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Level Limit - Area B

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I'm a fan of heavy siding, I never feel safe trying to draw into Restrict or Iron Wall. So against Monarchs and Kozmo, this sheet has actually won me some games. Dweller (under Noden) can beat over all the ships except Dogfighter and the level 9, and it's MST fodder for when you actually draw into floodgates you want, though arrival of Twin Twister will be sad

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Thing is, Kozmos are no longer the deck to beat. They're Tier at best now and Pepe and Magicians are going to dominate the format. Level Limit is absolute sheet against Magicians cause of Dragonpit, and Pepe can do anything to toolbox and rid away Level Limit. They can just proceed to spam more other monsters by continually SSing beaters. Even in Kozmos themselves, Sliprider can be the easy answer out. It doesn't matter if Dweller can just cockblock the spaceships as long as they have answers or backrow.


This card can only be viable in decks below rogue tier if Kozmos are the first actual problem they have to face. if anything Dweller + Rose/Raigeki is pretty much fine. There are just better techs to stop Kozmos, while this once just makes a nuisance and creates a speed bump instead of an actual road block.

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Kozmo are still going to be around, and I don't doubt Monarchs will at least make a little splash. My Main is focused against Pepe, but even then, stuff like Fragrance and Grand Horn worry me because I don't think Pepe will be 100% of the pool, these other decks are going to pop up more often than you'd think, and this anti-Pepe stuff is gonna do jack sheet against them.


It's ultimately a bad card, yes, but these are the match ups that I somehow struggle with the most and I'll side the usual sheet to get stuff done, but having extra stuff that does at least something and is also removal bait doesn't seem too bad, especially when I need to side out a ton of Pepe cards

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