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Girl encourages boyfriend to commit suicide.


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Don't care, that is fine. But I don't appreciate being called blind because I am willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt because of the possibility of random chance taking effect here. I do believe she has done something heinous, and I don't agree with it, but I don't think that is all that plays into this role because of the complexity the relays in life and the decisions that are made.


Patterns and causality are much to account for in any means of psychological studies, and that is what I want to get out of here. Not just an unjustified death where we get no closer to revitalizing the uniformity of people and the reasons things are done. I say your head is in your ass is because you are so willing to have something done because she forced the love of her life to commit suicide, but you don't seem to be able to go the other way. I would love if you are proven wrong as much as I would love to be proven wrong. I say your head is in your ass because you're not willing to be proven wrong.


That's the one thing I never like about some people who concretely live by something in life, they don't have the elasticity to be proven wrong. And why I admire Stephen Hawking: He literally proves himself wrong.


I honestly don't care what happens with this in the end, as the story is just going to be a story. What I care about is that people should be more open to the idea that they are wrong, and not stand by something until they prove it with as much information possible. Find all the information before you find your conclusion, people.

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Don't care, that is fine. But I don't appreciate being called blind because I am willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt because of the possibility of random chance taking effect here. I do believe she has done something heinous, and I don't agree with it, but I don't think that is all that plays into this role because of the complexity the relays in life and the decisions that are made.


Patterns and causality are much to account for in any means of psychological studies, and that is what I want to get out of here. Not just an unjustified death where we get no closer to revitalizing the uniformity of people and the reasons things are done. I say your head is in your ass is because you are so willing to have something done because she forced the love of her life to commit suicide, but you don't seem to be able to go the other way. I would love if you are proven wrong as much as I would love to be proven wrong. I say your head is in your ass because you're not willing to be proven wrong.


That's the one thing I never like about some people who concretely live by something in life, they don't have the elasticity to be proven wrong. And why I admire Stephen Hawking: He literally proves himself wrong.


I honestly don't care what happens with this in the end, as the story is just going to be a story. What I care about is that people should be more open to the idea that they are wrong, and not stand by something until they prove it with as much information possible. Find all the information before you find your conclusion, people.


Wrong about what?! Stop spewing buzzwords and speak plain english. For gods sake.

There's litterally only one thing up in the air at this point and that is "would he actually have killed himself had she not gotten involved?" And guess what, neither of us are EVER gonna have a 110% answer on that question, but I can firmly say the odds that he would've are VERY slim.


Wanna know why?




She could not be more responsible for his death except by litterally having killed him with her own hands. And unless you see something I dont, that is the only question up in the air here.


Is she responsible for this?


Hell yes she is


If she did it outof malice, or some sick and twisted "love" does not factor in here. The point is she caused the boy to take his life instead of getting help, and the law needs to hold her accountable for it

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Wrong about what?! Stop spewing buzzwords and speak plain english. For gods sake.

There's litterally only one thing up in the air at this point and that is "would he actually have killed himself had she not gotten involved?" And guess what, neither of us are EVER gonna have a 110% answer on that question, but I can firmly say the odds that he would've are VERY slim.


Wanna know why?




She could not be more responsible for his death except by litterally having killed him with her own hands. And unless you see something I dont, that is the only question up in the air here.


Is she responsible for this?


Hell yes she is


If she did it outof malice, or some sick and twisted "love" does not factor in here. The point is she caused the boy to take his life instead of getting help, and the law needs to hold her accountable for it

That she is the only thing responsible. I don't see anything, but I believe that there is more to this than what we have. I never denied that she wasn't responsible.

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Finally jumping in to say.

This is a terrible terrible thing.

But there's holes we need to fill to figure things out for sure.

And there's nothing wrong with saying that, it's not like saying "We don't have all the facts" is the same as saying "They should go free"


Oh and also. When people angrily spout things like "She should die, she should suffer, etc etc" it makes me feel disgusted.

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Oh and also. When people angrily spout things like "She should die, she should suffer, etc etc" it makes me feel disgusted.

Repping for this.


This thread has been a wild ride. Seeing evilfusion legitimately pissed was it's own brand of horrifying.


Despite how gut-wrenching it is, more information is needed.

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Oh and also. When people angrily spout things like "She should die, she should suffer, etc etc" it makes me feel disgusted.

I've never liked that mentality. I get it, I do. Its very human to want to hurt those that cause others extreme pain. But like, what does it accomplish. It doesn't undo the harm they cause. Past the moment when you see the suffer your not going to really take enjoyment out of that suffering. Worse yet, if you do cause them harm, you then need to live with that fact that you did that to another human, regardless of how disgusting a person they may be. Responding to hate with hate doesn't accomplish anything and any satisfaction it might bring you is fleeting at best.

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Oh and also. When people angrily spout things like "She should die, she should suffer, etc etc" it makes me feel disgusted.


In the age of modern life, I believe we should honestly never make another person suffer or put them to death, regardless of their previous actions and/or misdeeds. It's an impossible feat to make sure no human ever kills another, but in the hands of the juridical system, where things like this can be controlled, people, regardless of their criminal status, still deserve to be treated as human. And that, forgiveness is the absolute strongest emotion. While I agree, she should be held accountable for her Boyfriend's suicide, she herself did not make the ultimate decision to go through with it. While she most certainly influenced it, I can't really feel that this is a murder, as the death of the boyfriend was caused by his own self. 


 I also agree she should face jail time for this, but no more. Let her serve her jail time and sentence, go through the necessary checks, and if possible, let her back into normal life and have it not prevent anything from happening in her future life. 

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Oh and also. When people angrily spout things like "She should die, she should suffer, etc etc" it makes me feel disgusted.

Just so we're clear though, I only mentioned that people in said comment chain in original thread wanted her to suffer (and given how things turned out in here), a few others here.

While I personally think she does need to be held accountable for her actions in this situation, especially given the circumstances, I do not support the usage of death threats on her.


I'll reiterate what I said in that thread involving the lion killing from last month. (Context is about the same)



Even if you take justice into your own hands, and make the girl suffer, you're really no better than her by doing it.


I cannot say if the boyfriend would condone any degree of violence against his former mate, had he survived or if his spirit could converse with us all.

Probably, he wouldn't, but we don't know.


Topic has certainly triggered a lot of rage from people, especially in here, and it's understandable (GF could've been supportive and helped him to overcome his depression/suicide, but instead she opted to do what she did). And this is on the heels of us losing Darkness because of depression.



Although yes, there is a lack of context in here, which we should hear the details of.


Yes, she does have a role in his suicide by blatantly encouraging him to do so, even after he had second thoughts about it; this much is certain.


HOWEVER, was that the decisive factor or was it his own choice?

Granted, he could've said no at the last shot and we'd still have him around, however it would appear that his mind was already in the state of no return.



In any case though, let the justice system deal with the case and hand out the most appropriate punishment as deemed necessary.

She's definitely not scot-free in terms of involvement and likely will get charged for something; the question is, how will the jury see the facts that are presented?


With the brainwashing thing, yes, it is indeed a weak excuse on their end.

Do they truly expect the judge/jury (or whoever is prosecuting this case) to believe that the boyfriend influenced her to support him killing himself?

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According to prosecutors, the two had struck up a romantic relationship - mostly online - in 2012. Her lawyer says they had only met a few times in person over the course of two years prior to Roy's death.


wow so she apparently didnt even know him that well irl, she needs to rot in jail

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I just want her to face justice. Whatever that justice may be, I have no right to say, but hopefully it's enough to show her these things have consequences. Death threats have always disgusted me, and seem one step closer to an angry mob mentality, which I'm not too keen on.


I don't even feel angry, just incredibly sad. I don't know whether Carter understands the gravity of what she's done or not. Her comments on deleting the text messages seem to imply she does, but it could be she doesn't see what she did as wrong, just wrong in the eyes of others. And Conrad...I keep going back to it, but just the thought that the closest person to him was bringing him down like that...it's just...ugh.

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Yeah, this ... cruel act is even known for Germans like me, a German YouTuber I really like made a video about it, showing even the whatsapp messages between them, and oh my, I'm shocked. I used to have depressions as well, maybe not as hard as this poor guy, but I had. And I'm really thankful that my boyfriend saved me from myself, I would also kill myself if he gave a f*** of my like this nasty ... . If I had a girlfriend like he had, I would stay alive just to punch her in her goddamn face. She's a psycho, she needs to be judged and I pray to God she gets what she deserves. Treating people with depressions like this is f***ing cruel, and it hurts me to see how cruel this world can be. Everyday people, nice people with a family, friends and a life, commit suicide, even if their bf's/gf's, friends and family members try to stop them. And this humanlike thing encourages her own boyfriend to kill himself ... gawd. 

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Okay those who are going against her death penalty, I disagree with that. First of all, she needs to die so she can't cause MORE harm.

Second of all, why let her cause more harm by letting her live?!?! Third of all, she need to know the pain of death!!!


Does THAT make sense?

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Okay those who are going against her death penalty, I disagree with that. First of all, she needs to die so she can't cause MORE harm.

Second of all, why let her cause more harm by letting her live?!?! Third of all, she need to know the pain of death!!!


Does THAT make sense?


I'm against the death penalty in general. I think she needs to be placed in a position where she can't harm others, while also receiving counseling and therapy. 


I think everyone should follow Norway's example on how criminals are punished. 



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Okay those who are going against her death penalty, I disagree with that. First of all, she needs to die so she can't cause MORE harm.

Second of all, why let her cause more harm by letting her live?!?! Third of all, she need to know the pain of death!!!


Does THAT make sense?

This honestly just seems petty. Wanting someone to suffer because they made someone else suffer is a very human feeling, but ultimately it isn't going to undo the harm to caused. It might make you feel better for a little while, but that feeling is fleeting and in the long run you'll only feel bad for wishing harm on another human being.

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I actually cannot find it in me to wish death on her, despite how personal I took it, given what she did and recent personal events.

Why? Because I dont think she gonna become a repeat offender, and ending her life wont fix anything.

There's nothing to gain by killing her except fueling the fire to those that already view the goverment as a "tyrant"


I want her punished, if only because I want to know that the law recognises that she did something very wrong and, hopefully it also makes her and any potential supporters realise that yes, it was the wrong thing to do.


I do not want her dead

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Okay those who are going against her death penalty, I disagree with that. First of all, she needs to die so she can't cause MORE harm.

Second of all, why let her cause more harm by letting her live?!?! Third of all, she need to know the pain of death!!!


Does THAT make sense?

No, that's wrong.


Death is too merciful here. It will only prevent her from feeling more pain while she garners more posthumous attention, for better or worse. If there's anything worse than death in this situation, it's social exile. Because continuing to live, knowing that society refuses accept you, is a more torturous fate.

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Girl got charged with manslaughter.


Okay those who are going against her death penalty, I disagree with that. First of all, she needs to die so she can't cause MORE harm.
Second of all, why let her cause more harm by letting her live?!?! Third of all, she need to know the pain of death!!!

Does THAT make sense?


As much as some of us want her to die, killing someone won't solve this issue.

The above three posters already said it, so not going to elaborate further.


If she gets killed, that's it and pretty much an easy escape for what she did.


From the link, she's getting a manslaughter charge, which technically means she'll live and face jail time.


However, like Gadjiltron mentioned, the social exile that will result from this will certainly be a fate worse than death itself.

Eventually, even her parents and those who supported her will see the truth.


A lot of us are disgusted at what she did and want to suffer, yes, but killing something is, again, not the answer.


Just so we're clear, I'm against killing her, but she certainly needs to understand the circumstances of what she has done.

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Girl got charged with manslaughter.




As much as some of us want her to die, killing someone won't solve this issue.

The above three posters already said it, so not going to elaborate further.


If she gets killed, that's it and pretty much an easy escape for what she did.


From the link, she's getting a manslaughter charge, which technically means she'll live and face jail time.


However, like Gadjiltron mentioned, the social exile that will result from this will certainly be a fate worse than death itself.

Eventually, even her parents and those who supported her will see the truth.


A lot of us are disgusted at what she did and want to suffer, yes, but killing something is, again, not the answer.


Just so we're clear, I'm against killing her, but she certainly needs to understand the circumstances of what she has done.

Well, I suppose that makes sense. A fair answer. But in my religious beliefs, death is not an easy escape b/c you end up in hell (eternity of pain and torment) which happens if you had sin and not.......well I'll leave it at that.
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Well, I suppose that makes sense. A fair answer. But in my religious beliefs, death is not an easy escape b/c you end up in hell (eternity of pain and torment) which happens if you had sin and not.......well I'll leave it at that.

And in my (not-quite-existent) religious beliefs, death is still the easy escape from dealing with society. I don't care what kind of afterlife awaits, but if the scorn of and rejection from society at large can induce so much despair as to seek refuge in death, then it is already a worse - and a more fitting, considering the context - punishment.

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Well, I suppose that makes sense. A fair answer. But in my religious beliefs, death is not an easy escape b/c you end up in hell (eternity of pain and torment) which happens if you had sin and not.......well I'll leave it at that.

Are you saying that she should be killed so she goes to hell? That sounds like revenge, and I can't think of a religion that promotes that. Jesus certainly didn't.


I don't see how causing someone suffering and trauma will help them. Maybe some don't want her to get help, but I think that anyone can be redeemed and be a better person. If there's a way to help people with that, regardless of what they've done, it's what I want. But don't think I'm saying they shouldn't be punished, I just think that rehabilitation is way more productive than just jailing people and then setting them loose again. The article I posted above about what Norway does with criminals is pretty cool.

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This is disturbing.



Let me get something out here,

Suicide is a problem, a big problem, because we are in a world where negativity is impossible to escape and despair is so easily brought upon us.

But then there is this.

This article just put me off food. Nothing, not even watching televised surgery while eating, has ever put me off food. The girl is clearly some kind of derranged person and deserves to be locked up, indefinitely. Screw the "Let out early on good behaviour" thing, just put her in solitary confinement until she becomes suicidal.


An eye for an eye.

A tooth for a tooth.

The whole world is blind.

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