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Gundam Build Fighters Try

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The beginning was as mecha a mecha show can get. It looked like the triplets were fighting someplace right out of AoT. And what kinda ninja bullshit were the guys fighting the Gabai Institute trying to pull? How does a Gunpla do that? XD


Sorry, Hoshino, Shia is best girl.


Also, we've got sweet sfx in the OP now.

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I called it right, Sakai's machine was a mega zeta. a rocket punching, super robot mega zeta. all of my yes.


That ninja team was also really cool to watch, epsecially the Gundam speigel that was packing a GN condenser blade. Too bad they were a throwaway team. Bonus points for the leopard destroy cameo during the clip show. i have a soft spot for huge gatling guns.


I'm actually not a fan of the SFX in the OP. There's too much of it and it detracts from the music and the mood its trying to make. I hope they mix it a bit better for future episodes.


Shia's G-portent is rather boring to look at in action, i must say. I can't really buy that it's movements are so delicate that it can touch live missiles without detonating them, and that GN beam whip thing is unappealing to me. Not a fan of the mint green paintjob either. Shia herself is adorable though.


Highlight of the episode was totally Yuuma's interview and subsequent phone call though. The way that the scene is shot seems to imply that China and Sei are on Arian, possibly visiting reiji and aila somehow.


Speaking of speculation, having done some rather tedious pausing and zooming in on the OP, it seems that dark!sekai's (who's name i can't recall) gunpla is based on the Gundam x or a derivative of it, as its feet, chest design, and purple glowy bits (which resemble sattelite system energy collectors) are all nearly identical to the x. The fact that the x has had a similar emo black & purple paint job in some obscureish gundam manga also helps. We'll see if i'm right when they eventually fight.


EDIT: forgot to mention THE FUCKING CROSSBONE FULL CLOTH that the european champ is using. seeing one of my favorite designs in action is gonna be great. it seems Try really loves using manga MS designs.

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Looks like its my turn to throw up the link XD.


[spoiler=Thoughts]Son of a b**** its a cliffhanger!


Seems they mixed the SFX in the opening better this time, thankfully. Sunrise seems to have spent a little extra on the animation this episode too, as everything looks nice and detailed even in the more actioney frames. combine that with the musical score being especially good this time, and we have what might be my favorite episode of the show so far. Its certainly the best one yet though.


The first 6 or so minutes are gold. I was actually laughing out loud when Gyanko showed up.


The episode on the whole though has some wonderful character development for Hoshino, who's the only reason Team Try fighters is still in this one. The poor girl's too shy for her own good, it seems, (and to make matter's worse Sekai is too unrealistically oblivious to notice that's she's into him, to say nothing of Gyanko and Shia) but that doesn't stop her from showing how talented she is in this fight by using Winning's bits so effectively. I hope she keeps it up next time or Sekai will be in a heap of trouble, what with Yuuma being out of commission by the looks of the Lightning.


I also find it interesting that one of the Triplets is a gunpla academy reject. seems like a last-minute idea a writer had, to me, especially because of its placement at the very end of the episode.


super stoked for next time that's for sure.[/spoiler]

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G had Domon+Raine, with Allenby in the middle.
This series has Sekai+Fumina, with Gyanko/Shia/hatever other females they want to include, being in the middle of it.

Honestly i think its much more indicative of SEED destiny and Zeta Gundam, (which makes sense since BF Try is emulating both series, what with the Build Burning being an impulse gundam to the build strike's... strike gundam and the show being a sequel and all) with Hoshino representing the more easily flustered, competent (relatively), and maternal love interest portrayed by Lunamaria Hawke and Fa Yuiry, while Shia is the enemy pilot groomed to be a soldier with amazing talent like Four Murasame and Stell Lousier (before the writers of Desitiny turned stella into a cardboard cutout of a child's personality about, say, 10 episodes in). I can see Rain Mikamura in Hoshino what with her expertise on gunpla and her support of Yuuman and Sekai in battle, but i definitely don't get an allenby beardsley vibe from Shia. She's too independent and quiet.


Sekai's totally Domon Kashu though. Kid's not nearly angry or disturbed enough to be Kamille Bidan or Shin Asuka.

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....I really should go and watch Zeta/Seed. I apologize for not having seen them.
(Aside from both Build series, I've only seen Wing, G, and a bit of Unicorn; It's embarrassing)

But I'll take your word for it, for what they are getting at.

SEED is mediocre, and SEED destiny is insulting because its first 36 or so episodes are (save for a few things) really, really good... and then they ruin literally everything about the show in the last fourth (which is really painful because the show does a wonderful job of getting you invested). I'd avoid both series unless you're curious about the trainwreck.


Zeta on the other hand is Gundam at its best, and any fan should see it. Plus, it makes watching Unicorn all the better because you can see exactly what those peopel are fighting for.


Wing was my first anime ever, and it aint half bad of a show either if you can get past the really low budget. And G Gundam is almost as good as Zeta is, though both shows are very, very different.


Anyway, gundam is awesome and you should watch more of it. I also recommend the 3 Universal century OVAs because they're short and really good.

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Plus, it makes watching Unicorn all the better because you can see exactly what those peopel are fighting for.

Aside from proving that Newtypes are the new master race?- *shot*

And G Gundam is almost as good as Zeta-

But it's funny, cuz' G is still the oddball of the series.

Anyway, gundam is awesome and you should watch-

I'm not into Gundam on a hardcore level, despite the fact I should be.
I got consumed by Transformers instead, though.... Heh.
(But it's funny cuz' they are basically the same thing, but from different perspectives)
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That beginning was the best. Shia's too adorable.

And I'm not gonna ask how three SDs became something that big. It is interesting how they took Sekai's assimilation into acount for their strategy, though.

The only thing missing was some Scooby Doo music when they were in the castle.

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What I fail to understand was why didn't Yuuma just blow the castle to hell and force them out? If they know they're walking into a trap, why not destroy the trap?

Lightning's a high mobility sniper unit (like the GP01 FB behaved)  moreso than a fire support machine. I doubt he has the ammo or the weapons for that

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I'm fairly sure the Winning Foot augment for his rifle would have let him at least do a significant amount of damage to it. Enough to draw them out.

I'm not sure star winning has its foot or fist mods anymore. Hoshino's been pretty exclusively using her star funnels instead.

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So I felt like rewatching the two episodes that showcased Red Warrior-
Is it just me, or....
...Or did Meijin seem pissed off?
I mean, he didn't really show it, but you could tell he was ready to kill people, given the fact that he has a thing against Adou/[people like that]'s arrogance, as evidenced by his statement of him disliking people who are disrespectful like that.

But anyway, while I was lurking Google for images of Red Warrior, I came across these and I figured I'd post them for no particular reason:

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