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[Serious] Fun Times Consent Forms


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Your lord shall allow it

I hereby allow the YCM Staff and their associates (from here on to be referred to as the Mods) to abuse their power over me on this forum, hopefully all in good humor. I will not hold the Mods responsible for any psychological damage I incur during these acts of power abuse. I waive all my rights and leave my fate and inevitable demise to the discretion of the Mods.




This is sad.



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Your lord shall allow it

I hereby allow the YCM Staff and their associates (from here on to be referred to as the Mods) to abuse their power over me on this forum, hopefully all in good humor. I will not hold the Mods responsible for any psychological damage I incur during these acts of power abuse. I waive all my rights and leave my fate and inevitable demise to the discretion of the Mods.




This is sad.






Consider this my final funking parting gift.

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I'm sure whoever steps in will participate and troll you all well enough.

Wait wait wait wait


Steps in?


I can't access the ACP to troll y'all though. But rest assured, when I can, I'm making up for the lack of use we've been getting out of this thread.

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So I was adding a list of consenting users to the OP for easy reference, but I wasn't sure about y'all three for one reason or another. I'd just like confirmation on if y'all consent to fun times or not. Imma assume you do until stated otherwise, but y'all have plenty of time to confirm or deny this before I get full mod power and can finally start really putting this thread to use.

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Wait, if you say you don't consent but in the process are meeting the requirements to consent, then what exactly is happening?


At the time Black made that, he was still Junior Mod and couldn't do name changes or major profile modifications. That's essentially Black being clear that he doesn't want his profile to be modified, since it's been a while since this thread has gotten updated. 

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The fact that by posting here you have a signature (even if it's a blank one) in this thread, means you have signed the Fun Times Consent Form.


And I'm declining because my time of posting, other than clearing this up, was as a mod. Don't really see the issue.

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