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[RESULTS ARE FINAL] 2016 Election for President of the United States | Donald Trump Victory


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Median household incomes by race from the years 1959 to 2012. Look at the relative incomes of Whites compared to the actual median, and then look at Blacksand Hispanics. 


Even the figures you showed show that a greater proportion of non whites live in poverty, it does show that Whites on the whole are better off. Which makes statements along the line he said less bullshit. There is stastical evidence that less white people are poor proportionately than other races in the US. The issue is he made it too much of a generalisation. 


Now, does that mean he should have said what he did? No, it was a poor comment to make. I've not actually watched the debate so I don't know the context it was said in, but I doubt it was said as a remark just to be racist. 


However I will say calling Sanders a racist is being ignorant, because this is a man who arrested whilst fighting for black rights in the 60's, has been a progressive in favour of equal rights for men, women, black gays, ect ect for decades. Doing so by taking one comment, a seemingly poorly phrased one, in an entire debate out of context is even worse.


I'm bothered that people are under the impression just because you support rights for once group, that suddenly you're not racist. By that logic the KKK was just fighting for white rights...


Whites make up a much larger portion of the the community so it's only natural they have a larger population in poverty. I'm however bothered that he implied that 1) All Blacks were being attacked and such 2) All whites are better off. I'm not Caucasian, but this recent trend of anti-white sentiment isn't gonna fix matters it's only going to divide us. Sanders strikes me, and others now too, as a more agressive version of Trump who scapegoats demographics all the same, just not the same ones as trump

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I'm bothered that people are under the impression just because you support rights for once group, that suddenly you're not racist. By that logic the KKK was just fighting for white rights...


Whites make up a much larger portion of the the community so it's only natural they have a larger population in poverty. I'm however bothered that he implied that 1) All Blacks were being attacked and such 2) All whites are better off. I'm not Caucasian, but this recent trend of anti-white sentiment isn't gonna fix matters it's only going to divide us. Sanders strikes me, and others now too, as a more agressive version of Trump who scapegoats demographics all the same, just not the same ones as trump


But he's been fighting for multiple civil rights groups... For decades. This isn't a random justification, it's making the conclusion that a man who has a history of being progressive about civil rights, constantly going against the 'standard opinion' for the sake of these groups, is not a racist and just misspoke instead. It's a fair assumption. Even just his constituency should imply he's not anti-white; You don't stay the only independant senator for a state that is primarily white by being anti-white. 


Whites have a higher number of people in poverty but a smaller proportion of there total population. It's the proportion that matters here as is usually the case for statistics. You don't look at just the number. Which means again, in combination with the median income means it's not a baseless statement. It's just poorly worded. 


Where is that opinion coming from? A single turn of phrase in a debate ignoring basically everything else? And where is the aggressive coming from? He's a man whose spent the entire campaign arguing the issues, not attacking people. It just seems incredibly ill-founded. 

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It's not drama when he's openly racist and blatantly wrong


Since the 1960s, the Census Bureau has tracked the numbers and percentages of Americans by race who have an income level that puts them at the poverty line. Here’s the most recent data, for 2014:





Number in poverty

Poverty rate

Americans of all races

46.7 million

14.8 percent


19.7 million

10.1 percent


10.8 million

26.2 percent


13.1 million

23.6 percent


2.1 million

12.0 percent


If Hillary or Trump had said that, they'd have been eaten alive...y'all need to cut the hipocracy


This is of course ignoring the claim that blacks normally live in poverty stricken ghettos..

It's not hypocrisy when people don't really understand what is being said. Take this interpretation, white people don't know what it is like to be poor and a minority. They can be poor, but they don't face the same challenges that minorities face under similar economic conditions. Think, please.

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It's not hypocrisy when people don't really understand what is being said. Take this interpretation, white people don't know what it is like to be poor and a minority. They can be poor, but they don't face the same challenges that minorities face under similar economic conditions. Think, please.

I mean I don't even know if I agree with that theory... quite a few whites live in pretty wretched conditions and while they don't suffer the same challenges, they suffer equally painful ones.


@Tom, maybe I was overstepping my line by calling Sanders racist, but had Trump or Hillary said the same statement, how would that have been taken. This the the person who will be leading my nation in about 8 months, having slip ups like this is frightening cause it might show an underlying trend. I haven't looked into Sander's past relations with Caucasians yet, but that's certainly something that needs to be looked at now


Proportionally they may not be suffering as much as the other minorities, but that's also in part due to their numbers. It's not unreasonable to hypothesize that your success ratios become stronger as your hold a greater percentage of your country (some might deem this a problem, but that's a different debate). The fact remains there are a great many whites suffering day in and out, and he made a down right offensive statement about them and currently lacks the tact to apologize

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"I mean I don't even know if I agree with that theory... quite a few whites live in pretty wretched conditions and while they don't suffer the same challenges, they suffer equally painful ones."


I was more talking about the criminal justice system when talking about challenges they don't share.

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Sanders: "White people dont know what it's like to be poor"

If that's not racist (and most of you ignore that you can be racist against whites), then IDK what is

Also hold your horses


That's a quote from a BLM member who addressed Bernie. He literally said that as he brought it up. Don't use bits and pieces of the message please.

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The reason why it would be taken further if Clinton or Trump said it is because Clinton and Trump don't have the same record and standpoints. Sanders record is what implies it is poorly worded. Trump saying something like this is believable, because Trump has a history of making remarks like it. Not the same specific ones, but similar ones.  But Sanders? He's a white independent liberal with a history standing up for civil rights of all forms. He's been standing up for Blacks, for women, for gays, for decades. As representing one of the most white and liberal states in the country for a very long time, as an independent. As ever, context matters, especially the speaker himself and Sander's history is in favour of this being a poorly worded phrase in a single debate. 


Clinton has had hers, Trump has had his, so have Cruz and Rubio, and every single candidate. Some bigger than others. In short, these sorts of mistakes happen in spontaneous debates. Even Obama had at least one instance of this sort of thing over the campaigns. Everyone slips up at some point, it's the frequency of it that matters, as well as the context. Sander's comment was still in manner justifiable and still focusing on issues, instead of say robot Rubio, or Trump talking about his penis. 


Oh, and I would add the rest of his statement to your comment; 




Look at the context he is mentioning it in. Look at the exact wording of his quote, not the approximation people are making; 


'When you are white, you don't know what it is like to be living in a Ghetto. You don't know what it is like to be poor, you don't know what it's like to be hassled when you walk down the street, or you get dragged out of a car.' And he then goes on to talk about ending institutional racism. 


If that's not a textbook example of taking a quote out of context to make someone look worse I don't know what is. It's nothing to do with him being racist, or having racist undertones. It's talking about racial struggles that whites on the whole can't associate with. Not just poverty. 

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Reuters: Sanders campaign sues Ohio for not allowing youth votes in primary. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-sanders-ohio-idUSMTZSAPEC39QZ70OY



IDK man, if you don't want a trump presidency, you don't want sanders to win cause of the Boomberg factor. He should get a fair fight this round, but win this battle, lose the war


Trump Swept Michigan and Mississippi, exit polls in Idaho look really good too

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Read it again. He said he wouldn't run before he didn't want to rob Hillary. He originally considered to counter Sanders v Trump

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I did read again, and it won't be a problem because he isn't running. Read again, please.

Well his top aid said he won't run in fear of robbing Hillary, but also that his initial reason for considering a run was to fight of the extreme in Trump and Sanders


But it's all good, let scarecrow come, a Trump-Kasich ticket would clean the geezer out

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Well his top aid said he won't run in fear of robbing Hillary, but also that his initial reason for considering a run was to fight of the extreme in Trump and Sanders


I read that part, and I interpreted his current position is that be won't run at all since he considers Trump the bigger threat.


But it's all good, let scarecrow come, a Trump-Kasich ticket would clean the geezer out


Pretty sure Christie has that spot, otherwise he "sold" his soul for nothing.

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