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[RESULTS ARE FINAL] 2016 Election for President of the United States | Donald Trump Victory


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TBH, I couldn't have said this better myself. It's possible that (pretty sure it already has) this further fuels the Bernie or Bust campaign. What people don't realize is that GOP-leaning Independents and disillusioned Moderate Republicans came over to vote for Sanders because they saw an opportunity to get political power back in the hands of the people. How anyone can tell those people to vote blue no matter what (i.e vote Clinton) when those people only became blue due to Sanders is beyond me.


Because I'm pretty sure those people who are being targeted to vote blue likely understand that Trump is off his rocker.

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"I'm going to try to make this as informative and fun to read as possible.
Alright so who Is this baller of a beast? Hes the candidate running under the Libertarian party, and for those of you who ever wondered "why cant there be people who dont want to tax us an arm and a leg, but also are semi decent human beings on social issues" this is them.
Lemme learn you a thing or too about the man, the myth, the legend. During his time as Governor of New Mexico he was a total badass and didnt take anyones crap, vetoing over 750 bills, and never allowing taxes to be raised, only lowered. "What the what? He was able to have a state function without taxing them ludicrous amounts of money?" Good question inaginary voice in my head, yes, he was, because during his time as Governor, New Mexico was one of very few states to have a balanced and sustainable budget. Which for those of you who dont know, is a good thing. His views on governmental spending are pretty simple, spend only whats necessary, or what can make a profit, which seems reasonable and what most people are saying in this election, but then they say stuff like "Lets raise our obscenely large defense budget, because we need to prove to the rest of the world that we dont have an inforiority complex by having the biggest tanks ever, also btw I dont have a tiny dick its just the lighting"
Alright, so his views on spending are pretty solid, but what are some other major views? Despite being against abortion at its core, he understands a womans right to there health and body and as such is pro choice in that regard. Hes pro legalization, and has been since before it was cool, but not in a stupid hipster kind of way, but in a bad ass "this shits just logical" kind of way.
Oh, and did i mention this JABRONI is absolutely pro environmental sustainability? And other than our national debt believes it to be one of the largest issues facing our national security? Yeah this guys cool as a cucumber, in fact hes as cool as 2.
Apart from his political, and bussiness prowess, hes also the most interesting man alive. Hes been to the top of each highest mountain on all 7 continents, Including, you know, Mt "Youre Going To Heaven High" Everest. Also, he called Trump a pussy on live TV which is both hysterical, and entirely warranted considering his college degree probably says Gary "Mother funking Badass" Johnson.
If youre interested in this bohemoth of a man, his website goes in more depth about most of his core views, and if youre not interested in this man well then get outa my face because youre entirely incorrect.
Tl;dr Gary Johnson is a badass and deserves the attention of one"




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"I'm going to try to make this as informative and fun to read as possible.

Alright so who Is this baller of a beast? Hes the candidate running under the Libertarian party, and for those of you who ever wondered "why cant there be people who dont want to tax us an arm and a leg, but also are semi decent human beings on social issues" this is them.

Lemme learn you a thing or too about the man, the myth, the legend. During his time as Governor of New Mexico he was a total badass and didnt take anyones crap, vetoing over 750 bills, and never allowing taxes to be raised, only lowered. "What the what? He was able to have a state function without taxing them ludicrous amounts of money?" Good question inaginary voice in my head, yes, he was, because during his time as Governor, New Mexico was one of very few states to have a balanced and sustainable budget. Which for those of you who dont know, is a good thing. His views on governmental spending are pretty simple, spend only whats necessary, or what can make a profit, which seems reasonable and what most people are saying in this election, but then they say stuff like "Lets raise our obscenely large defense budget, because we need to prove to the rest of the world that we dont have an inforiority complex by having the biggest tanks ever, also btw I dont have a tiny dick its just the lighting"

Alright, so his views on spending are pretty solid, but what are some other major views? Despite being against abortion at its core, he understands a womans right to there health and body and as such is pro choice in that regard. Hes pro legalization, and has been since before it was cool, but not in a stupid hipster kind of way, but in a bad ass "this shits just logical" kind of way.

Oh, and did i mention this JABRONI is absolutely pro environmental sustainability? And other than our national debt believes it to be one of the largest issues facing our national security? Yeah this guys cool as a cucumber, in fact hes as cool as 2.

Apart from his political, and bussiness prowess, hes also the most interesting man alive. Hes been to the top of each highest mountain on all 7 continents, Including, you know, Mt "Youre Going To Heaven High" Everest. Also, he called Trump a pussy on live TV which is both hysterical, and entirely warranted considering his college degree probably says Gary "Mother funking Badass" Johnson.

If youre interested in this bohemoth of a man, his website goes in more depth about most of his core views, and if youre not interested in this man well then get outa my face because youre entirely incorrect.

Tl;dr Gary Johnson is a badass and deserves the attention of one"




Sadly, a good portion of Libertarians go towards the GOP. Eh, I doubt I'll vote for him but he sounds good I guess.

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"I'm going to try to make this as informative and fun to read as possible.

Alright so who Is this baller of a beast? Hes the candidate running under the Libertarian party, and for those of you who ever wondered "why cant there be people who dont want to tax us an arm and a leg, but also are semi decent human beings on social issues" this is them.

Lemme learn you a thing or too about the man, the myth, the legend. During his time as Governor of New Mexico he was a total badass and didnt take anyones crap, vetoing over 750 bills, and never allowing taxes to be raised, only lowered. "What the what? He was able to have a state function without taxing them ludicrous amounts of money?" Good question inaginary voice in my head, yes, he was, because during his time as Governor, New Mexico was one of very few states to have a balanced and sustainable budget. Which for those of you who dont know, is a good thing. His views on governmental spending are pretty simple, spend only whats necessary, or what can make a profit, which seems reasonable and what most people are saying in this election, but then they say stuff like "Lets raise our obscenely large defense budget, because we need to prove to the rest of the world that we dont have an inforiority complex by having the biggest tanks ever, also btw I dont have a tiny dick its just the lighting"

Alright, so his views on spending are pretty solid, but what are some other major views? Despite being against abortion at its core, he understands a womans right to there health and body and as such is pro choice in that regard. Hes pro legalization, and has been since before it was cool, but not in a stupid hipster kind of way, but in a bad ass "this shits just logical" kind of way.

Oh, and did i mention this motherf***er is absolutely pro environmental sustainability? And other than our national debt believes it to be one of the largest issues facing our national security? Yeah this guys cool as a cucumber, in fact hes as cool as 2.

Apart from his political, and bussiness prowess, hes also the most interesting man alive. Hes been to the top of each highest mountain on all 7 continents, Including, you know, Mt "Youre Going To Heaven High" Everest. Also, he called Trump a pussy on live TV which is both hysterical, and entirely warranted considering his college degree probably says Gary "Mother f***ing Badass" Johnson.

If youre interested in this bohemoth of a man, his website goes in more depth about most of his core views, and if youre not interested in this man well then get outa my face because youre entirely incorrect.

Tl;dr Gary Johnson is a badass and deserves the attention of one"






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I read an interesting article a while back about how libertarians are only really faux progressives because the progressive agenda requires $$$ and libertarians can't provide that.  Without government intervention, environmental, racial, economic, etc issues wont actually be fixed because they are structural issues that need $$$.  I'll see if I can find it.

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He also privatized and wants privatized prisons.


He's fired 1200 state employees, then paid a private company money to make a private prison worse than a state prison.


He actually blocked a study to look into private prisons, because he actively understood how wrong it was.  He knew what he was doing, and didn't care.  


Even as a libertarian, his stance on marijuana didn't change until his polls dropped and he needed something to boost his popularity.


He wants to cut medicare and medicaid by 43% and change them to going from the government to the people, adding the state between the two, causing more fraud and mess in between.


He passed a law allowing states to go bankrupt.


He's opposed to the federal reserve.  In other words, he doesn't understand economics.


He wants audits of the fed (even though they already exist) because he believes in a conspiracy theory that the feds are part of some shadow organization.  He claims there are no audits of the feds currently.


He's in favor of regressive taxes.  Impacts the poor more than the rich.


He wants to abolish income tax.  Seriously, wtf?  And only tax the purchase of goods and services.  Biggest tax cut for the 1%.



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He also privatized and wants privatized prisons.


He's fired 1200 state employees, then paid a private company money to make a private prison worse than a state prison.


He actually blocked a study to look into private prisons, because he actively understood how wrong it was.  He knew what he was doing, and didn't care.  


Even as a libertarian, his stance on marijuana didn't change until his polls dropped and he needed something to boost his popularity.


He wants to cut medicare and medicaid by 43% and change them to going from the government to the people, adding the state between the two, causing more fraud and mess in between.


He passed a law allowing states to go bankrupt.


He's opposed to the federal reserve.  In other words, he doesn't understand economics.


He wants audits of the fed (even though they already exist) because he believes in a conspiracy theory that the feds are part of some shadow organization.  He claims there are no audits of the feds currently.


He's in favor of regressive taxes.  Impacts the poor more than the rich.


He wants to abolish income tax.  Seriously, wtf?  And only tax the purchase of goods and services.  Biggest tax cut for the 1%.



Yeah... that guy dosent seme good.


Also I felt like I just had to follow that up with this.

Somewhere, Bernie is twitching with rage.

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He's opposed to the federal reserve.  In other words, he doesn't understand economics.

I mean this is the same federal reserve that caused the great depression and a subsequent world war within 20 years of being established, not really sure what else you need to fire an employee.

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I mean this is the same federal reserve that caused the great depression and a subsequent world war within 20 years of being established, not really sure what else you need to fire an employee.


You're suggesting that the Federal Reserve isn't a big piece of our infrastructure.  Now we're supposed to just abolish it and ruin a rebuilding economy because this know nothing jackass thinks it's a piece of some illuminati conspiracy and economics is just a subtext.  Nah.

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I found this video



What does YCM think about the explosion of employment rates?

Uh, that video is over three years old. Seems outdated IMO. As for the unemployment rate, part of it can be attributed to disillusioned workers that have left the labor force and part-time hires. Those do tend to skew the U-3 numbers.

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I want Bernie to win the primary, but he'd need to pull a historic comeback to do so. I mean, he needs more than two entire California's to win the primary at this point. And I was told that if he doesn't get the primary, they can't write him in because he isn't liberal.

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I'm not saying things are looking good for Bernie, just... Getting that out of the way.


But I do want to note that in 2008, something similar was happening with Obama. Super delegates that were backing Hillary began to switch over to Obama. She had a lead against him, something like 2 to 1 in super delegates, that lead began to decline at one point.


I can't really remember all the details, I just remember it happening. So while a Sanders victory is really unlikely, it's not impossible yet.

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I'm not saying things are looking good for Bernie, just... Getting that out of the way.


But I do want to note that in 2008, something similar was happening with Obama. Super delegates that were backing Hillary began to switch over to Obama. She had a lead against him, something like 2 to 1 in super delegates, that lead began to decline at one point.


I can't really remember all the details, I just remember it happening. So while a Sanders victory is really unlikely, it's not impossible yet.


Except in 2008 at this point Obama was winning. And he was never losing by the same margins that Bernie is now iirc. 


After Super Tuesday, which included California that year, Obama was only behind by 20 Delegates. 


The reason that Super Delegates switched to Obama was because Obama began winning in pledged delegates. That's something we've known would happen if Bernie was in the same position. 


This is not comparable to the situation Bernie is now. He is losing in pleged delegates, in Super Delegates, and by what metrics we have the popular vote. He is behind in polls significantly in California as well, and that is the miracle state for him. 


Realistically Bernie has only 4 ways to get the nomination: 1) Hilary is named by a second wave of Panama Paper leaks and forced out due to the scandals (This is unlikely because the US doesn't really need Tax Havens, it basically is one.) 2) Hilary's transcripts are leaked and it's found that she said something that render's her illegible for office. 3) She gets a formal charge from the FBI, but hell that's unlikely to stop her because the suspicion of a charge wasn't enough. 


Or she has a massive coronary and dies. 


As much as I'd love to see him as your nominee, and as much as I think you should still vote for him if you believe in his message, it is ludicrous to think he has any chance now. The odds of him winning are probably on par with Leicester's at the start of the season right now. 

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Especially since that article says that Trump seemingly plans to actually follow through with that Muslim ban, which will probably backfire in the form of more fuel for radical Islamic propaganda. Do we really want to risk giving ISIS/ISIL/Daesh more fuel for potential recruits, domestic and otherwise?



Sure, I'd much rather Daesh have more fuel if it means keeping Daesh out of the US. If not Trump, they'll find something else. Stop acting like Daesh needs a rational reason to hate the US. They can't hurt the US if they can't get in.


If they grow, the Saudis and Iranians will put them down on their own


Enough American blood has been spilled on this accord


It's a Trump supporter. You expected anything less? Sorry, had to let that out. 


>Says he respects their beliefs

>Denies service to someone because of political views


Hyprocrite, much?

Really? Ad Hom attacks are the last line of defense.


I'm not sure where the left gets the nerve to call anyone else a hypocrite when half the left is infighting over people not being left enough. And the other half is throwing around the word "bigot" at every chance they get without understanding what the word even means


How do you expect us to treat you to a better standard when all you do is demonify and broad brush us as you so happily did in your sword


There's incidents like this aren't there?





You don't see any Trump supporters here going off on Sanders's supporters or Sanders personally do you? Seriously, grow up.




That being said, Trump's recent take on the Tax policy is honestly what I've been waiting for politicians to do for ages. The middle class and lower upper class

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Everybody hates Bush.


Clinton is probably going to be the nominee for the Democrats, and while I'm not a huge fan of her, I'd much rather have her in office than Trump. Especially since that article says that Trump seemingly plans to actually follow through with that Muslim ban, which will probably backfire in the form of more fuel for radical Islamic propaganda. Do we really want to risk giving ISIS/ISIL/Daesh more fuel for potential recruits, domestic and otherwise?

No, what's 'radicalizing the middle' is that the west is doing barely anything to stop them, if you're one of the millions of law abiding muslims and see multiple terrorist attacks happening in France and they get flowers and Eiffel towers as peace signs, when you see Charlie Hebdo can get shot up and idiots like Garry Trudeau can say it's justified, when there are sharia courts in the UK, when there are areas like Molenbeek or Birmingham where police can't enter without a tank, when any talk of Islam or the behaviour of muslims or the crime rates is silenced or hidden or shut down, when there are hundreds of Saudi Mosques spreading terrorism and France finds war-grade weaponry in those mosques while most Europeans are almost disarmed, and nothing is done whatsoever, THAT sends a message to the moderates that ISIS is winning and you can join with no problem. I mean they're commit mass murder and mass crime and nothing is done, what else do you need?


The recruitment pitch isnt "they hate us", it's "we're winning!"



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You know one of those miracles I was talking about earlier in relation to Sanders? This is like active progress towards one of them happening. Like when CNN, practically the Clinton News Network, runs a aggresive story against Clinton you know a story has got some legs. As well as FBI officials talking about how it's a criminal investigation. 


On the other hand, Biden has been out on a lot of media platforms nowadays, so he might be being pushed to be the replacement if Hilary is forced to step down. 






Long long read, but a nice summary of the the timeline of events and kinda framing how big a deal it all is. 

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