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[TCG] Mega-Tins - Promos, Mega Pack 2014 contents confirmed in part.

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Each Mega-Tin contains 3 fixed Variant cards. 1 Platinum Secret Rare & 2 Super Rares.


Each Mega-Tin contains 3 Mega Pack 2014 booster packs.


Mega Pack 2014 is a "best-of" set comprised of cards from Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy, Judgment of the Light, Shadow Specters and Legacy of the Valiant. Each Mega Pack contains 16 cards including 1 Secret Rare, 1 Ultra Rare, 1 Super Rare, 1 Rare and 12 Commons.

The "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King" Mega-Tin contains:

Platinum Secret Rare CT11-EN001 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Tiger King
Super Rare CT11-EN003 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Gorilla
Super Rare CT11-EN004 Number 47: Nightmare Shark
The "Bujintei Susanowo" Mega-Tin contains:
Platinum Secret Rare CT11-EN002 – Bujintei Susanowo
Super Rare CT11-EN005 – Bujingi Crane

Super Rare CT11-EN006 – Archfiend Commander



Confirmed Reprints


Secret Rare:
MP14-EN031 - Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal
MP14-EN056 - Totem Bird
MP14-EN106 - Transmodify
MP14-EN116 - Angel of Zera
MP14-EN119 - Coach Soldier Wolfbark
MP14-EN165 - Meliae of the Trees
MP14-EN177 - Mistake
MP14-EN225 - Downerd Magician
Armades, Keeper of Boundaries
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Coyote
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster
Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand
Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
Pinpoint Guard
Pot of Dichotomy
Rainbow Kuriboh
Torrential Reborn
Ultra Rare:
MP14-EN024 - Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon
MP14-EN162 - Ghostrick Alucard
MP14-EN117 - Xyz Encore
MP14-EN198 - Sylvan Marshalleaf
MP14-EN201 - Sylvan Hermitree
MP14-EN218 - Number C101: Silent Honor DARK
MP14-EN219 - Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
Bujin Arasuda
Bujin Mikazuchi
Bujintei Kagutsuchi
Bujintei Tsukuyomi
Bujin Yamato
Celestial Wolf Lord, Blue Sirius
Constellar Omega
Crimson Knight Vampire Bram
Harpie Channeler
Mecha Phantom Beast Aerosguin
Mecha Phantom Beast Blue Impala
Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force
Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force
Scramble!! Scramble!!
Super Rare:
MP14-EN099 - Number 66: Master Key Beetle
Bujingi Hare
Bujingi Pavo
Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves
Constellar Sombre
Fire Formation - Yoko
Ghostrick Ghoul
Ghostrick Lantern
Madolche Hootcake
Mariña, Princess of Sunflowers
Skill Prisoner
MP14-EN102 - Bujincarnation
Archfiend Heiress
Battlin' Boxer Cheat Commissioner
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar
Bujingi Crow
Bujingi Fox
Bujingi Raven
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Leopard
Bujingi Centipede
Bujingi Ibis
Bujingi Turtle
Bujingi Wolf
Bujin Regalia - The Sword
Fencing Fire Ferret
Fire Formation - Kaiyo
Mecha Phantom Beast Blackfalcon
Library of Alexandria from DGz for most of the initial pulls
Bodan from DGz for confirming Dracossack
emerson_kod on French eBay for high res images
*chaos_soldier* from Pojo for 101 pull and other confirmed cards
photonkrios95 from Pojo for pointing out my failure to add C101
OnSlaUghT for commons/rares + Rooster/MPBs
Anonymous German leaker for also "confirming" Dracossack
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Considering Tenki just got a reprint, I doubt it's getting <ANOTHER> right away. Prolly soemthing like...I dunno, Tiger King? Cardinal? Something in high demand.

I'm betting PSCR Bear and Yamato. SR Gorilla, Spirit, Crane and Centipede. Tensen, Leopard and Bujincarnation could be up there too. Maybe Wolfbark even though it's not in-archetype.
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Meh. Themed cards are fine and all, but I prefer the tins to have y'know... legit staples.

I mean, we had BLS, Catastor, and shit in them. its okay if some are based on a theme, but flat out making the entire tin themed is uncool.


Then again, we dont know what'll be in the mega packs. So maybe it'll work out.

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I'm not sure what to make of this tbh, so I'm on the fence until we get more info. It all depends on what is included in the Mega Packs tbh.


Meh. Themed cards are fine and all, but I prefer the tins to have y'know... legit staples.

I mean, we had BLS, Catastor, and s*** in them. its okay if some are based on a theme, but flat out making the entire tin themed is uncool.

I agree, I'm not a big fan of this either.

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Err. I'm not a big fan of either archetype, so having a tin with their key monsters on the cover or any of their cards doesn't appeal me at all, and such a big Megapack is gonna get more meh pulls than anything else.

I'll trust Arc V's first year of cards to be more than just sealed-up archetypes. I'll get it if I can get some interesting toys to play with at home with friends.... maybe...

The bigger tin sounds nice, but not hugely exited about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Image of the tins



It looks like they're in Legion.


There a source on the image? That looks like a really bad shoop. The last time we got a tin spoiler this early it was a physical mock-up.


EDIT: Nevermind, found it. Still looks like a really bad shoop to me.

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  • 1 month later...

Yup. Apparently they're reprinting only chase cards. I'm hoping we don't get reprints in the same rarities. I have several Japanese Ultra/Ulti Sacks and Ultra looks so much better than Secret. Here's hoping for Ultra Rulers as well, and maybe Ultra Crane, Turtle, Quilin, Hare and Centipede.

This is an excellent opportunity for them to print a high rarity Leo as well.

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