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I'm pretty sure the season ends when Worlds ends, and then the next season starts very early the following year. Not sure on specific dates.

Really looking forward to my Victorious Morgana skin though. <3


Lucky, I didn't quite make it.


On a different topic, since the season is nearly ending, what are everyone's goals they want to achieve by the end of next season? Mine would be to get to high Gold.

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I want to own all of the champions, only missing 6 as it is, but I'll have to grab all of the new champions too, so that's something I'm looking forward to.

As far as ranks go, I'd like  Gold just for the Victorious skins, but I'd prefer plat for the border, it's the best looking in my opinion.


Those are pretty much my only goals for the next season.

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On a different topic, since the season is nearly ending, what are everyone's goals they want to achieve by the end of next season? Mine would be to get to high Gold.

I play a f*** ton of bot matches, so I want to hit 3,000 bot match victories.
Currently at like 2,300-something.

Maybe go for gold if I can pull myself through the tryhards and trolls in ranked ._.
Currently unranked, though.
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Meh I lost my shot at Gold a while ago. Made it to Silver 2 in provisionals then made it to Silver 1 fairly fast. Then I went on a HUGE tilt, combined with connection issues and elo decay due to not having a way to play, and ended up falling all the way to Silver 5 over a few months.

Haven't made an attempt to climb again since I don't want to risk losing Silver, going to give it another shot next season.

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Meh I agree it kinda sucks but you get used to it. Most people will only play on one server anyway, if you play on more than one managing two accounts isn't really hard, just sucky that you have to start again.


If they made it so that you can play on whatever region you want with just one account there would be way too much pressure on the servers. This way is more ideal for Riot anyway because people will change regions, which means they will buy RP which means Rito gets their money.

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On another note, Viktor and Soraka changes, plus new Karma skin. I'll just leave this here... http://www.surrenderat20.net/2014/09/99-pbe-update.html


I miss the burn on Viktor's laser, and they kinda just changed it into a weaker Vel'Koz W, but I do like that he gets all of his upgrades now, he'll probably become a lot more viable now, especially with the changes to his W.


The entirety of Soraka's kit got reworked; her heal costs 10% of her MAX health, alongside a mana cost, her starcall is similar to Xerath W, slow included and it heals her now, and her E creates a silencing area thingamajigger, similar to Viktor ult, that lasts for 1.5 seconds and roots all enemies still inside after the duration. 


I personally don't like the Soraka changes, mainly her heal, because you chunk yourself when you use it, but it will make her a bit easier to deal with in lane if your bot lane comp isn't a "GO HAM OR GO HOME" lane, especially since her starcall is on a much higher CD now. New passive looks fun, but it has the potential to reveal your jungler if your enemy can see the indicator, and he gets low somewhere along the way.


What are your guys' thoughts on the changes?


Edit: Also, the new Viktor splash looks glorious.

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wait wat


No seriously though Coast's solo lanes were doing fine but when you have the opportunity to bring Koreans into the team you should take it. Sucks for the players and fans but it's managements decisions, they do what they feel is best for the team.

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