror quite handily. Brook's still doing his thing but now Big Mom's got her sights on him, hopefully he'll be okay. I'd be a bit more worried about Pedro if this weren't One Piece, I'm sure he'll be fine, though losing 50 years has got to suck.


Meanwhile it seems that Pudding has put her runaway plan (I assume) into action. But what happened to Reiju? That's got me really curious.


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[spoiler=Chapter 849]I loved the part with Chopper & Carrot. It was short but they were swift and clean with the execution, and it wasn't a small feat: they took down an entire Yonko squad. It excites me to see Chooper in action because I like to see what Zoans are capable of doing. I feel they are often seen as the least interesting Devil Fruit type because they are just an hybridization with an animal, but I look forward to them doing amazing stuff, like Chopper already does with his monster form. I wouldn't be surprised if stronger or elite Zoan users were capable of accessing their "Monster form" without the need of drugs like Rumble Balls; surely Chopper will be able to do so, eventually.

And yeah, the past page showing Reiju in bad condition is such a cliffhanger.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Figured with the new chapter coming out today I should read 849.



Lots of jumping around this chapter, which is one of the things One Piece does well.


Seeing Chopper and Carrot take control of Brûlée's mirror world is a really huge gain for the SH team. Especially since Big Mom doesn't know. Also, been a long time since Chopper called his normal form "Brain Point". As for the frog thing, my guess is Brûlée changed a frog earlier and they swapped it without her knowing. Also I'm curious if Chopper recharge time from using Monster Point is lessened if he ends it early.


Getting to see a little fighting from Brook is really cool. We've gotten the least from him since he was the last crew member added to the team and a WHOLE lot of stuff kept him from the action since then. Him being able to drop that many of Big Mom's people without trouble just shows how powerful he (and by extension, the whole crew) actually is. Curious to see what comes of Big Mom showing up.


Loved the exchanged between Tamago and Pedro. I always like seeing respect between the good guys and bad guys. Learning Pedro lost 50 years is a really interesting development and damn, them left eyes.


Also, that ending. Curious what happened to 0. Guess we'll find out soon....



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[spoiler=Chapter 850]

Damn... I felt fooled but I know I shouldn't since Oda did so well in hiding Pudding's true nature. And she is more malicious and cunning than I would have ever thought; a big plot twist there.

And yeah, since it was posted here how she resembled the 3-eyed girl shown earlier, it should come as no surprise for them being the same one.

We see Pedro slice Tamago, but I'm betting he is not finished yet and his egg traits should come from a fruit power or something. I was curious on how his fighting style would be since appearance-wise he doesn't look as buffed as that other long-leg tribe guy from the Colosseum; seems he relies on kicking as well.

I guess with this sudden turn of events, it makes sense for the Vinksmokes and Straw Hats to become allies; that would be such an interesting thing to see and something that before this chapter never thought could be a possibility; well,  I saw the possibility of #4 and #0 allying, since they have been half-supportive towards the crew so far, but definitely not with the entire family.



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