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Fine don't invite me... beside i forgot nobody helps a unranked no one that's why this community sucks.


Lol I think it's just that nobody read the thread for a while. What region do you play on?


@Pac: I see what you mean about Xin on Ascension now: http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1681646595/207774400


I find MS based Xin best for this gamemode as a large amount of it is about mobility.

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@Metal: It's nothing personal, bro. I wasn't on, and even if I was, I've never played with anyone from YCM, unranked or not.


@EHN: Ya see? I've carried super hard all 5 games I've played him. I should probably actually build a Triforce...I usually don't.



In other news, Unicorns of Love and Millenium are 2-2 in the promo tournament, and UoL wrecked game 3 with Poppy.

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FNC skin HYPE. Sexy as fuck. So happy to finally get them as a FNC fan. Pretty pissed we are facing White & OMG in groups though, we must put our faith in Lord Rekkles to carry.


Also well done to UoL as well, will be nice to see a change in EU LCS after 2 splits of the same teams. Incoming Poppies in solo queue.

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WHOOO! I got lucky in Ascension and faced a team of quitters. So I not only got my fifth win icon, but also the perfect game icon as well. Which was completely just as planned.


I barely managed to pick up my perfect game icon, haha. Played Hecarim and ascended THREE TIMES, twice before we were even level six, and stole the Ascended Xerath to win the game, so technically four times I guess.


Anywho~ Ascension is fun, but I feel it gets old really quickly, it's just teamfight>teamfight>teamfight>kill Xerath>teamfight>teamfight, with a couple shrine caps thrown in there every now and again.

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So far from what I've seen, Maokai is the best champion for Ascension, hands down. Rush RoA, build really tanky, and you do a hefty chunk of damage and take ages to kill. If your team is with you and they focus you, it takes too long and your team cleans up easily, if they don't focus you, your damage is enough to finish the team, and you've got that build in heal. God forbid you ascend.

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Poppy is actually pretty good in Ascension, too. You don't need to worry about having no waveclear, she's good at brawling, you hit level 6 really early, AND there are walls everywhere for you to slam people in to. I've been wrecked by (and wrecked the other team as)  ascended Poppy by ulting somebody and one-shotting everyone else. That's how I got the perfect icon =D

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"I'm not sure if we'll club her or not - I'd prefer to stop abusing her if we can manage or if there's some team strategy that makes this interesting as opposed to dominant. I need to speak to the Live Gameplay dudes as this develops" -Morello


So Poppy might NOT be boned after her performance if she doesn't pop up more often and doesn't become a contested pick. However, it's high time Riot moved their asses and reworked her. Who cares for Sion, Cassiopeia or Viktor. Let's get the toxic shit out of the way first. I'm seriously annoyed at this. "Oh, well yes, there are those 2 guys, Yorick and Poppy, we can't allow them to be good, HERE HAVE A REWORK OF CHAMPIONS THAT ARE PRETTY MUCH OK". Rito pls. >>

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Lol that is pretty silly, kills the point of Sejuani basically.


On a different note, does anybody else find that exhaust feels reeaaally strong right now? Not on support, but on a lot of tops and mids. Makes your all-in potential a lot stronger and it can be better than heal on passive/farm lanes.

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If you're smart about your all-ins, exhaust isn't really necessary, I think it's always better to take ignite for the damage and reduced healing. Unless you're someone like Karthus, or whoever benefits more from exhaust just because of their skillset.


As far as heal goes, barrier does better than heal in most scenarios, since a LOT of supports run ignite over exhaust nowadays, mainly to counter the heal. However, if you're someone without an escape, heal should remain the preferred summoner.

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Yeah... His ult was breaking the tower AI, so he's gonna be disabled for who knows how long... I might cry


Nashor's + CDR boots, and the 5% CDR from the masteries and you're already at your CDR cap, giving him monstrous AS with just that, gonna be lots of fun. I can't wait to start playing him.

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