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Yu-Gi-Oh: Signers of the Stars [Started/Accepting Here/OOC/Co-Hosted by evilfusion]

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so did the shuttles leave yet?

New app:
Username: King Mew
RP Name: Rori
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Bio: She’s an orphan since she was nine or ten she never really knew her age due to her mother being ill. She only knew that she hated everything about the world and she would never have anything to do with anyone who could hurt her. Her life is like a puzzle to her she has to make things complicated in ways no one can understand. Her father left when she was a small baby so she knows almost nothing about him, but she has only one thing that her mother left her a book with a letter and a picture in it. Now she’s a unhappy girl who feels unloved and hopes that everyone else will suffer like she did her whole life.
Personality: nasty, mean, almost never has a nice thing to say about anyone or anything, and she’s only nice to orphans.
[color="#FF8C00"]Appearance:[/color] [IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/549jc4.jpg[/IMG]
Faction: Neutral, Until she duels one of the dark Signers then she’ll be a dark singer guard dog
Deck Type: Spellcaster Are we following any band lists?
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um, jenofresh, sorry to be picky (and I know this isn't my job), but didn't evilfusion say not to duel NPCs?

[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1288915304' post='4762170']
As to your question, just focus on finishing the set or whatever. Don't bother dueling NPCs, because the tournament is set up specifically so you choose your opponents and can face other plot relevent characters without elimination at your first loss.

As for coming in, almost everyone is boarding shuttles that will take you to the duel arena. You can post saying you got on board...just look at some of the latest posts for an idea.
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Did I miss the part where SSD confirmed the shuttles took off/arrived? Certainly, it would be best not to drag on forever of "people got on shuttle and do nothing", but...

Yes, I'll reiterate. [b]Do not duel NPCs at this stage. Technically the tournament has NOT started.[/b] You are getting ahead of everyone else, and dueling NPCs is absolutely pointless, even if you skip the duel part.
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I'm not sure if there is any room in this RP... is there?
here's my app note I only posted a deck list because I don't want to have to search for cards I want to be organized.
Username:The Lord of Mysterians.
RP Name:Jake
[spoiler=Bio] Jake is a Valedictorian of the duel academy graduating at 11 years old his deck was a gift from his father who now is a Shadow Drone. Jake ran away from home when his mother died from alcohol overdose. he seeks vengeance against the Dark Signer who controls his father. While Jake lacks a signer mark his intellect allowed him to devise a way to protect his soul when an earthbound immortal is summoned basically his duel disk reacts to the negative energy caused from a shadow duel so that in the case that he would get caught in a geoglyph or lose a duel the Duel Disk would convert the energy into electric shocks.[/spoiler]
Personality: Happy known as the guy with a smile. but never jokes around in a duel he has a code of honor if anyone disrespects him he will inflict his wrath on him/her/it
Faction: Signer Ally
Deck Type: Jake plays CyberDark ChimeraTech style having at least all of the Cyber monsters.
[spoiler=Custom Cards][spoiler=Cyber Dragon - Mugen][img]http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3368/211482.jpg[/img]
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This Card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing "Cyber Dragon" and "Cyber Ogre." When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster. When this card is sent to the Graveyard you can Remove from Play this card to: Half the Life Points of you and your opponent or destroy all cards on the field.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=DONT OPEN] Cyber Barrier Dragon
Cyber Dragon x2
Cyber Dragon Zwei x2
Cyber Eltanin
Cyber End Dragon
Cyber Larva x2
Cyber Laser Dragon
Cyber Ouroboros x2
Cyber Twin Dragon
Cyber Valley x3
Proto-Cyber Dragon x2
Negate Attack x2
Super Polymerization x2
Super Junior Confrontation
Staunch Defender
Mirror Force
Cyber Phoenix x2
Armored Cybern x2
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Chimeratech Overdragon
Attack Reflector Unit
Cybernetic Hidden Technology x2
Evolution Burst
Photon Generator Unit
Cyber Kirin x2
Cybernetic Magician
Cyberdark Keel
Cyberdark Horn
Cyberdark Edge
Cyberdark Dragon
Cyberdark Impact!
Cyber Ogre x2
Cyber Ogre 2
Polymerization x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Limiter Removal
Magic Cylinder
Infernal Dragon x2
Strong Wind Dragon x2
Spear Dragon x2
Rebirth Judgment [/spoiler]
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[quote name='Bluster Soldier' timestamp='1289011044' post='4764836']
who's like the main signer? I want to run an idea through him/her

That would be SSD, who conveniently is also the owner of the RP.

@Lord: I missed your app due to you adding it after I had replied to your question. I would like it if you fleshed out the bio and personality more, and I'm not sure about that "Duel Disk gives off same aura as a mark" thing. Not only is that rather nonsensical when you realize half the context is magical in some way, it's worth mentioning that Immortals dont steal the soul of the opposing duelist until the duel ends, or if they got caught in a geoglyph during or after the Summoning and aren't in the presence of a mark.

[quote name='jenofresh' timestamp='1289011230' post='4764841']
Hmm, Evil, remember when Axel/accel where introduced in the series? Perhaps our Yliaster introduces an even newer Synchro Monster: The Evolution Synchro

It's Accel, but why would Yliaster have anything to do with Synchro monsters? The main ones wield Anti-Synchro strategies, and they have said that Synchro monsters are proof of humans seeking to rise above their natural place and wanting unnecessary, excessive power. For Yliaster to evolve Synchros FURTHER would be hypocritical on so many levels.
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I sure don't think that it would be fair for you, and mind you, you ALONE to be able to not get your soul sacrificed by the EBI's when you aren't a Signer. To me, it seems unfair to the rest of the people who don't have that power, or to the people who, when they sign up for this, won't have that power.

Only my opinion on the matter. I'll let evilfusion handle it from here.
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