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Awkward Attack and Defense

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It actually kind of bugs me that only the first two numbers really matter in a duel, and only rarely does it ever get to XX50.

On an unrelated note, at our old locals when calculating lifepoints we just set a calculator at 8080. If you lost 100 life points, you'd just go "-100" and if your opponent lost 400 life points you'd punch in "-4". Hilariously enough, lightsworn weren't hated because they were a sack deck, but because Garoth had 1850 attack. And then Blackwing-Whatever-Level-3-Tuner-That-Halves-Peoples-Attack came out and people got even madder. "Hurr durr, I halve Garoth's attack."

Also made Solemn plays funny. I think one time a judge ruled that Life Points round up (2250 --> 1125 ---> 563) but attack points rounded down (1850 --> 925 --> 462.) which once lead to some guy having one life point left. We all thought it was a bullshit call.

tl;dr - Awkward Attack and Defense? Nah.

I don't even know why they have stuff in incriments of 1000, especially since the last two don't matter so often.

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and even when Life only manages hundreds as the common small units, I've had Duels in the past where I had to cut Life Points to fractions.

Gets attacked by a monster with XX50 ATK > Pays half of life with Solemn (Life XX25) > Life gets cut in half for some other reason (Life XX12.5)
An opponent and me sort of agreed to achieve a live point of 0000.5 when we saw the situation was possible.

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[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1344480315' post='6001595']
OK! Now is the time to ask.

Effect halves ATK. Do you round up or down?

Effect halves LP. Do you round up or down?
Numbers round up, but quantities round down. So probably they'd round down.

On a related note, if you have 1 Life Point, logic would indicate that you cannot activate any card that would require you to pay half your Life Points.

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[quote name='Dr. Cakey!!' timestamp='1344481451' post='6001613']
On a related note, if you have 1 Life Point, logic would indicate that you cannot activate any card that would require you to pay half your Life Points.

Pretty sure Yugi vs Siegfried is the official ruling on this.

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[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1344480315' post='6001595']
OK! Now is the time to ask.

Effect halves ATK. Do you round up or down?

Effect halves LP. Do you round up or down?
Halve the number, then use the basic rounding rules wher 5 or more on the last digit means round up.
So up.

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No reprint since Metal Raiders? IT SHOULD GET ONE.

[quote name='Hatcher' timestamp='1344470296' post='6001490']
It actually kind of bugs me that only the first two numbers really matter in a duel, and only rarely does it ever get to XX50.
[/quote]You're obviously playing against the wrong decks.

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If you are ever on 1 Life Point and it gets halved, that 0.5 is rounded back up to 1, so Solemn becomes costless. Awesome, huh? But yeah they should start releasing stupid stats like that so they could make a monster called 7|-0||3|] with 1337 attack.

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yea, bring back monsters with weird stats liker most of Panik's cards (Barox, Dark Chimera, King of Yamimakai, Reaper of the Cards, *see below*)

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[quote name='darkwolf777' timestamp='1344489011' post='6001750']
You can activate Solemn Judgment at 1 Life Point.

Also, Life Points and Attack/Defense round up when halved.

Really? I thought for years that the ruling was something like this:
- [u]Effects[/u] that halve ATK (Shrink) or LP (D-Hero Dogma) round up, because it should.
- [u]Costs[/u] that halve LP or something else round down, because otherwise you haven't paid the whole cost.
- If a cost/effect would be equal to zero, it cannot be paid/activated/whatever.

Therefore, I thought that using Solemn Judgment at 3 LP would require paying 2 LP (leaving 1 LP) because the cost is 1.5 LP and paying only 1 LP wouldn't fulfill the cost. In addition, Solemn Judgment would be impossible to activate at 1 LP because the cost would be equal to zero, just like you can't use lolCard of Sanctity with nothing in your hand or field, or use Backs to the Wall with exactly 100 LP left, or use Dark Hole with no monsters on the field, etc.

If the above is false, I would be quite surprised.

(Also A Hero Lives + Mooyan Curry + King of Yamimakai + Mystic Wok is the most efficient way to go from 8000 LP to exactly 5730 LP, at which point you should arguably win the Duel. =P)

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