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Black's Double Feature AMA


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[spoiler=Feature 1] 

Me. Duh.

[spoiler=Feature 2] 

Not an AMA, but an "Ask the Cast" for Historian's Chronicle! Anything can be asked to any character, though 1 at a time, s'il vous plait. You cannot get spoilers, but you can get hints!



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Mages, I'm not a huge fan of the Flame Mascot onward ones. I miss the Seraph build, it was a deck I really loved, my baby.


Pals... I dunno, I love how main character it feels. I started them about a week before CROS, because I realized a cute synergu and they stuck. Each release made the, feel more and more like a magic show, where you transformed, made things disappear, played tricks, and so on. It and D/D/D both really stood out to me.


As for you... Well, lemme quote my Skype status,

"Someone who tries to smile and show the world a small light in their world, despite the overwhelming darkness surely consuming them. I could learn from her."

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I'm gonna assume the cast is all sitting together answering these.

Favorite food?

Who is/are the strongest in Moonstone?

Who do you have a crush on?


For you, favorite VAs?

Please direct questions at a character. Namely the crush. Can't personalizw as much in a group.


Isaac: Strawberry Shortcake

Adrian: Breakfast or Fried Chicken

Drake: Apples

Katarina: Does it have sugar? I'd hit that.

Creator: You should already know. Don't asl pointless things.

Fred: Burgers

Gale: Fried pickles

Ruby: Steak

Dante: Peaches or Ramen

Franz: Fine wine makes anything perfect.

Charlotte: Cherry cheesecake with sour gummy worm topping

Abel: Anything with a sauce

Leon: Chili cheese fries




Strongest in Molnstone is Drake/Infinite, easily.



The character bio in your Fic lists the inspiration behind the characters, yet, they kinda' come off as having multiple traits from a few users, in addition to the main one you listed.

Is that true?

Nah. They evolved beyond who inspired them, but I have no one based on more than one user... yet.

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What do you consider the best thing about your fic?

The fact that I try to approach the characters I write with care as if they were my own creatkion, even those whose basis are people I dislike or have mixed feelings about. Maybe one character was exempt. Hell, killing a villain made me sad, because it has become my creation.


Like I said, in 23 chapters, they're already growing beyond who they came from, and that makes me happy, and I hope people cam appreciate both the intent and the growth behind everyone.

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I want an opinion too Black!

You're sweet.


*gets behind Hina in the opinion line*


Also, was I too hard to work with when you were a mod or did you just not care about what I was doing?

You worry too much.


I could not have given fewer fucks, overall.


Can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

no, because i've never liked it


Who's your favorite HC character?

Hrm... My favorite overall? A girl named "Blake". But that's a long ways off.


Gale's one, Creator's one, Isaac is one because of plans. Everyone has some like in my heart, but I suppose those three stand out.

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Hopping aboard the opinion train like I do in nearly every AMA.


What kind of Id do you think I'd have, or a character inspired by me would have?


Have you accepted Daigusto Sphreez as your personal lord and savior?


How crazy do you think it is that both [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8-WtH4ujps]this rap[/url] and my inquiry about it avoid the most common thing in our ABCs without a flaw?

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Hopping aboard the opinion train like I do in nearly every AMA.


What kind of Id do you think I'd have, or a character inspired by me would have?


Have you accepted Daigusto Sphreez as your personal lord and savior?


How crazy do you think it is that both this rap and my inquiry about it avoid the most common thing in our ABCs without a flaw?

You are yui. A nice enigma.


I... I gave you one qq


Creation ~ Half Life
The user can tie strings to inanimate objects in order to create an effect to life, but it comes across more like Zombies. Dead bodies can be reanimated, though results are varied. The strings appear on joints, and ahould they be destroyed, the object or body loses its 'life'.

  • Strength: 7/10
  • Potential: 4/10




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Been putting off from continuing with HC until what could be said as a full arc is over so I can read it with a better rhythm. So...just curious, just rough estimates, may I ask about how long (story-wise, not IRL-wise) until the story reach that point?

Current arc blends into the rest of the book, but... this particular one is 2-4 mor chapters.

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Alright then, nice to know that.


Hmm...if you have my Id that you gave to me back then in the thread, how would you use/abuse it personally?

... Carnal usages, probably. It's a specific transformation that doesn't gain abilities associated, so.


Though, I suppose I could extend it to animals as well, for utility and flying an sheet.


I desire an opinion on me and I would prefer it be delivered in a slightly longer form. Like maybe multiple sentences. Maybe even 3.

I wish you wouldnlt tease me, but Bree says that's on me. I think you're a great guy, but a bit.... eccentrick? You confuse me a bit. And you also can be a bit insensitive in private.


Do you sometimes feel jaded about YCM?

And what keeps you here?

You could say that. Much like many of the older members, such as Rodrigo, there are a small handful of members I find awful for the site. Between 2 and 4. No bans are required, their actions just feel horrible, and I feel like YCM's at an overall low point due to it.


HC and YGO. And having my life sheet on repeatedly.

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