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Post a Favorite Color and I'll turn you into a Yugioh card!


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Yeah as the title says. Just post your favorite color and I will tell you what you would look like, what your effect, and attack and defense would be.

Oh and you CAN, of course, comment on any card I post.

lets make a BS YCM deck guys.

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Your moms insides are my favorite color.

You would be a parasite yugioh card, with tiny razor teeth and three eyes. You would be a brownish color and have the effect of attaching to an opponent's monster to lower its attack by 500. Your atk and defense would be 400 each. level 3.


My favourite colour is silver.

You would be a metal warrior with bulky arms and rollerblades. Your effect would be to destroy an opponent's monster at the cost of destroying a monster you control. Your atk would be 2200 and your defense would be 1500. Youd be level 7.

I will do the other ones as SOON as I get home, because for now, my work break is ending x.x haha



...this is surprisingly fun.

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Black is my favorite color. Followed by red, if that's important.


You are a black dragon, with a frighteningly powerful jaw and a small frame, able to fly at fast speeds. When you inflict damage on your opponent's life points, you can destroy a trap card on the field. If its facedown, you flip it face up and destroy it if its a trap. Your atk is 1600 and your defense is 500. Your level is an impressive 4.

slightly darker shade of red


[spoiler='here let me help you with that']




You are a Winged Beast from the old Indian legends, with enormous wings that can block any attack. You have red designs on your wings. Your attack is 1600 and your defense is 2500. You cannot be destroyed by monster effects or monsters with an attack of 2800 or less.


I really like a bright pink/blue combination.

Teal, too.

You would be a long sea serpent whose scales shine in different colors depending on the light. You have spikes on your back that go all the way to your tail. Your attack is 2600 and your defense is 2000. Your level is 8, and your effect is that you gain 500 atk for next turn if you destroy an opponent's monster.




You're a fairy that touches kid's dreams at night and feeds off of them. You have long blond hair in pigtails and a purple dress. Your attack is 700 and your defense is 500. When your opponent loses life points, you gain those life points, and this card can attack directly. Your level is 3.

Blue, with red as a close second.


You're a warrior that uses steel knuckles to best all other weapons in the world. You wear a Japanese boys uniform, usually, and your hair is short, spiky, and brown. You also have a scar on your left cheek. Your attack is 1800 and your defense is 1000. You gain 200 atk for every warrior monster in your opponent's grave. Level 4.

Purple & Green neither is better than the other for me.

You're a machine that lives inside a factory, and you cannot leave there, or you stop functioning. You have purple and green colored metal, rusted by time. Your atk is 500 and your defense is 2300. You gain 500 defense if you are the only monster on your side of the field and you can't be destroyed by monster effects. If you are destroyed, however, you lose 800 life points. Level 5.


Black and cerulean are my favorites.

You are a water type that lives in the depths of the seas, where no other fish dares to live. Your form is that of an Angler fish, and you are one of the last of your kind. You have viscious jaws and you can swim incredibly fast. Atk is 1900 defense is 200. When you destroy an opponent's monster, you can attack again, but it would do half the battle damage. Level 4.


Amethyst and Mint Green.

You're a rock type that lives in a mine, undiscovered by mankind. You go on rampages often, and most overground creatures think its earthquakes. Your atk is 1500 and your defense is 1200. You dont take battle damage from battling and you destroy any monster you battle the beginning of the turn after. You are level 4.


Purple. For it is the manliest of colors.

 You are a psychic maniac that uses psychic abilities to juggle, and to attack. You have dark goggles and a fedora. You can, once per turn, send up to 5 cards from your deck to the grave to deal 500 damage per each to your opponent. You have 1300 atk and 1800 defense. You are level 4


I'm not sure why I'm intrigued, but...


Black and Green.

You are a mighty warrior from the woods. You were blessed by the woods, and have become one with nature. You have long dark hair and rather large muscles. Thankfully for fangirls, you don't wear much. Then again, there's no one around. So you dont mind. Also you've never really seen people. Your attack is 2300 and your defense is 2000. When a plant type is sent from your side of the field to the graveyard, you can attack again next turn. Also, you can give up 1000 life points to revive any plant type monster whose level is below you. Your level is 8.


Based on my color, allow me to make the prediction:




Close XD


You are an ancient frog spirit, with a lime green color that faintly glows. You are the protector of a pond where you lived many ages ago, a pond you swore to protect from any wickedness. Due to that, the other normal frogs have prospered under your protection, and you are now a wise elder. Atk 1100, defense 2500. Any frog under your protection cannot be destroyed by battle, and if a frog would be destroyed by a card effect, you can sacrifice yourself to save it. Level 5.

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Green, darker than not.

You are a dark mage of the swamp. that creates and concocts potions and stuff. You have grown tired of humans and secluded yourself to your research. Your atk is 500 and defense is 500, but you can sacrifice any other monster you control to add any normal spell in your grave to your hand. However, to use it, you must pay 600 life points. You are level 3.

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@ Armadilloz


You are a giant level 8 purple dragon, and when it attacks, it gains 1000 atk until the end phase. You have 2400 atk and 2200 def.




You are a tiny raven that no one can really spot, because you fly so high. 500 atk, 500 defense. You can attack directly and cannot be attacked.



Ill do Sakura and Poison soon XP

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