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Yeah, worse thing ever for a supp is an incompetent ADC by their side.


Also mid wouldn't be so bad if there weren't a f***ing Yasuo or Zed on the enemy side practically every f***ing game.

Yasuo, Zed, Leblanc, Ahri, Fizz, Ekko all make me never want to go mid again.

Oh, and apparently Brand now. His range is annoying as funk, 

I'mma just take my mages top lane.

I really like Viktor and Azir, but Azir feels unplayable after funking 4 waves of nerfs, and I'm not good at vector casting yet.

Orianna is fun, too, but half the time I get into position with her, I take two hits from my opponent and lose a third of my health while my orb has less range and is a skillshot. Or a ground target, whatever you may call it.


Eh. I'm tilting so hard, but I can't find a good way to actually practice. Bots are useless, and the game can't match me with someone actually at my level in gameplay.

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Yeah, LeBlanc can go die in a hole for such ludicrous levels of damage and being able to easily spam a double dash.


Still, you could just do a custom game with 1 enemy bot. That way you can just practice skillshotting and the like until you've got it down. Really though, you have to go through the fire and brimstone of playing with other people to git gud really.

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Yeah, LeBlanc can go die in a hole for such ludicrous levels of damage and being able to easily spam a double dash.


Still, you could just do a custom game with 1 enemy bot. That way you can just practice skillshotting and the like until you've got it down. Really though, you have to go through the fire and brimstone of playing with other people to git gud really.

Yeah, it's pretty much what it boils down to.

I go to bots for last hitting, skill shotting, and item building.

The issue is that real people really like to screw with your last hitting, and item building is greatly skewed by how many times you die/have to back/kills you get.


I plan to keep at it, but it feels like LoL is pretty rough to newcomers. I had a better time picking up Dark Souls at the age of 13, lol. Not necessarily the best comparison, but you get what I mean.

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More or less. It helps to learn a bit by checking guides and the like, and also experimenting yourself. I've been theory-oing about the upcoming Kled, and I reckon Cleaver and armour penetration will be good on him, if and just because of his W making such good use of it.


But it is always wise to make alterations to your in-progress build when the need calls for it. It's also VERY important to know when you should just play it safe and farm under your tower instead.

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Okay so pro as bollocks guide to Zombie Pope



Flash is pretty much a must. Always take flash. Preferably on f key otherwise I consider you to be a weirdo.

Exhaust. Talon, Zed, Yasuo, you can trade with all of them if they try to dive you but you have to remember they do have a stronger early game and scale just as hard. The key to those lanes is playing like a jabroni. Let them push, ask for no ganks, etc. Everyone else you can realistically bully. You actually have a surprisingly high kill potential on most people early game if you're good at landing your skittle.



Now you might think this is a bad idea but trust me. I didn't get to bronze 1 by not knowing my sheet. (i actually just don't play much) take 2 points in q then max e.

"But Lujan, aren't I supposed to spam skittles in lane?"

Yes. Now try doing that when you're oom. Your e has a passive on it that gives you a fixed amount of mana on a unit kill. This is important in lane. You should be able to last hit with 2 points in skittle pretty easily anyway, this way you have more sustain and if that cheeky Talon tries to towerdive you, you got it covered with a clutch exhaust and e. You should realistically kill just about anyone who dives you if you play it smart.

W lowers the mr of anyone who touches it. A little known trick is that you get vision with it. Also it slows.

R. The pentakill key. This is why you can sit your ass comfortably in lane and be a global threat. If It's up, look around whenever you get the chance. You can also ult in front of enemy laner to assert your dominance.

Passive: You don't die for a little while and you get free spell casts. This is actually a massive part of your game. You're not Zed, you are not a playmaker in that way. Your goal is to turn this into a game of attrition. You are an acceptable loss in a teamfight provided you position well because of this. It's also why you can follow your team while you're low. Ideally you want to survive as long as possible but if you see a chance, take it. Your death is worth it. Also protip, if your enemy laner is low and you have Requiem up but are oom, towerdive their ass. Your passive will get you that kill.


Items: idk lol haven't played all summer


Matchups: You ever lane against a total jabroni who never gets in your face? Yeah that's how you Karthus. You do have bad matchups against peeps like Zed and Yasuo who play ham as funk but this is why you play this way. You CAN outplay these peeps but don't make them a priority just sit under tower and play Farm Simulator Zombie Edition for a bit. If they don't kill you they don't outscale you. Make sure you look though they might roam and you need to tell your team when they do.


Combos: dafuq is a combo?


In closing: I am not good at this game. Ignore everything I say. Your thought process on Karthus should be somewhere along the lines of playing for attrition but don't worry too much about it. In fact, not dying is actually super useful too. Basically just adapt to what happens, pretend you're amumu and ffs don't ult until you die in a teamfight.

This has been Pro as Bollocks guide to Zombie Pope. Stay tuned for Pro as Bollocks guide to Nunubot. (does not apply to regular Nunu)


Tl;dr: I'm a baddie yo.

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Haha, thanks for that "guide". I like the concept of maxed E first. I'll have to check it out. And worst comes to worst, I just max it second.

However, since I think he benefits massively from the new Rod of Ages, the extra mana from his E might entirely be unnecessary. 

I plan to go RoA-->Tear (eventually Seraph's)---> Morello ---> Lucidity Boots---> That Purple Staff---> ??? (Rabadon's?) Or some sheet like that. Full CDR on my ult and having huge sustain, basically.

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The purple staff thingy is called Luden's Echo.


Also, some actually build Karthus tanky (w/ health and mana), since then you just keep your E going for a long time whilst your opponent(s) try to wear you down. You get some AP, but you don't need a lot since Karthus has crappy ratios anyways.

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The purple staff thingy is called Luden's Echo.


Also, some actually build Karthus tanky (w/ health and mana), since then you just keep your E going for a long time whilst your opponent(s) try to wear you down. You get some AP, but you don't need a lot since Karthus has crappy ratios anyways.

Nah, I know that one.

I always swap Abyssal and Void. Which one is the damn purple one xD

Granted, it might be better to go Zhonya's...

Wait, I'm being dumb, Rylai's exists and fits his tanky-mage niche well.

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*Laughs humorlessly* Yeah, I knew my Augmentation box would screw me over hard. My PROJECT blueprint was for Leona, the only one I wanted aside from PROJECT: Lucian. I got Warden Sivir, and a 975 or higher shard would have gotten me enough orange essence to unlock the skin. So of course I get a Pantheon champ shard instead. I take this with incredible irony because the only skin I want to get in the August sales cycle is Glaive Warrior Pantheon.

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So I'm just gonna pop in here to ask something of the LoL players here, if any of you have played or are familiar with Smite, what's your opinion on it? I ask primarily regarding the biggest difference the two, the fact that Smite is third-person WASD controls where everything including autos are skill shots while LoL is a traditional top down, but opinions on any other aspects of the game would be interesting to hear as well if you have any.

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Well, I was happy enough with PROJECT: Leona, in any case.


EDIT: Also, how funking bad do you have to be as a jungler to play an AD champ based around ganking, and not doing anything but funking farming in the jungle while the enemy jg ganks repeatedly. I was attacked 6 times by a funking Hecarim while my Kha'zix did funking nothing. I don't even think he paid a single iota of attention to the map.

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I would be happy with my Project Yasuo pull if I hadn't pulled him literally two days prior.

And, you know, if I owned Yasuo. 6300 champs take ages to get, yo.

I tried one more spin at the augment cache bundle, and while I got no augment cache fragment, well...






Edit: A couple of things

Broke down Demonblade, Super Galaxy, Gnar, Braum, Kass (already owned him) for Udyr.

Rerolled Singed, Xerath, and Annie into Challenger Ahri (funk yes)

Rerolled Leona, Orianna, and Akali into Taliyah


Finished my placements, placed SIlver 3 with 5 W 5 L. It's funny because of how TERRIBLE the losses were. AFKs, rage quitters, people picking special snowflake sheet like Midlane Master Yi or Ignite Top Xin Zhao and not going tank. I'm pretty happy with that. Also had a good game last night in ranked, got to see where I misplayed, where my team went quite wrong, etc. Good game, despite Zac's kit tilting me every time I see it, haha.


Finally, Riot has confirmed the directions for Talon and Rengar.

They have also confirmed next week's assassin rework reveal to be an AP Assassin.

Expect Leblanc or Katarina, as Eve and Akali have been confirmed to most likely need full VGUs.

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It better be funking LeBlanc.  I hate that funking champion.  Speaking of which, do you know how HARD it is to win against her as funking Zilean?  And yes, I did it.  Predicted her bounces back to her W, double stun, thunderlords and funk YOU.  I HATE LEBLANC PLAYERS YOU CAN SUCK A NUT.

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