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Astro Dude

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I just think Amon is a highly spiritually attuned energybender, but eh.

[quote]... Not sure who you're talking about here. You mean Season 1 of TLA? The only Earthbenders I remember are King Bumi, Haru, his dad, and the other people who got taken away, that guy from The Great Divide, those Earthbenders who were gonna murder Iroh in the first part of The Spirit World episode, a few random nubs from Aunt Wu (the Fortuneteller)'s village... I think that's everyone. Maybe Kyoshi if you count that? Other then that, I don't remember a Fire Nation Guy who could Earthbend.[/quote]
Season One meaning all of the first series, sorry. I was referencing this guy:
But apparently he's not actually of the fire nation so forget it.

Not that I think he's an airbender, as I believe he's a firebender who adopted airbender qualities in his bending, but if you're referring to the message from "The Beach":

He burns it from the center, like a magnifying glass is coming out of his third eye.

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[quote name='King of Games' timestamp='1339436432' post='5955448']
Crack Theory. Because sometimes i have weird dreams.
Zuko is 'sposed to still be alive, right?
I dreamt he appeared in LoK only slightly older because he pulled a "boy in iceburg" just like Aang.
Unless I'm mistaken word of god has Zuko as alive. However he is an old man. He has a daughter and everything. Still, I really would like to see him show up at some point.

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For those that can't tell, Coolio's picture is pointing to their necks. That... red thing with the gold things in the middle. It looks like Bumi has that too. Too lazy to check whether it's just Fire Nation royalty that wears it or anyone from the Fire Nation. If it's just royalty, he may have married Zuko's daughter... or Azula/Azula's daughter.

If it's just any random scrub Fire Nation that can wear those colours, he could easily just be a citizen. No big deal.

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I'll tell my dreams to make logical sense next time then.

[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1339461417' post='5955645']
Who in their right mind would marry [i]Azula[/i]?

If he takes after his namesake, then i doubt he's in his right mind


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[quote name='Flame Dragon' timestamp='1339452355' post='5955584']
Unless I'm mistaken word of god has Zuko as alive. However he is an old man. He has a daughter and everything. Still, I really would like to see him show up at some point.

Confirmed, Zuko is alive. He has retired from being the Fire Lord, but he is still alive. His voice actor is also slated to appear at some point on the show, although in what capacity I don't know.

My new theory is Aang's non-bender kid. He resents all the time his father (persumably) spent training with Tenzin and the water-bender one (and who knows, maybe the waterbender was also a huge dick and beat him up with waterbending). It built into a resentment for bending in general, because it wasn't fair that his brothers got to be so close to their father, it was....equal.

This ties into the past theories floating around this thread about how his movements are somewhat air-bender-esque and how the back of his hands are hidden. He probably did train in the movements (and got the tattoos) with his father before Tenzin was born. And who's going to be more spiritually in-tune than the Avatar's kid?

Also, we know bending is genetic, possible that energybending was genetically passed down to his son?

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[quote name='Vairocana' timestamp='1339722228' post='5957075']
Confirmed, Zuko is alive. He has retired from being the Fire Lord, but he is still alive. His voice actor is also slated to appear at some point on the show, although in what capacity I don't know.

My new theory is Aang's non-bender kid. He resents all the time his father (persumably) spent training with Tenzin and the water-bender one (and who knows, maybe the waterbender was also a huge dick and beat him up with waterbending). It built into a resentment for bending in general, because it wasn't fair that his brothers got to be so close to their father, it was....equal.

This ties into the past theories floating around this thread about how his movements are somewhat air-bender-esque and how the back of his hands are hidden. He probably did train in the movements (and got the tattoos) with his father before Tenzin was born. And who's going to be more spiritually in-tune than the Avatar's kid?

Also, we know bending is genetic, possible that energybending was genetically passed down to his son?

Also, to add to this, assuming Amon has some sort of training with chi and spirituality, it would make sense that he would have the will power / mental energy / whatever to overcome Tarrlok's blood bending. In any case, yeah this is the theory that I think is most likely too, suspected that it was him for a little while now. Hopefully the finale sheds some light on this question, but I suspect that most of it will be left up for the next season.

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Welp, I had guessed she would eventually lose her bending and later episodes would explore her loss of ability, but I expected it further back when Amon attacked the world championship. Hopefully by defeating Amon Korra restores everyone's bending or something, or if it can be taken away maybe it can also be given back.

Bumi can't be Amon because the skin tone is off. And note that Iroh also has the royalty symbol. It's a possibility that he's the child of Zuko's daughter and Bumi, though it may just be Zuko and that one girl who I'm pretty sure he married.

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[quote name='~Coolio~' timestamp='1339861505' post='5957753']
Bumi can't be Amon because the skin tone is off.

Where have we seen Amon's skin color? I don't remember seeing it.

[spoiler=Episode 9]
Pretty good episode overall. It's nice to hear Zuko's voice actor again. (I believe that it was him at the end as Iroh.) Ending was sad, though. I didn't like Lin a whole lot before this episode, but now, she's one of my favorite characters of the series.

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[quote name='Montez' timestamp='1339863653' post='5957766']
Where have we seen Amon's skin color?
On his hands. He doesn't wear gloves.


The guy who plays Zuko (Dante D-something) should have really tried to make General Iroh not sound exactly like Zuko. Just make his voice deeper by one octave and you probably would have had it.

... I'm really hoping Iroh is Azula's son, just so Zuko can be Iroh's wise old uncle.

Airbending kids taking out the Equalists was clearly the highlight.

Lin... oh Lin... =(

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Oh. I thought he wore gloves for some stupid reason.

Amon- [url="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-snkXOvvNyOQ/T7r_ewMgqXI/AAAAAAAAAY4/uzSAw_MCFRE/s1600/Amon_1.jpg"]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-snkXOvvNyOQ/T7r_ewMgqXI/AAAAAAAAAY4/uzSAw_MCFRE/s1600/Amon_1.jpg[/url]
Bumi- [url="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1nj3cArFf1qb2gbs.png"]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1nj3cArFf1qb2gbs.png[/url]

According to these pictures, I'd say you could make the case that the skin colors are similar. In any case, only part of his hands are exposed, and generally a person's palms have lighter color skin than the rest of their hands. So, I think the theory still holds up.

[quote name='Hatcher' timestamp='1339867456' post='5957788']
... I'm really hoping Iroh is Azula's son, just so Zuko can be Iroh's wise old uncle.

How would Azula even have a son? Who would be crazy enough to marry her?

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[quote name='~Coolio~' timestamp='1339870742' post='5957826']
In actual scenes from the show the color difference is more noticeable, there likely would've been more hinting at it in Katara's comments regarding her children, and Bumi's as of yet unexplored connections to Fire Nation royalty all lead me to say no.

Is that a 20th Century Boys avatar?

The main reason the Bumi as Amon thing still works really is because of a lack of information. I suspect the second season will deal more with who Amon is.

And no, my avatar is from Monster. It's Kenzo Tenma. But Monster is done by the same guy who did 20th Century Boys. Monster and 20th Century Boys are my two favorite manga. ^^

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I personally LIKED that the voice was the same.
And I think it's amazing that Zuko (Probably) named his son Iroh.
That, along with the massive Fire Nation reinforcements made for a great final scene for the episode.

And of course, the children fending off the Equalists was pretty awesome as well.

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Lin's debending put me on the verge of tears. Maybe it is because of the fact that there is much tensity and symbolism regarding the situation beforehand. When she grappled onto that blimp, we all knew what was going to happen to her. She only did it just to protect Tenzin and his children, the last few airbenders of the world. It should also be noted that, with the entire metalbending police force being captured before Lin (and implied to all have been debended), that made Lin the last Metalbender. If you put it in that retrospect, the scene where Amon takes away her bending is even more emotional.

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