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You are a person I like!


I think I mentioned it before, but for a long time I really looked up to you, maybe it was silly, but eh, I did!


I felt like, even though you.. Did kinda have a temper, you handled things far better than I ever could, and that gave me a reason to look up to you. I had no real initiative on my own, and you were kinda the exact opposite.


I could probably say some more, but I'll just leave it at I like Kate. :'D

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Oh, Aubrey.

You at least used to be one of my favorite people (like Armz-level) and I still feel the same way. We don't talk much, but you're either busy or doing things that are more important and I sincerely do not mind. It was nice getting close.

Thank you for all the confidence, too. Oh, and you seem to be more confident than you used to be in yourself. I always told you you should have made that development earlier and continue to.

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Ah, Nai.


I've a very mixed opinion of you, which lends itself to me not liking you - especially concerning some of your bullshit warns to me in the past.  I doubt your judgment and I've seen you be very childish at times.  While you do an alright job, I've seen that you don't perform particularly well under stress.


So, again, I'm mixed on you.  My experiences with you have been overall negative.  I wish our relationship would improve, but I don't know if that'll happen anytime soon.


EDIT:  Damnit, Toyo.


Toyo, I've seen you be serious - when you want something.  Though as you've been told before, you can be very, very childish at times.  That's more of a product of your age, however - I remember when I was like that too!  


You probably know I'm rather cold towards you, but I guess time could fix that.

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You made me feel violated by using Hina in your name at one point outside of resorting to the old fad.

You are standard in mind this far though have the undoubted dynamic of being married and more independent than most other people here. A certain sense of maturity must have been gained as a result that most could never understand.

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I never cared to look into what changes you might have made from before to now. I remember what having you on Skype was like, which I hope has become a bit less overwhelming. Actually, you're kind of the site's Butt Monkey. You might have whatever flaws, but I know you are far from a legitimately bad person. It is also odd to realize that you are older than me.

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I'm....honestly unsure. As always, I still can't make an actual opinion on you. Maybe due to lack of interaction.

So why even post?



We used to talk a lot more than we do now (mutual lack of interest), but when we did, the only thing that was a bother was that you would be a bit airheaded at times. Otherwise things were fine. Pretty standard mentality here with a sense of humor that isn't nearly as uninspired as some of the other people here. Oh, and you weren't genuinely rude or anything. Not a bad person in the least. Though some things make a me a bit ambivalent. Also you should be a bit more assertive. You're so passive.

For Striker I'll just PM you later.
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i never had the chance to talk to you, though ive seen your interaction with other people and i have no reason to dislike you, not too sure what we have in common though.

I personally see you as a less perfect version of Toot.

i actually can sorta see where youre going with that
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