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[RESULTS ARE FINAL] 2016 Election for President of the United States | Donald Trump Victory


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I think it's worth noting that it's actually not confirmed that Kasich has quit the running (yet), just that given what sources are saying it's highly likely he will, and soon.

Regardless, even if he stays he seriously cant challenge Trump at this point, so it's pretty much a done deal no matter what.


Today is a dark day, for today Trump is one massive step closer to getting named president

(although yes it's a small comfort that the Zodiac Killer a.k.a Cruz wont claim the post)

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Well, this leaves the Democrats. Sanders is still in the race and I am really pissed at how the media keeps claiming a Sanders nomination impossible; for me it's just propaganda designed to attack Sanders.

Barring any of her pledged superdelegates reneging (which is highly unlikely at this point in the race), Clinton needs 150 more delegates to hit 2383 and secure the nomination. Even if she doesn't get any delegates in the upcoming six primaries (Guam, WV, Kentucky, Oregon, VI and PR), she only needs 27% of the vote in California to hit the magic number. Right now, she's polling 62-36 versus Sanders in CA. While Sanders isn't locked out right now, it's disingenuous to say he has anything but a longshot.


And for the record, I'm a centrist. Was between Kasich and Clinton early on until it came to light how vehemently opposed Kasich is to Planned Parenthood. Trump scares the daylights out of me, so even if Clinton isn't perfect (her involvement with Libya was ill-conceived), I'd much rather her over such a wildcard.

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At this point you aren't voting for him to get the nomination. You are voting for him because you believe his message and want to see it become more common among politics. 


That is the real reason people who are in favour of him should vote for him; You are giving evidence that you support what this man is standing for. It's the way you make the party change, even if it's slow progress. 


It's same reason Sanders should go to convention, because what he has been campaigning for is bigger than him and should not end with him. It's about getting a new generation involved in politics and getting a say in response to this. 

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I hate George W Bush more than almost anyone on this planet, but it's something.


Everybody hates Bush.


Clinton is probably going to be the nominee for the Democrats, and while I'm not a huge fan of her, I'd much rather have her in office than Trump. Especially since that article says that Trump seemingly plans to actually follow through with that Muslim ban, which will probably backfire in the form of more fuel for radical Islamic propaganda. Do we really want to risk giving ISIS/ISIL/Daesh more fuel for potential recruits, domestic and otherwise?


And let's not forget him simply being in office will further tarnish the already heavily tarnished image that America has internationally. Yeah, I'm very happy that Cruz is not going to be in office anytime soon, but I've also become very worried again about what will happen if Trump wins the general election.

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And let's not forget him simply being in office will further tarnish the already heavily tarnished image that America has internationally.

I think that's already gonna happen just by him having the nomination.


Everybody hates Bush.

Me too.
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How would he knew if the woman was going to actually argue about the tow bill or talk about Bernie, despite the banner and bad experience. (She might've been willing to pay the bill, but I won't speak for her or the driver).


I don't know; this election's turning into a legitimate mess at this point, if it hasn't already become one; especially after Trump is now the nominee for the Republicans. Needless to say a lot of the GOP still doesn't want him around.



Never really cared for Bush either, since he's the one who pushed us into the war in Iraq among other things. (Can't really think of anything good that he's done)

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Not too happy about double posting but I just felt like I had to share this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/05/05/why-a-trump-backing-tow-truck-driver-says-he-refused-service-to-a-sanders-supporter/


Everyone post your thoughts on this.





How would he knew if the woman was going to actually argue about the tow bill or talk about Bernie, despite the banner and bad experience. (She might've been willing to pay the bill, but I won't speak for her or the driver).


I don't know; this election's turning into a legitimate mess at this point, if it hasn't already become one; especially after Trump is now the nominee for the Republicans. Needless to say a lot of the GOP still doesn't want him around.



Never really cared for Bush either, since he's the one who pushed us into the war in Iraq among other things. (Can't really think of anything good that he's done)


It's a Trump supporter. You expected anything less? Sorry, had to let that out. The anti-Trump crowd can be just as bad, though, but, between that guy who got roughed up at a Trump rally, the Muslim woman who was kicked out where someone yelled to her "You have a bomb", to this, and, the fact they support a clown who not only wants to ban an entire group of people from the country, but actually says he'll go through with  rather soon if he is elected into office, it seems like we see more of them doing this sheet. I wouldn't deny service or business to a hardcore right winger or a hardcore left winger, that's for damn sure. If you're a business, you shouldn't be denying service to people just because different political affiliations.


People like him are what's wrong with this country. He didn't know her, she didn't know him. Yet, he denied her service (and lost money) simply because she supported Bernie Sanders? That's idiotic. In addition, in the following news article...





“I respect their beliefs, and I hope they respect my views,” Shupe said Wednesday.



>Says he respects their beliefs

>Denies service to someone because of political views


Hyprocrite, much?

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I'm going to leave this Facebook post from Robert Reich for discussion.


"The media are brimming with stories about “how far to the left Bernie can push Hillary."


Utter nonsense.


American politics is no longer arrayed along the old left-right divide, with big government on one side and the “free market” on the other. The new divide is establishment versus anti-establishment.


On the establishment side are Wall Street moguls and CEOs of big corporations and the Washington insiders who do their bidding. They want more bailouts, subsidies, tax loopholes, monopolies, global investment, big money in politics, and a faster revolving door between Washington and the Street.


On the anti-establishment side are those who want the reverse – thereby ending the upward distributions of income from the paychecks of average working people to the crony capitalists and monopolists, and reclaiming our democracy.


So the real question isn’t how far to the “left” Bernie can push Hillary. It’s how far Bernie can move Hillary and the Democrats away from the moneyed interests – getting commitments, for example, on the public financing of campaigns, full disclosure of all sources of campaign funding, nominating justices who will reverse “Citizens United,” not nominating to the Treasury emissaries from Wall Street, ending the revolving door, strengthening unions, and using antitrust laws to bust up monopolies.


What do you think?"

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I'm going to leave this Facebook post from Robert Reich for discussion.


"The media are brimming with stories about “how far to the left Bernie can push Hillary."


Utter nonsense.


American politics is no longer arrayed along the old left-right divide, with big government on one side and the “free market” on the other. The new divide is establishment versus anti-establishment.


On the establishment side are Wall Street moguls and CEOs of big corporations and the Washington insiders who do their bidding. They want more bailouts, subsidies, tax loopholes, monopolies, global investment, big money in politics, and a faster revolving door between Washington and the Street.


On the anti-establishment side are those who want the reverse – thereby ending the upward distributions of income from the paychecks of average working people to the crony capitalists and monopolists, and reclaiming our democracy.


So the real question isn’t how far to the “left” Bernie can push Hillary. It’s how far Bernie can move Hillary and the Democrats away from the moneyed interests – getting commitments, for example, on the public financing of campaigns, full disclosure of all sources of campaign funding, nominating justices who will reverse “Citizens United,” not nominating to the Treasury emissaries from Wall Street, ending the revolving door, strengthening unions, and using antitrust laws to bust up monopolies.


What do you think?"

perfectly summed it up there. as far as democrats go, the divide now is who can resist the lobbying and actually stand against the money side.

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What's wrong with that? It's just campaigning aimed at people who quite realistically could vote for her - Bush himself doesn't support Trump so I'm sure some of his donors wouldn't rule out supporting Clinton.


Bush donors... ughh

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What's wrong with that? It's just campaigning aimed at people who quite realistically could vote for her - Bush himself doesn't support Trump so I'm sure some of his donors wouldn't rule out supporting Clinton.


Bush donors... ughh

I was giving an example on why a good portion of Sanders supporters are not going to vote for Clinton. And people expect us to vote blue no matter what? I vote based on what I value, and Clinton doesn't really demonstrate those values.

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Sanders supporters are not going to vote Clinton because George W Bush supporters might? (admittedly that sounds like quite a good reason in my book) Sanders supporters are not going to vote Clinton because she badgers people to vote for her? I don't see what values or whatever she's violating by doing this.

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Bernie or bust just seems silly to me because you're accepting an even worse option.  Unless you literally see no differences between Trump and Clinton, you're making a silly decision not to vote.

This is my point of view, pretty much. I voted Sanders, I'm sad he's not gonna make it, but I'm still gonna vote Clinton 'cause it's that or Trump.

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Sanders supporters are not going to vote Clinton because George W Bush supporters might? (admittedly that sounds like quite a good reason in my book) Sanders supporters are not going to vote Clinton because she badgers people to vote for her? I don't see what values or whatever she's violating by doing this.


I guess you can make the argument it's evidence she'll chase money wherever it is, regardless of the political attachments it has. Because you know even with the Trump hate the money wouldn't come free - Clinton would be influenced by Bush supporters. 


And that's part of the issue people take. She isn't accountable to the electorate, she's accountable to the 1%, like most establishment politicians. Hilary just happens to be a god damn figurehead for it. 

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I guess you can make the argument it's evidence she'll chase money wherever it is, regardless of the political attachments it has. Because you know even with the Trump hate the money wouldn't come free - Clinton would be influenced by Bush supporters.


And that's part of the issue people take. She isn't accountable to the electorate, she's accountable to the 1%, like most establishment politicians. Hilary just happens to be a god damn figurehead for it.

TBH, I couldn't have said this better myself. It's possible that (pretty sure it already has) this further fuels the Bernie or Bust campaign. What people don't realize is that GOP-leaning Independents and disillusioned Moderate Republicans came over to vote for Sanders because they saw an opportunity to get political power back in the hands of the people. How anyone can tell those people to vote blue no matter what (i.e vote Clinton) when those people only became blue due to Sanders is beyond me.

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