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DN Chronicles *Remake*


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Not on DN so I don't have screenshots and all that fun stuff (except I do), but...

Hanging out on YGOPro, and find this guy named luiscn.  Now, luiscn seems to have suffered from delusions of grandeur.  I went in with my Superheavies, business as usual, did my usual shtick where I win the rock-paper-scissors and go second and say gl/hf...then this chatlog happens.

JustYui: gl/hf
luiscn: i dont need that
JustYui: wow somebody's feeling cocky tonight
luiscn: no
luiscn: i am the best in this
luiscn: and you gonna lose
luiscn: quickly
JustYui: don't disappoint me then

One duel later (and not a quick one like luis promised), this is our field.
methinks somebody got a little too big for their britches.

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Not on DN so I don't have screenshots and all that fun stuff (except I do), but...


Hanging out on YGOPro, and find this guy named luiscn.  Now, luiscn seems to have suffered from delusions of grandeur.  I went in with my Superheavies, business as usual, did my usual shtick where I win the rock-paper-scissors and go second and say gl/hf...then this chatlog happens.


JustYui: gl/hf

luiscn: i dont need that

JustYui: wow somebody's feeling cocky tonight

luiscn: no

luiscn: i am the best in this

luiscn: and you gonna lose

luiscn: quickly

JustYui: don't disappoint me then


One duel later (and not a quick one like luis promised), this is our field.


methinks somebody got a little too big for their britches.

Proof that good old-fashioned Steadfast Dueling is miles better than toying around with newfangled mechanical dragons.

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Seems my Deskbots managed to beat someone by annoying them.

First time a ragequit like that happened. Usually, people just ask me what a Deskbot's at every time I attack.

[spoiler= ]
shadow_liepard: no
shadow_liepard: it wasnt flip summoned
kartikshidhaye: oh wow
kartikshidhaye: well it still lives
shadow_liepard: 003 eff
kartikshidhaye has lost 700 life points
shadow_liepard: 1700
kartikshidhaye has lost 1000 life points
shadow_liepard: beginning of bp
kartikshidhaye: ok?
shadow_liepard: 003 eff
shadow_liepard: 2200
kartikshidhaye: alright
shadow_liepard has lost 1000 life points
shadow_liepard placed a counter on "Machine Assembly Line" in ST-3 (now 1)
kartikshidhaye: wait
shadow_liepard placed a counter on "Machine Assembly Line" in ST-3 (now 2)
kartikshidhaye: how is it 2200
kartikshidhaye: 1700
shadow_liepard: its effect
kartikshidhaye: yeah
kartikshidhaye: so
kartikshidhaye: 500+500+200
shadow_liepard: +500 from 002
kartikshidhaye: alright
kartikshidhaye: still 1700
shadow_liepard: +1000 from 003, +500 from 002
shadow_liepard: 500 original
shadow_liepard: +200
kartikshidhaye: ahh
kartikshidhaye: alright
shadow_liepard has lost 1700 life points
shadow_liepard placed a counter on "Machine Assembly Line" in ST-3 (now 3)
shadow_liepard placed a counter on "Machine Assembly Line" in ST-3 (now 4)
shadow_liepard: 003 eff
shadow_liepard: 1700
shadow_liepard: 004 eff
kartikshidhaye: uh?
kartikshidhaye: so it dies..?
shadow_liepard: yes
kartikshidhaye: how
shadow_liepard: 4200 atk
kartikshidhaye: HOW?
shadow_liepard: 004's effect
kartikshidhaye: on who?
shadow_liepard: itself
kartikshidhaye: but whos level does it gain
shadow_liepard: 005 
kartikshidhaye: man
kartikshidhaye: youre annoying
shadow_liepard: no dmg
kartikshidhaye has left the duel


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