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The Grand Crossover RP - Pathway to Origin [OOC/Apps Closed for Finale]

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...still can't figure out what to post just yet.


BUT ANYWAY, I've actually watched the first three episodes of the PMMM anime for once (which is weird since Puella Magi Yuki Magica was hosted way back in July). Today though, I'll plow through the rest of 'em before posting; if only to see if Kriemheld Gretchen can do anything more than "ZEE VORLD SCHALL END IN TEN DAYS"

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...still can't figure out what to post just yet.


BUT ANYWAY, I've actually watched the first three episodes of the PMMM anime for once (which is weird since Puella Magi Yuki Magica was hosted way back in July). Today though, I'll plow through the rest of 'em before posting; if only to see if Kriemheld Gretchen can do anything more than "ZEE VORLD SCHALL END IN TEN DAYS"


....must resist urge to spoil....


But, wait a minute. Do you really plan on bringing it here?

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Hey Merci,



Iirc you have said something about this, but can't find it after digging the past 15-20 or so pages.


Think of it like an accelerated sunset/sunrise. So if you're at the border, the sky will be orange-y, the sun over the horizon (the Sphere doesn't rotate, but considering the small size, it probably moves a noticeable distance every time you travel a kilometer or so) and become a starry blackness as you leave daylight, or vice versa.

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Hey Chris, what happened to the three shield bearers? After blocking the petals, they seemed to not be mentioned again, but the text seems to imply they're not killed by Byakuya.


STAHP PIcKING UP ON EVERYTING.  Byakuya doesn't know they're still alive.  Remember, the Spartan Warriors are magical.  They can move in strange ways.  You'll find out soon enough.

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