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I find it odd that it comes out a week after the other 3 boxes though, but eh.


On another note, League hated me last night. I lost 3 games in a row, in the same, exact, way. I was in bot lane (ADC twice and Supp once), and we did well. But my team got steamrolled because, I sheet you not, all 3 times 1 single champ on the enemy team got a funk tonne of kills. Doesn't help that they were all super snowballing champs too. (Katarina, Fizz, Jungle Jax). And all 3 times, it was because my team didn't build against them.


The Darius kept making Black Cleaver even though Kat was kicking his ass. Annie didn't build Abyssal Sceptre (and was also terrible as the champ), and Jax was Jax.


Seriously, can Riot NOT build an AS Jungle item that isn't broken on someone?

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I find it odd that it comes out a week after the other 3 boxes though, but eh.


On another note, League hated me last night. I lost 3 games in a row, in the same, exact, way. I was in bot lane (ADC twice and Supp once), and we did well. But my team got steamrolled because, I s*** you not, all 3 times 1 single champ on the enemy team got a f*** tonne of kills. Doesn't help that they were all super snowballing champs too. (Katarina, Fizz, Jungle Jax). And all 3 times, it was because my team didn't build against them.


The Darius kept making Black Cleaver even though Kat was kicking his ass. Annie didn't build Abyssal Sceptre (and was also terrible as the champ), and Jax was Jax.


Seriously, can Riot NOT build an AS Jungle item that isn't broken on someone?

I dunno what elo you're in, but in my less than sheet elo, I think even just learning a STANDARD build would do people miracles.

Changing builds midgame or based on champion takes some time to learn.

I watch a youtuber called Phylol, and he notes that Jax has always been hard to balance, to be fair.

Fizz is a pain in the ass to fight, and I hate the safety that lots of assassins get.

They give them a powerful engage that also doubles as an escape. It makes Zed, Katarina, Ekko, and Yasuo just annoying as sheet. Though the last two aren't as assassin-y.

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Our Annie even admitted that they were doing terrible, and I told them they need to be a bit more intuitive, instead of just blindly building one item. If you die to Fizz three times, it's clearly time to alter your build. I mean, even a Negatron Cloak would have done miracles before continuing with belt. They weren't good a doing Annie burst either, so I suppose it might have been skill or items in that case.


Assassins, honest to god, piss me off. They get away with so much sheet, and get unfair kits because they're "fragile". Yeah Yasuo getting a damage sponge shield by WALKING is real fragility. I also wish Zed's ult shadow didn't last for a ridiculous amount of time either. The fact that he can go into a team for two kills, ad STILL get a free out for up to 8s after using it is bullshit. Also Katarina's R. The fact that at rank 3 the CD is 45s, 3 kills instantly refreshes it.


I am SO looking forward to the assassin overhaul, just so they can fix the hot mess that they are.

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Oh my god yes, f***ing towers. I have no idea how often I get poked under them, and they do jack f***ing s*** even though the enemy champ is CLEARLY in range. I get dived so often and the other champs out with barely a scratch.

Yeah, and I think they need a range buff and more armor pen.

An Ekko with no AP can still 100-0 me under tower. Cuz tanks with percent health.

Not to mention, towers die way too fast.

It's damn scary having towers drop to nothing in proplay- even with lane swaps- in less than 9 minutes.

It really needs some adjustment, even outside of proplay.

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Ekko was just overloaded from the start. Like, they gave him WAY too much sheet to play with. A tumble that then allows a free blink onto the next target in range he can auto. Plus Timewinder's BS slow and stupidly low CD. And of course, the three-in-one nuke, heal, and teleport of his ult. How did Riot even look at him and go "This is fine". Oh, I know how.



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Honestly sounds like a bit of a disappointing haul, save for BM Thresh, PP Renekton, and Zombie Brand.


I'm actually quite pleased.  Whistler Village Twitch is almost as rare as Pax TF.  Not to mention some new champs on my smurf.  So it's bueno.

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hey dad could i have some money you sound rich



I feel the matchmaking in League is incredibly bad. The MMR concept is a pretty...eh one.

We keep matching with people with 1000s of games, and today I just had an ADC with 0 wins. Thanks, MMR.

How am I supposed to learn the game if I'm matching with people with hundreds of hours of more experience than me?

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What level are you? I mean, if you're playing with someone with 0 wins, they shouldn't be anywhere near a level 30 player.

Levellllll thirtyyyyyyyy.

The game's matchmaking system is bullshit, yo.

My brother had a game with his two friends he just brought into league who were level 6 and 7 while he was 30, and they matched against a plat and 3 golds.

And while I wish the Ashe was a smurf, they had no braincells. Even less than me, somehow.


I have about 100 normal wins. God, it used to be lower than a 40% winrate, no idea why I'm matching with people like this.

I mean, premades are partially to blame, but anything less than 4 doesn't inflate your MMR THAT much.

Not to mention, it doesn't explain a person with 0 wins.

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Actually, in hindsight, it ain't. They could have been an ARAM player, since ARAM and unranked wins are separate. So they probably exclusively played ARAM and the other modes for experience.


Also, I'm typically below a 50% winrate since I get tilted a lot, so continuous losses tend to knock my wins down to at lest 5 less wins than losses (and this is from playing almost 1200 games).

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Depends on my mood. I like to focus on mastery a little, so I tend to try and work on different champs to get them to level 5. I also go by interest. I mean, I got them all, so I might as well use them, y'know? I wanna try Udyr sometime, since I got his Spirit Guard skin.

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Just a word of advice.  If you're looking to climb in ranked, focus on one champion.  Even after it gets boring, even after it gets frustrating.  Use that champion and only that champion.  If it gets banned, there are other champs you can play.  But when it comes to climbing, having a pocket pick and learning the ins, outs, combos, and limits of that one champion will really sway your games.


I recently picked up Viktor.  I struggled in mid Silver and Low Gold.  I've since gotten two of my smurfs to PlatV and I'm working on the last one.  Because I picked up and focused one champ.  But I only recommend this if you really want to climb the ladder.

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Do you guys switch between champions a lot?

I do. I'm still very new to the game, and I'm trying to find someone that sticks with me.

Every attempt at a main so far gets nerfed or reworked and I no longer enjoy the champion.

I also really like support right now, but when you rely heavily on another person doing good, I never go anywhere.

I want to focus on a few supports and become good with them, but I'm not sure what sticks and supports are always situationally good.

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Sona is naturally a potent all-rounder support, as she gels well with different ways of building her, which can focus heavy on support (I like this way, since I'm a sucker for Ardent Censer), but can also be built heavy into AP, or tanky.


Janna I also like, but she's INCREDIBLY passive as a support, and does kinda crappy against more aggressive bot teams. Her shield is really amazing though, as is her ability to peel people off with her Q and ult.


There's also Brand and Karma, who start off as support, but eventually just evolve into AP casters.

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M8 just play Karthus. He's great

I love everything about Karthus.

I hate midlane, though.

They have the most obnoxious fucks and I feel incredibly pressured to have tons of presence. Which I never do.

I might take him top. Do you like him there?


And yeah, I love Sona at the moment. I'm testing out multiple builds right now, I just need a not braindead adc to put them to use.

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