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Gundam Build Fighters Try

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He built Build Burning for Reiji... TT^TT


I imagine they waited that long to destroy the castle because they wanted to save their strength in case it didn't work, which it didn't. But that battle was epic as fuck. Star Winning's Real Mode was an awesome surprise.


And the Gunpla Junya has in the OP is what he built from what he takes from Yuuma? Nuuuuu...

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He built Build Burning for Reiji... TT^TT


I heard this and basically teared up!! T~T


But it really makes everything clearer, somewhat. Sealed away with his memories of him...what better place than that championship trophy. DANG IT, REIJI NEEDS TO COME BACK AND SEI NEEDS HIS APPEARANCE!!! T~T


And the Gunpla Junya has in the OP is what he built from what he takes from Yuuma? Nuuuuu...


I really hope not...cause that would be just wrong!!

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Well hot damn, that fight was pretty fun. Good episode, though I think I enjoyed the previous one a bit more because of its opening hilariousness.


Star Winning's real mode is pretty dope, but there's no way in hell that those bits are big enough to combine with it and make it as large as a full size model, not to mention the skill and time necessary in order to make transforming parts like that function without lots of unnecessary kibble.I mean, Hoshino's a great builder, but I don't think she's that good. You're starting to stretch my suspension of disbelief there, mecha designers.


Speaking of Hoshino, she finished her little mini-arc of character development with this two-parter, taking charge of the team and delivering the finishing blow herself. Bonus points for Sekai and Yuuma being her support, for once. It was a nice change of pace from the usual "Sekai punches enemy into oblivion and makes friends" ending that the majority of the series' fights have had so far. Hoshino's got a little more confidence in herself now, and if you listen closely you can pick up on it in her conversation with Shia.


Speaking of, I had to laugh a little at that scene. Its the first time we've heard Shia speak in anything but that waifish monotone she usually has. I don't think she was expecting Hoshino to be there.


As far as other plot points go, Sekai demonstrates once again just how much like Domon Kashu he is by communicating with the Triplets through his fist (something Domon & friends did on the regular in G).


Sei formally gifting the Build Burning to Sekai was touching, though I find it just a little hard to buy that Reiji would be able to fight with the Build Burning like Sekai does. Maybe Sei made guns/swords for it and never installed them?


Next episode looks interesting, with Yuuma being cornered by Junya's posse. If the preview is any indication, there'll be a fistfight between them, Sekai, Sleggar, and what'shisname who boxes and used the Destiny Gundam back in ep 7. I'm still curious about Junya's gunpla, though with him attempting to steal the Build Burning's spare parts (how does he even know that's what's in the box, btw? its not like Yuuma was speaking about it aloud in his presence) my Gundam X theory looks a bit less plausible. We'll see.

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The way they made it, the Build Burning can actually fit inside a Dom. I'm sure they can make a Real Mode transformation possible with the Star Winning.


So far, they've also build the kits to be as accurate as possible, in and out of show.


Only error that they made is the fact that the HG Build Burning having an inner frame, though, knowing Sei, he probably made it so that it can fit an inner frame for a superior structural build.

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Since it doesn't seem like there's enough time in this season for it, I'd really like a more Arian-centric season 3. So far aside from a couple mentions, they've left out what seemed to be a very important aspect of season 1.


Plus we need more ReijixAila.

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ITT denial gundam is Nobel Gundam.

Tbh, unlike Build Fighters, Try doesn't work that well with the 26-episode format. They have triple the characters to play around with and develop, but it doesn't really translate well into the limited timeslot, hence many interesting characters not getting enough screentime for shenanigans.


GBF has quite several characters having subpar first impression, but since they're working with a smaller cast, they get more time to recur and do shenanigans.


Also, damn, the episode slots are getting really really tight now. Even assuming Granada trashing White Wolf is going to be on the next episode after Sekai vs Junya, the episodes are seriously getting ridiculously packed with the two parter fights


EDIT: Important stuff



Yep, the model kit can actually turn into an SD. Also SxDxG gundam combination is going to be a thing.

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But hes the Master Asia of this series.

Not quite. While he was a sort of mentor for Sekai, he's not quite there. Master Asia while against Domon, was supportive of him up until he got to fight him. He wanted to be Domon's final test to see if he really was worthy of the title King of Hearts and went to some ridiculous lengths to do it, but he was never outright malicious. Junya on the other hand has had almost no development other than pretty much this trope. I get that it's in part because of the length of the series, but he could have been introduced sooner like all of the rivals in Build Fighters were and he would have probably been an interesting character.

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What a boring episode I must say. It was entirely setup for the fight with nothing of substance in the way of character development aside from maybe Yuuma coming out of his shell a bit. I know Try's marketed to kids and all, but the writing this week was insultingly dirt-simple. We still barely know what Junya's deal is other than the fact that he just wants to beat Sekai because reasons, and aside from that he has next to no personality. I mean, you'd think that considering Try literally did this kind of episode already with episode 7 that they'd make it interesting or something.


Jury's still out on what the hell kind of machine the Denial Gundam is though (side note: what a stupid name). It makes my brain itch.


That aside best part of the episode by far was Mirai repeating the advice domon gave to her and sekai, which essentially boils down to "If you don;t understand something, punch it in the face". Communicating with your fists indeed. Oh, and of course they're fighting in the guyana highlands.


More importantly, as Nai mentioned above, the pacing for the show is really off now with the second two-parter in a row, especially since this week's episode is essentially filler and could easily have fit its entire arc into last weeks almost equally empty episode. We've got 7 episodes and 4 opponents left (assuming Try fighters goes up against the zakus, euro champ, sakai, and the gunpla academy), which is going to leave very little room to finish character arcs in the middle of all that fighting.

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Actually Zai, the team'll only fight against 2 more opponents.


Note that this is top 8 already. After this is the top 4 which'll consist of Seiho, Granada, Tendaiji, and Gunpla Academy. Hence why I said that we'll see Grananda trash White Wolf around.

Oh, i must have missed that. That kind of saddens me since they basically wasted screentime on the Zakus. On the bright side it makes the show's pacing issues a bit better.


EDIT: just 2 more opponents also means they won't be fighting against the Euro champ either. something's fishy here.

You know... Star Winning's 'Real Mode' looks top heavy as f***.

It's the fact he has a 'Dark' version of Jigan.
Like how Asia has his Darkness Finger.

He's kyoji/schwartz bruder more than master asia, actually. right down to Denial resembling the gundam Speigel and Juunya Teaching Sekai an incredibly important skill in guyana.

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Liver blow into Gazelle Punch into Dempsey Roll? Junya, you spoil us.


I was so hoping Domon was gonna say something in that flashback but we get nothing still. :(


EDIT: Guise, I got it. What if Try Burning gets destroyed, and there's another smaller, more powerful Gundam inside of it?! Brilliant.

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Seems to me like learning to build is another part of his goal of ultimate strength. He learned the different parts of Gunpla Battle like he learned abunch of different martial arts.


And bonus points for that one guy using Pugachev's Cobra on top of all of Junya's martial arts.

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