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Archetype Game


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A funtimes Deck that does a little bit of every Summon method that existed by Arc-V: Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum all exist here, and it's utterly amazing fun. And, even if you only tech in one or two, it'll be good for you: Level-change shenanigans, Fusion Spell searching, good generic support for Pendulums and Rituals, it's all good here. It's not designed to consistently do all five by any means, but, like D/D/D, the sheer amount of options you have and effects available let you decide which Summon method(s) and strategies you want to focus on, and build a Deck that makes the things you want it to. However, the most beautiful part of all is that the archetype's ace is a standard Effect Monster with the standard protagonist statline, both offensive and defensive effects, and evolutions in all five methods that parallel fan-favorite monsters from each protagonist (ie, the Synchro evolution takes after one of Yusei's best cards, the Fusion takes after one of Judai's, etc). Also, if your topdeck skills are legendary, it is entirely possible to Summon all five of these beasts in the same turn. Now, again, it's not meta, but you are all but guaranteed to have fun regardless, and even use a few jokes from the show (you have an archetypal Pot of Greed effect, and a way to ensure that your opponent "still takes the damage").


Rusted Weapon

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This is what happens when some kid forgets to put his father's weapons back in the scabbards and/or clean off the blood. This Archetype of Equip Spells grant menial power boosts, but in doing so, negate the effects of all monsters who wield them. Of course, when wielded by the very few monster members, their effects remain intact and actually double/triple any boosts you get off the equips. Make sure you run a lot of Warrior searching cards because you'll need to grab the monster members quickly, but equip them to the opponent's monsters and you can probably lock them off from doing much.


Now, go find the kid who forgot to clean my katana, damn it. 



Kingdom X Reject

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Kingdom X Reject

A kingdom of idiots has a lot of interesting "ruffians". These monsters are a loyal, cheery band of criminals (think Robin Hood but even less immediately wholesome), whose style makes them a pretty good way to teach a new player the basics while giving them room for growth, or soothe a curmudgeonly old player who is having difficulty adjusting to the fast SS spam of newer Decks. It's a slow, simple Deck that provides rather basic protection effects to one another (Other "Kingdom X Reject" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle), plus some mild swarming and a focus on damage in general. By using passively acquired "Goods Counters", they provide simple stat boosts, do some burn damage or mild field clearing, provide each other with extra attacks or the ability to attack directly with the sole intent of decreasing your opponent's Life Points, because that's all they generally care about. It may seem like win-more, but a good chunk of their support requires your opponent's LP to be decreased to trigger . . . which punishes opponents using cards that require LP payments or self-burn effects. However, a surprising strength of theirs is stall if they can keep up tiny chip damage, killing your opponent's options while slowly sapping away their LP with puny burn effects or attacks for less than 500 damage. Of course, if you want to, there is a mediocre OTK available if you put the right monsters out, but . . . why?


Crested Valkyrie

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Crested Valkyrie


A group of WIND Fairies that are fully dependant on their Normal Summon, have no archetypal searchers, extremely limited swarming capabilities, and only have active effects when they destroy a monster by battle/inflict damage.


Sounds pretty pitiful, until you hit their single, overly ridiculous passive effect: "if a player activates an effect that would add a card to their hand (except by drawing), they must reveal 1 additional target with a different name from their Deck: then, the opponent selects one to get added to the hand".


So if you have 1 Crested Valkyrie, the opponent needs 2 possible targets in their Deck. For 2 Valks, 3 targets. etc.


Alongside their anti search playstyle, they tend to have an uncanny ability to circumvent their own rules by having lots of cards to dump them in the Grave and working off recovery effects.


Adhering to their ridiculously slow gameplay, they have no archetypal spells, but lots of continuous traps that help them do things like gain additional draws, run over opponent monsters, and dump Valks in the Graveyard. On the other end, all the traps can banish themselves alongside another Crested Valkyrie card to Special a Valkyrie from the Graveyard.


If you're playing this deck, don't ever expect two duels to be exactly alike.



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What happens when you combine Psychics, Machines and some other stuff? Yeah, this is what they all are. The Main Deck Synthics are various Types, but mostly the former two and the Extra Deck "Synthic Chimera" are a combination of separate parts (and even have "This card is also treated as [x]-Type" clauses). Their playstyle is somewhat linear, and work similarly to Eidolon/Invoked, but less reliant on a single base monster. They have various support Spell/Trap Cards to facilitate summons and other things, but they all have hard OPT on activation, so be careful on when you play cards. Also a fact that the Extra Deck monsters are hard Nomi, so protect them at all costs if you want to win.



Unethical Tyrant



(Because you guys can probably guess who the name is referencing [hint: some guys have quit this site because a certain user didn't shut up about him])

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Unethical Tyrant

A pretty straightforward, brutal beatdown Deck, which throws huge monsters at your opponent and makes sure that they have little to no room to fight back. If they leave a single Monster Zone unoccupied, you can be assured that Unethical Tyrants will put a 0/0 Token there to run over for cheap, and drop your opponent's monsters stats so they can't functionally fight back. These guys will put battle traps back on the map, for the sole purpose of fighting them before things get uncomfortable.



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(I suppose the prompt I was going to give for "Kingdom X Reject" works here)




A group six warrior and beast monsters of levels 1-3 who all share the same 3 main effects: 1. When they are summoned they banish all copies of themselves from the Deck, 2. Once per turn, when they leave the field, Special Summon a banished copy of themselves, 3. If they are in defense position, shuffle them back into the Deck.  They also have 1 powerful unique effect that happens by shuffling 3 copies of themselves from the Graveyard into the Deck (these unique effects are all effects of cards that have been been put on the banlist.).


With these kind of obviously powerful spam effects, they are complemented by having a couple of their monsters as tuners and an Extra Deck that is very Fusion-based.  Despite this, they don't have their own fusion spell and the the Fusion monsters don't have a way to summon themselves otherwise, so they really need Poly.


Their Spell/Trap lineup is focused on getting them out as quickly as possible and tagging out each member with other banished members.


Leave these things alone too long, and you'll find yourself staring down a board as fiercely restrictive as DDDs.


Next: Vibbr

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Archetype of cards named after different forms of waves and other forms of natural phenomena associated with vibrations. They are a reactive Deck, so when your opponent does something, these things trigger; ranging from destruction to banishing, LP damage and even killing the hand, Deck, Graveyard. Only issue with these cards; all of their members are high Levels and don't get access to Monarch supports; well, least not in the sense of them being abusable via Domain and stuff. But in a way, they DO have some way of Special Summoning themselves en masse (Pendulums say hi), so...


Keeping Token fodder and other methods of summoning big monsters is key. 




(Go make Denko Sekka an Archetype, will you? But seriously, do whatever you like with this, but remember that because of naming, Denko WILL be a member of this)

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Thunder-Type monsters with a samurai theme and a hatred for Set cards in general, but especially Traps, essentially the anti-Ninja archetype. Their members murder traps as a gameplay concept in general, and poor Flip archetypes hate them, as well. Be it locking Set cards out of activating their effects, playing Jinzo, or just straight-up nuking anything Set, Denko as an archetype is very straightforward. In fact, they're so straightforward that their only backrow support is Equip and Continuous Spells, and their one strategy once all is said and done is plain and simple beatdown . . . which they kinda suck at. If they run into another archetype that doesn't much care for Traps or Setting (say, Blue-Eyes or Superheavy Samurai), they just . . . lose. Their biggest beaters can barely take out Monarchs safely, and unless your opponent relies on Set cards or a lot of Traps (Paleozoics and Phantom Knights in particular just sorta die), you're going to need some tech cards. That said, they do stop annoying Graveyard Trap plays like Breakthrough Skill, so . . . it's something.



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Machine-Type monsters that focus on the Phantom Synchro concept Crow had in ARC-V using Gofu. They have an ED equivalent of Foolish Burial in which their bosses are milled from the Extra to the Graveyard, in which case the Deck plays normally and Synchro Summons from the Graveyard in the MAIN Monster Zone (as they can do in the ARC-V format). They can also Synchro Summon normally and can easily switch in-between the methods for ARC-V, but come VRAINS, you'd want to be doing Phantom Synchros much more often for obvious reasons. Also the fact they punish any monsters without a Level, so...Xyz and Links can go screw themselves in the corner. 


(inb4 someone calls this Deck out for developing a loophole to evade the VRAINS mechanics; also screw Mega Zaborg and Fuyu in the mirror.)



Techno Aquarium

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A series of monsters designed to help the soulful type-attribute combination of EARTH Fish.


Just like all the other members of this type-attribute combo, all the members of this group have 0 DEF and tend to have effects that use this to your advantage, giving you benefits if you control the monster on the field with the lowest DEF. On the whole, these are heavily battle focused with a good deal of floating and some stun and floodgatey effects. They are pretty good all-rounders and can be played in a variety of ways.



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As their name might imply, WIND monsters that focus on repeatedly bouncing cards on the field en masse to the hand (so Divine Wind is a very good tech here). The monsters aren't too terribly powerful, but what they lack in brute force, they make up for in keeping the opponent's field devoid of anything (important). Once you come to the Extra Deck, the monsters become much more formidable and even start keeping the players' hands at bay. Similar to Majespecters, they possess a variety of backrow Traps that are extremely reactive to the opponent's cards. Oh, and they just conveniently happen to be Spellcasters too (for the most part), so more supports.


Just make sure the opponent doesn't hate you at the end, especially if you choose to run a hybrid Windy/Majespecter build as one of the core members here can/will search any WIND Spellcaster of your choosing.



Smogon Blaster


(Can be whatever you want; doesn't have to be about Smogon/competitive battles on Showdown in any shape or form)

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Burn Baby Burn! This deck is all about giving your opponents and slap in the face with burn damage. Don't like a monster they have, destroy it! But you can't damage it? BURN IT! This deck is quick Synchro Summons that inflict heavy burn to your opponent when they do something as simple as an Xyz Summon. This deck has good matchups against most things, except monarch as the have only 1 out which is a Synchro that burns for every Spell. Sure this deck is annoying, but it's worth it as your opponent suffers big time in loss of LP. And if they think they can get over your Synchro's? Think again, at the end phase of each turn, their attack becomes equal to the amount of burn damage you inflicted this turn!


Heavenly Dragons

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Heavenly Dragons are an archetype of high-level Dragons with varying attributes. The monsters all have effects based around having greater LP than the opponent, although rather than giving you LP the Heavenly Dragons decide to slap your opponent in the face with tons of burn damage. Their Spell/Trap lineup is mostly Continuous Spells that burn opponents over time (think about Dark Snake Syndrome and Wave-Motion Cannon), but that's all their S/T can do and they don't have any sort of protection outside of their Extra Deck monsters.



Assault Knight

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Assault Knight


A stalwart group of EARTH Pyro-type monsters. The archetype's monsters are all Gemini, with different very powerful effects once they become effect monsters. However, they are also quite dangerous outside that as every single monster is a 1000 ATK/DEF Kalut while in the hand.


They hit the Extra Deck Trifecta of a single Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz that are all pseudo-generic and help both aspects of the Assault Knights' playstyle.



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What happens when you mix ghosts and emoji? You get this Archetype of DARK Fiend-Type monsters that resemble chibis in every shape or form, and can spam themselves with as much frequency as the average texter does. The monsters are all Level/Rank 1, so you better not have an excuse for why you can't summon. Suppose the only consolation for one who fights this Deck: spam any form of field wipes and/or keep heavy boards up, and these won't be amounting to much.





(No I did not rip off the name of a stuffed animal company)

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[spoiler= Mine was better]


A very labor-intensive Zombie-Type Ritual Fusion archetype. If you plan correctly, Ghoji can reach absolutely beautiful (or disgusting, depending on your viewpoint) levels of plus, all used to put a huge board in place for an OTK. The best part about Ghoji is how blessedly open their Ritual Spells are, going back to letting you exceed the required Levels for Ritual Tribute, shuffling themselves back into the Deck to perform Fusion Summons, and a Field Spell that can both Ritual and Fusion Summon in a pinch. However, what really sells the Fusions and Rituals is their frankly absurd bonus effects if you use the other to make them (ie, "if a "Ghoji" Fusion monster was used as Tribute to Ritual Summon this monster, you can Special Summon 2 "Ghoji" monsters from your Deck and/or Graveyard"). Then there's all the Zombie support . . . go ham or go home. That said, despite their absurd speed, power, and comeback ability, they lack any protection to speak of. One Raigeki leaves you uncomfortably vulnerable for the turn, which is likely all your opponent needs to counter-OTK you.





Take Genex and Invoked and just go nuts. This archetype focuses on one itty-bitty Level 4 Tuner, the ever-so-lovable Construct-a-Bear. He has seven each of Fusions and Synchros, six really generic ones of each Attribute (in the Fusions' case, they require Construct-a-Bear and a monster if their Attribute, and in the Synchros' case, Construct-a-Bear and some non-Tuner monsters), and a big boss of each that all bit requires a dedicated Deck. As for the Deck itself . . . imagine if Aleister had the sheer search power Genex Controller had to back him up, plus a small fleet of monsters of different Attributes and Levels to have fun with. Toss in some Construct-a-Bear wannabes and Spells to make Fusing as easy as Aleister makes it look, and BAM. Funtimes archetype.


Symphorce (symphony + force)

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Symphorce is the archetype designed for massive waves of attacks! You can't (and don't need to) control any duplicates, on account of each monster being a one man/woman orchestra section! But that's OK, because they only come in levels 1-5, and you don't need to worry about Tributing for the Level 5 Symphorce Conductor, because he's the one you crank out first, with a Primitive Butterfly clause. He's also a Tuner, allowing you to summon their Level 6 Synchro Monster: Symphorce Maestro, who protects your other monsters and leads them to victory!


Next: Where do cats go when they die?


Purrgatory (This is a pun that works in at least five languages, including French, Spanish, and Portuguese. This information is irrelevant, but a little flavor never hurt anyone.)

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Little cats have not been the best in life, and their afterlife shows for it. All members of this Beast-Type archetype are either FIRE or DARK, and their playstyle takes after Infernoid, Nekroz, and Burning Abyss- Each one can be Special Summoned from your hand if the combined Levels of Purrgatory monsters you control equals or exceeds their own, can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard by banishing another archetype member, and has an effect that activates when it hits the Graveyard. Because of this, they're disgustingly effective at building field presence, and if you have a Graveyard built up there's no real reason why any card in your hand would constitute a brick. Most terrifying of all, however, is that the ode to Nekroz is that, instead of discarding their Rituals to use their hand effects, you reveal them and Foolish a member of the same Level as cost . . . and then you go absurd plus. In terms of their Ritual Spells, they've got a good few, but the most notable one apes Iron Core's Graveyard effect: During your Draw Phase, you can either discard a Beast or skip your Normal Draw to put it back in your hand. The consistency here is absurd, and the power you're outputting is often ridiculous . . . And, yes, they have their Decatron/Graff/Shurit- that monster is going to be your playmaker. Learn its name and fear it . . . "Fluffles, the Kitten in Purrgatory".


Furnacess (Furnace + princess)

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Archetype of DARK and FIRE Pyro and Fiend-Type monsters. Their Extra Deck monsters (if any) consist of Fusion Monster(s). They're not Summoned via Contact Fusion, as they already have a very good Fusion Summoning Spell Card(s) of their own. The Main Deck monsters themselves have effects that activate upon Normal Summon, and even effects that equip them to opponent's monsters. However, the controller of monsters equipped with these princesses take damage each time they attack. The Fusion monsters focus on punishing your opponent for certain things (Summoning, activating, attacking, ect), which can range from effect removal to damage.


Nine Inch Nails

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Archetype of Level/Rank 9 Machine-Type monsters that focus on minor prick damage, but in doing so, permit one to Special Summon more monsters as long as their ATK or DEF is equal to the difference between LP. They have some support cards that can treat the difference as a certain amount, so you can always have access to the monsters you want, but they have high maintenance costs. The Xyz Monsters have the capacity to do even more damage and effectively Soul Charge from the hand or Deck if they wanted to. One good thing about this Archetype: They trigger any time you can damage and are not locked to themselves, but you can plus harder with the Archetypal members. Word of caution: Xyz or prepare to brick.



Anti-Konami League


(You can figure out what this is, but do as you will. As far as one is concerned, Konami can be something entirely different from the company that makes our card game and/or otherwise screws it up)

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Anti-Konami League

Unsurprisingly, it's an anti-meta archetype designed to screw over fast Decks. Surprisingly, it uses Konami's own stupid banlist decisions against them- you see, they're Continuous Traps that can't be negated, targeted, or destroyed unless your opponent controls a very specific card- and each one can only be stopped by a card that is currently banned (ie, "This card cannot be destroyed or targeted by card effects, or have its effects negated, unless your opponent controls a face-up "El-Shaddoll Construct"). And the effects themselves are outright brutal- making your opponent pay Life Points, banish-mill their Deck, or destroy their own cards every single time they do something stupidly common, like SS, negate something, or activate an effect in their hand/Graveyard. Did I also mention that they Summon themselves as basically Metal Reflect Slime's Paleozoic cousin if your opponent dares search? Prepare for the rage.


Mirror Knight

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Mirror Knights have one goal only: Copy! When your opponent Summons a monster, you can Summon your own and copy it's Level, or ATK/DEF, or Effect! When they activate a Spell, you can copy it and chain off! Whne they activate a trap? Copy it! Pendulum Scales? Copy 'em! And it gets better with the Field Spell Castle of Mirrors, where each player draws whenever the other one does. Just go for 60 cards and you should outlast them, OK?


Barberians (Not to be confused with the Japanese name for Battleguards)

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@Draco: Someone should make that Deck to piss off Konami on both ends.



But anyway...


Barberians are an Archetype of EARTH Beast-Warrior-Type monsters that focus only on mass destruction and pillaging the hell out of everything that gets in their way. (hey, their name is portmanteau of barber + barbarian, so that should've been obvious). Their playstyle is extremely linear: Summon, damage the opponent, then proceed to do whatever you want in terms of destruction; steal cards, rip your opponent's LP to shreds, rinse and repeat. Some of the smaller members have effects to weaken opposing monsters, but most of the time, you probably won't need them because the rest of the Deck is essentially rocking 1900+ stats at a minimum. They don't have any Spell/Trap Cards though, so you're essentially playing monster mash on steroids (bar Tenki and other usual techs).


Make sure that all forms of backrow on the opponent's end are gone and effects dealt with, otherwise you are screwed.



(Also Goukis would probably love to have them as friends.)



Kirin Ranger

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This is as it sounds. They're LIGHT Beast-Warrior Fusions who can separate into a Beast-Type Kilin monster and a Warrior-type Ranger monster, with the ability to recombine with a Kilin/Ranger to summon their Fusion forms, free of charge! It's a tough gimmick to ride with, but the Fusions have awesome effects in response to being Special Summoned, so it's worth the effort to split 'em up and recombine 'em! Restrictions apply, but not a lot.


Grand Expedition

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