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Golden Gate Empire | Closed Until Further Notice


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Yeah, we all should be on that platform thing.


You just left it actually.  If you look closely at the end of the post, you've been escorted to a kind of conference room where there is a large, elongated table and enough chairs for all twelve of you.  Will be adding Etheria to the OP as well.


EDIT:  I'll be adding more descriptive locations of the bar, arcade, theater, and buffet to the OP of the OOC so that you can reference it without stumbling about.


EDIT 2:  Done.  I'll also be adding a detailed story about the preliminary rounds to the database over the course of the next few days.  It's a decent write up.

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I'll have the bracket up for the tournament tonight for sure.  But I feel the need to say this as I expect you all have the same question.


IF YOU ARE ELIMINATED, YOUR STAY IN THE RP IS NOT OVER.  For plot reasons, I will only notify you by pm if you are eliminated.  The only exception would be if your character is killed.  And event then, you'll probably still be in the rp.  Just go with me on this one, kay?  ;)

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Okay, so the results will be pre-determined and then we just put on a good show? I'm cool with this.


Not quite.  The people who will be brawling will have to come to the decision of who will win and who will lose.


For example:  If Dirk were to take on Zyg, the two players controlling those characters would either agree to a tie, and play it out, or agree that one of them should die, and decide who it should be.  Or be knocked out, or what have you.  If that's what you meant, then yes.  Technically speaking, results would be predetermined.  I'm a tad bit busy today, so I'll be able to answer questions, just not right away.  Though I hope that clears things up a bit.

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Yeah, that's fine. I just wanted to avoid the problem of a big battle going on where people are getting legit heated and competitive when really it just needs to be a good show.


Yeah I intended to take preemptive measures.  I don't want you guys fighting outside of the rp.  :/

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At what floor is everyone at? If Odette wanted to get some tea would she have to leave for long?


Currently everyone is on the first floor of the Northern Tower in the conference room, located to the west of the entrance.  So once you leave the conference room, you would go east to the bar if you wanted Odette to have some tea.

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Hollow, I resent the statement that Morgan is an attention whore. She does not whore attention, she commands it, thank you very much.



I'm struggling to not make another post, I wanna wait to let everyone else say something. Plus I wouldn't be doing much more than replying to the raptor so no point.

Point being.

Excited excited excited.

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Ladies and gentlemen, your bracket is now live.  Below, I've posted a screen of the bracket.  Please take a look.


[spoiler=Tournament Bracket]

In development.



Those of you not currently scheduled to fight are receiving byes (meaning you'll proceed automatically to the next elimination round).  I'll double check to see if we're waiting on anyone to post, and if not, we will begin the first match with Bracket A.  You will of course have your characters escorted to the arena, so you will be free to do battle once that happens.


Good luck.



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