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[[SA]] F•HERO Cards (Lady Gale Added!!)

Saiba Aisu

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Update! Edited the effects of Fancy Hero Aquamarie! She is a lot more balanced now!


[spoiler=Response to Ixigo]Tribute Summoning is a lot easier than Fusion Summoning, though. Shock Fire may be gamebreaking, but there are a lot of other gamebreaking cards that aren't banned - cards like Heavy Storm, for example. Shock Fire's utility is dictated by the monsters the opponent has out and ensuring her attack goes through who knows how many Spells or Traps. Personally, I think she's fine, and Dan - my pro-level friend - thinks the same... although in much less flowery terms.


Phoenix Champion's ATK increasing effect only activates when she battles an opponent's monster, though... In addition, her effect can only be used to its maximum potential when you have a field full of Fancy Heroes... Apart from this, she is forced to skip her attack whenever she does use her effect, meaning that you can't exactly spam her by destroying a S/T and then attacking. In that sense, she isn't like MST. As to the nature of the cards, I don't exactly have many options. Like I said to you before, I am limited by the images and what can be used suitably with them. Even if they are based on another set, they're still very good quality and actually seem like realistic cards... This is because they are all in the same art style, after all.


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I'm glad you like them! Fancy Heroes Statica and Spice are now more balanced - Spice needs to be sent by a card effect and only inflicts 300 damage per monster, while Statica can only add Level 4 or lower Fancy Heroes to hand (excluding herself). In addition, Freya got a more powerful effect, since she was rather useless originally.


Well, I'm working on it! The next Fusion Monster should soon be out... It will most likely be Valkyrie Winguard or Caballa!


/EDIT: Btw, I was going to ask... Which, would you say, is your favorite Fancy Hero?

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Statica: The first effect is good now. The second effect: does it only apply to effects that are triggered? Or can an effect that is active as long as the monster remains on the field be negated as well?


Freya: Fine, but I think you've made her quite resilient - immunity to Traps and a counter in battle... I don't think those two effects work together well, as the only way to destroy her efficiently would be with a Spell.


Spice: She's good, I didn't think she was too broken to begin with.


Aquamarie: Other than breaking the Statica combo, she's still quite easy to abuse. There're virtually tons of ways you can move cards to your hand which results in an automatic Special Summon & draw, not to mention the ways to Special Summon her, which is also a draw. I seriously think her drawing effect should kick in only when she's Special Summoned by her own effect. The "have another F-Hero out" is a very easy restriction to fulfill.

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Ragnarok, I'll try and get on that. And I wasn't talking about your opinion on the names... I was asking which has been your favorite Fancy Hero out of the set thus far...


[spoiler=Response to Ixigo]Statica: Only the first, hence the 'activation' bit, and the fact that it can be used on either player's turn. However, the negated monster is not destroyed, and if its effect can be used more than once per turn (like Dark Armed Dragon, for example) you can do so.


Freya: She's not necessarily a counter in battle... I still she's pretty underpowered.


Spice: Yeah, but she's consistent -500 burn for each other Fancy Hero out... This way is better, and her damage doubling effect is more restrictive.


Aquamarie: You said it was much better why we were dueling... Cards that move them from your hand to the Graveyard and can be effectively worked into a Warrior Toolbox deck? You'll find that those are limited to Monster Reincarnation and The Warrior Returning Alive. Fusion Recovery is a little too specific to be included...


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Ragnarok, I can see where you're coming from, but the idea is to halve only direct attacks initiated by her effect... The lore you're giving me halves all of her direct attacks, even if the opponent's field is empty. And that makes her underpowered.


Thanks, Ixigo. I'm very glad you like her!


More comments, please!

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As you already mentioned these are just basically E-Heroes with modifications to make them more applicable in an actual duel. It gives them an ability to sort of hold their ground before Fusion Summoning. I like how some of the images are parodies to certain things like Exquisite bearing a striking resemblance to M.Bison (Vega) from Street Fighter while also carrying a resemblance to Captain Gold's position. Overall, the effects are balanced enough. Yeah, I have similar gripes to Freya and Phoenix Champion as other people do but I also think that despite their effects that aren't shaking up the metagame at all. Pretty easy to deal with both cards.


-Freya is a bit of an annoyance as it's immune to traps and kills the monster that kills it. The combination is an annoyance though by no means is it ground breaking to the meta. Overall, it's not going to make the deck broken and is about as annoying as a D.D. Warrior or D.D. Warrior Lady. I feel that destruction effect should belong to a different F-Hero monster but minor issue.


-The only thing that bothers me with Phoenix Champion is the constant S/T destruction that this monster provides. Depending on the deck that they are up against, this monster becomes a real problem for you. However, with the current metagame it's not that big of a deal since most traps used are chainable anyways like PWBB or CED so you may lose a few cards but you'll most likely get rid of this card as well. If not you'll probably muster a Synchro Summon next turn to deal with it.


-Aquamarine's trigger effect although being the same as Fortune Lady Watery has the potential to be more abusable in a dedicated deck. Limit Reverse->Inferno Reckless Summon is a +6 to your hand and can create a turbo deck situation. I don't feel the card is all that splashable in a different deck so it's not completely broken. I'd have to play around with the archetype but I agree that the trigger requirements should be different or more restricted to that which was recommended earlier.


Other than that there really isn't much to say about the theme. It lacks originality due to the intention of the archetype but it's not something I'm going to nit pick over.


Anyways, I notice you also have a section on these cards on the YCM wikia and was wondering if you could assist me with something on that wikia but we can take that to PMs if you don't mind.

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Yep, Chizuru... Just with better OCG and a new picture!!


Killey: Wow, okay, thanks for the long comment. Let me type up a (hopefully!) equally enjoyable reply.


[spoiler=Reply to Killey's Comment]


@ Freya: She's a difficult card to remove safely, yes; but like you said that doesn't really change much of the Metagame. I'm not particularly happy with her effect since she's such a gentle-looking card, so if you have any suggestions...


@ Phoenix Champion: Well, she's a Level 7 Fusion Monster, so she should have an effect that makes her Summoning worthwhile. True, she can provide a lot of constant S/T destruction, but it requires you to have a more or less full field; even then, like you mentioned Phoenix Wind Wingblast can easily ruin your strategy, just like most other Chainable Traps.


@ Yes, I know that Aquamarie is quite powerful... She's actually based on E-Hero Bubbleman, but I can see how you would draw parallels to Fortune Lady Watery. However, if she ever did come out, I'm sure they would limit her to 1. When dueling Ixigo, I only use one copy of Aquamarie in my Deck, so she's more or less balanced out.


Well, I'm not asking you to nitpick, but I hope that despite the theme's lack of originality, you enjoyed the cards and images? Such excellent, matching artwork is truly a sight to see on YCM. And sure, I don't mind helping. I'll PM you.


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The difference between Aquamarie and Bubbleman is that Bubbleman's effect kicks in only if you're at a disadvantage, or at least on similar standing, with your opponent. So it basically can't be used to overwhelm your opponent (at least not too much), the Special Summoning is useful but not game-breaking, and the drawing only kicks in if you literally have no other cards at all. It is really very situational and at best can turn a bad situation into one you can handle, or give you an advantage when the playing field is even. Aquamarie suffers under no such limitations as you can activate the effect with your cards regardless of the situation on the field, that is why if it is used when you are already in an advantageous situation, you can build up on that to break the game in your favor.

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