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Archetype Game


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A Warrior-Type archetype straight out of the Wild West, that really shows you why you should count your shots. The Main Deck offerings are all luck-based, offering destruction and milling effects on a die roll. Like many Decks, it's the Extra Deck you need to watch out for- they're utterly, stupidly broken, but they have to be Xyz Summoned properly, and their great popping effects trigger on detach. Once you're out of shots, these things are sitting ducks, dead in the water, so be careful.



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(Imma enjoy this one)

Remember how the Gishki rituals were based on the artifacts they found in the remains of the ice barrier? What if one of the lone survivors of the Laval clan happened upon a similar discovery: The X-saber Saber Vault. Determined to avenge her people's enslavement at the hands of the Gishki, and the following massacare by the evilswarm,she used the advance X-saber technology I combination with the Laval knowledege to form a new order: The Gunslingers!


Now that I'm done getting excited over Duel Terminal lore, lets get down to business. The Gunslingers are an archetype of FIRE pyro and warrior monsters whose main aim is to leave your opponent's hand empty and your field full. They have a lot of attack boosting and instant destruction effects that work to their advantage. They use synchros and high level xyzs which allow you to swarm RAPIDLY. They also have their own zefra duo who maniplute levels in order to bring out the big guns (pun intended) even faster. Their bug boss is a synchro pendulum who can destroy 3 cards on the field oer turn, and if she's used for an xyz summon, the xyz monster gains her effect!


Edit Ninja'd!



An archetype of LIGHT and FIRE dragon monsters that go offf like a rocket- literally. They focus on exceptionally powerful battle phase effects like multiple attack, piercing, even drawing. However, they self destruct at the end of the battle phase. Their strongest monsters is level ten one who requires 3 rocketail tributes and pretty much has it all offensively.



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Tigriffin is an archetype of normal WIND/Winged-Beast pendulum monsters. Since they are normal, their backrow has insane effects that prevent them from even being touched, mostly by returning to hand, this combing with Divine Wind of Mist Valley. The main strategy is stall your opponent for a deck out win condition, so a lot of their backrow mills your opponent's deck in order to speed it up.


Next: Metalocolypse


Make it an OTK deck themed around metal music.

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Archetype of DARK Warrior and Fiend-Type monsters. They're all named/themed after metal artists (Iron Maiden, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, AC DC, Nirvana, ect). They have good/high ATK. Their effects all state "Cannot be used as an Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon". Their Extar Deck monsters are Synchro monsters (get it? Synchronize? Synchro). Their Spell/Trap cards are named after metal songs, such as Heart Shaped Box, Eye of the Tiger, and The Devil Went Down to Georgia to name a few (except "Metalocolypse Solo"). Their play style is aggressive, and all Trap Cards are solely to punish your opponent. Spell Cards are solely to promote archetype monsters and/or user. They're not too difficult to Summon, but don't rely on cheap tactics and poor costs (such as 500 Life Points), either.


Usagi Kingdom

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Usagi Kingdom


A group of level 6 beast-warriors that support the "Usagi Order" archetype (page 16).  They focus on extra Normal Summons and altering the targets of card effects.  The Level 8 Synchro boss can even force the battle phase, swap battle positions and choose battle phase targets for both players (a la The Patrician of Darkness + Final Attack Orders + Savage Colosseum).



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A group of Psychic monsters with an interesting premise- like Venom, they have a Field Spell to drop the stats of non-Barbers on the field by way of Counters. Unlike Venom Swamp, though, "Barbershop" triggers every time a monster is Summoned, and can't be negated, only destroyed by effects that explicitly don't negate. Also, Barbers don't use this in the normal way- they're basically all Marshmallon, and will gladly take on Counters that don't harm them, and use their effects to burn through their opponent's Deck or Life Points based on the number of Counters on the field. Like all Psychics, you have to pay Life Points to activate their effects: unlike most Psychics, this effect is keeping them in face-up Defense Position no matter what, because they are forced to attack if they're in Attack Position, and their ATK is stupidly low, if not 0. No boss, but a lot of ways to bring out Rank 3 and lower.



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Following Konami's noble tradition of opposing dragons, these guys are the enemies of the odd-eyes archetype. However, this is where their predictability ends. Similar to odd eyes, they use pendulum, synchro, and xyz.Unlike other -eyes monsters who focus on power, the priorities of these guys are much less impressive attack range. In, fact only one of the main deck monsters is above level 3. Predictably they are dragon type monsters of various attributes, but mostly LIGHT or EARTH. Their main focus is to set up a pair of pendulum scales, before entering the field and going straight for Rank 3 plays. Their xyz monsters focus on destroying monsters through card effects, however their pendulum monsters can make these effects unable to be negated. Their one main deck boss monster is lvl 8 beatstick with 3000 atk. She can special summoned from the hand if you only control Gold eyes monsters. If you do you cant use it as an xyz material. However, the real scary thing is that she's a tuner and has an ability that lets xyz monsters ranks count as levels for the synchro summon of "Pure Gold-Eyes" monsters. These synchro monsters are massive beatsticks whose abilities focus on forcing your opponent to attack them or simply blowing up their cards in order for them to attack directly.




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A WATER Zombie-Type archetype that prides itself on battle effects and recurring more than anyone. To boot, their archetype support is generic enough for you to run any WATER or Zombie monsters alongside them, making them really useful to splash into Mermail/Atlanteans, or any Zombie deck. Thematically, they're rotten sea creatures, culminating in THE WATER boss: Ghostfin Toxic Leviathan.


Fang Dojo

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A set of Beast-Warriors that thematically focus on Field Spell shenanigans, such as adding effects to a field spell (both positive and negative), gaining effects if there's a Field Spell, and so on. They're also pretty fast and aggro-focused, which their Field Spells help with by giving them an Armades-esque effect, ATK buffing, and so forth. All the cards in the set support Beast-Warriors as a whole, letting them tech in a Fire Fist engine, Barbaros, and a bunch of other good Beast-Warriors.


Canto (as in a poem).

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A bunch of cards who don't actually help each other, but instead the Duel Terminal archetypes. There is a "Canto" continua spell or trap card for each Duel Terminal archetype. The boosts they bestow range from quite minor for the stuff Konami thought was well off like Shadoll to multiple effects, targeting immune monstrosities for less powerful archetypes for stuff like Ice Barrier, Flamvell and Steelswarm.

The monsters of the archetype are "Cantomasters", there is for each attribute and they gain effect depending what other monsters are on the field. For example, Cantomaster of the Pyre gains effects when Flamvell or Laval monsters are on the field. They also have fusion varities who explicitly support a type of summoning.


Sun Shadow

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Archetype of DARK Pyro-Type monsters. They focus on destroying/banishing Spell and Trap cards. However, it doesn't take too much effort to Summon them. Their Extra Deck monsters are Xyz Monsters of varying Ranks (Rank 4 being their most feeble). Their Spell/Trap cards each contain an effect that triggers when a Spell/Trap Card leaves the field.



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DARK Zombie-Type monsters that all have battle immunities, but are otherwise forced to stay in Attack Position to get it.

This is further exacerbated by their low ATK to begin with, but the payoff is huge at the end.


Think of Thorn Prisoners, but not nearly as gimmicky to run.



Blue Lightning


(Actual name of an Archetype that I may use for a fanfic character, so make it good)

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Blue Lightning

Fittingly, a Thunder archetype that loves its Ritual Summon. While their stats aren't much to write home about, they carry potent destruction/forced discard effects, most of which trigger on-Summon and can be used once per turn afterward. What makes them special among Ritual archetypes is support similar to Ancient Gear: When any monster is destroyed, they get to put Counters on their Continuous and Field Spells (usually no more than the destroyed monster's Level) that can be eaten up in place of your monsters. While they don't recycle (lightning doesn't strike twice, after all), their destruction effects are non-targeting, and sometimes negate effects in the process. If you start getting desperate, their Traps let you banish Blue Lightning cards from your Graveyard, really cutting you off even further, in order to get some last-ditch desperation nuking going on. They don't have an Extra Deck, unless you count a sprinkle of Main Deck Pendulums to get recurring Ritual Tribute fodder.



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A bunch of machines which tribute other members to deal small damage, but also have effects which activate when tributed this way to pop Spell/Traps or monsters. Swarming revolves around the spells/traps, which pop all monsters you control except one at the End phase. Contact Fusion boss which tributes all monsters you control except himself at the end phase, and also Special Summons machines from grave.



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A thankless little archetype of a few Psychic-Type monsters, with low Levels and little power to speak of. However, what makes them important is that, together, they make running the "Program" Spells worth it. Hell, Programmers can be teched into just about any Deck, because they can search literally any Spell Card from your Deck on a moment's notice. Notably, though, is what they're designed for: the Programs. There are a few Programs of every Spell Card variety: yes, two Field Spells, and even an ultra-generic Ritual Spell or two. Essentially, what one is supposed to do is get all the Programmers on the field, and then use the one(s) they no longer need as Tribute for the Ritual of the Deck designer's choice. However, sadly, despite this in mind, their own Ritual is admittedly kinda crappy unless you're exclusively running a Programmer/Program Deck with no techs: it becomes practically invincible with enough Spells in the Graveyard, but if there are only a few it's about as helpless as Thousand-Eyes Idol.



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Archetype of EARTH Thunder-Type monsters. The Main Deck monsters focus on easy and cheapy Summons; thus, their ATK and DEF are very low. However, their Synchro Monsters more than make up for that. The Synchro monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects. Their Spell/Trap cards focus on adding and protection.



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These guys are a bunch of annoying anti-meta Wyrm-types whose job is to counter some of the game's most powerful archetypes, like Shadoll, 'Noids, Nekroz, etc. Their very easy to splash into other decks and they usually offer some kind of bonus, similar to Yang Zing, when used as tributes or xyz materials. Their most powerful monster is a terror to face, equipped with spell/trap negation, macro cosmos, and only one special summon a turn. Luckily, you'll have better luck bring Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth out then this guy.


Yeti Mountain

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Yeti Mountain


A sub-archetype of the "Yeti" archetype found on page 22.  Bringing in a twist to the original Yetis, the Yeti Mountains are low level WATER Beast-warrior Pendulum monsters with scales ranging from 2 to 9.  Because they are Pendulums, they don't hurt the original Yeti theme of "No level 6 or lower monsters in Grave", and they provide a passive boost to stats while face-up in the Extra Deck.  The effects of the Yeti Mountains are very linear and nothing fancy, but they hold a theme of tributing themselves as their cost.


Sealmaster (NOTE: Sealmaster Meisei and his 2 cards, Talisman of Spell/Trap Sealing)

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A small group of DARK spellcasters and thunder types whose effect allows them to be treated as "Sealmaster Meisei". They can be useful in a bunch of decks as they can prevent continuous spell and traps from being destroyed. Their effects focus on gaining attacks for each continuous spell/trap on the field. Their boss is Ritual Monster who can gain effects of various cards for a turn by banishing a continuous spell/trap card from your field or graveyard. Their other spell and trap cards mostly focus on searching them out and banishing themselves from the graveyard to protect each other from destruction.

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Aka Oni

An archetype of EARTH Fiends with an interesting premise: each one has an effect which chooses a "partner" on the field, which for most can be any other monster you control. They provide a defensive or protective effect for their "partner", and an offensive effect for themselves as long as their "partner" is on the field. These effects all go away if either the Aka Oni itself or the "partner" leaves the field, which is why the protective effects are there in the first place. Interestingly, they do actually have Fusions that require an Aka Oni and its "partner" as Materials, and these Fusions can choose multiple "partners" to protect for personal gain.



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Falconda is a control deck that deprecated cards from their archetype support. They deviously change card names to "Falconda" which then makes them able to tribute them. All their cards say to tribute 1 Falconda on the field. Well, since your opponent's monsters are now those, they can be Tributed. Despite this, they have no extra deck support, so XYZ happy decks are at a severe advantage over them. However, the way they control your opponent this way makes them a devious counter deck.


Beach Knights(surfer dude Knights)

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Archetype of WATER Warrior-Type monsters. They don't have the best attack (most of them at least), as they focus primarily on Synchro Summoning (even if they only have a palmful of archetype Synchro monsters). They also punish your opponent if they Special Summon. Each Beach Knight also has an effect that triggers, like Shaddoll; except, they do so in response to being banished. Their Spell/Trap cards (most at least) activate their effects by banishing.


Felinnocent (Feline + innocent)

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Level 4 or lower LIGHT Beast-types that float into other Felinnocents when destroyed by battle.  When in the Graveyard, they can be banished to protect Felinnocents from card effects.  When multiple are on the field, they create locks akin to dupe frog or watthopper.  The spells and traps give benefits for reducing your numbers by making Synchros or Xyzs with Felinnocents, allowing them to turn advantage from staying on the field into damage.


Galvinized Galimaufry

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