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[PKMN]Tournament of Legends [PG-13/Started/Always Accepting!]

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Can I get into the story, too?

Well my friend, there seems to be two factions right now: The serious side, which features action, gun-shots, romance, N.N, legendary dogs, and a Seer . Then there's Kytes, and who ever is unfortunate to be caught in his company. (note: this side does have Italian food... so its sort of a trade off)


Pick one now!    

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Well it is always open for new participants. Don't worry guys, I will get this going along, I just have to give ListenToLife a fair warning before I move it forward. If by the end of tomorrow nothing has happened I will bring it forward and N.N. will have his moment in the spot light. 


EDIT: Did anyone hear back from RWBY?

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