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What do you think is in the next banlist?

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That only goes into lv 7 dragons on a +0,most of the time. If the lv 7 dragon pool was as good as the generic rank 3s,it might be hitworthy,honestly.

Ancient Faerie and Black Rose can end up plussing as much as the current Wind-Up loop fairly easily.

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...no they dont?

Well if the loop now adays ends with a shock master, a Papill, a Zenmaihty and a banished Rabbit, I don't see how Debris can't turn into an Ancient Faerie, a drawn card, a destroyed card, and another destroyed card next turn. Or a Black Rose turn into a +4 or more depending on the field.

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It's a bit different.... 

Debris into Black Rose is an advantage-gaining combo that kills your opponent's current threats, while Shark + Magician are speedy spam advantage. One pluses while minusing everyone, while another one pluses by stupidly plusing itself from the deck.


Why are they being compared? =0

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>BLS is not broken but DAD is


gg I lost it


Tell me where the broken-ness doesn't come into play.




1. Easy to Summon

2. Stronger than almost everything

3. Double attack or banish no fuel required




1. Easy to Summon

2. Stronger than almost everything

3. Continuous destruction dependent on fuel



About the same monster, yet BLS obviously does 1 and 2 better (3 could be argued).

DAD is a lot more broken then BLS.

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Like I said, why need to attack twice when you pretty much cleared your opponent's monsters

In a Chaos deck controlling your graveyard shouldn't be such a hard job (or Dark Worlds that are able to run this? you can always banish with Gates of the Dark World)

Assuming monkey didn't say that just to troll, i'm glad someone agrees with me

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Dark Worlds should never run DAD. :\


The only decks out there that can run DAD effectively are Evilswarm, Inzektors, and Chaos Dragons. BLS can be run in everything because all you need is Tour Guide and Effect Veiler.


And from Monkey's last post, he has apparently come to his senses and realized you're wrong as well.

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