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This is what I could do in a day. Sorry if it is of poor quality, but I've had other things pop up.


[spoiler=CardCenter Edition 2]

This is


Da-da-da. Da-da-da.


Hello everybody and welcome to CardCenter. I am your host, Nathanael D. Striker. Today, we have a packed episode so let’s get started.


During our last edition, I brought forth a short opinion piece about the quality of Card Contests on YCM, though that was directed mainly at those being hosted by new members. Since then, quality has not improved. This can be attributed to the repeal of a rule back in 2010 that prevented members under 3 stars from creating Card Contests. While the effects of this repeal haven’t been felt immediately after it happened, we are now seeing the effects. These members have no idea how to run a proper contest and they just pick the card they like the most without giving a valid reason.


A perfect example is the Multi-Attribute Contest by Awesum13: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/307898-multi-attribute-contest-finished/. A close look at this contest shows that he doesn’t really know what he’s doing. The front post is a mess with no clear rules in site. He even manipulates the pot when a certain number of people participate. Looking further, he gives no reason for crowning the winner. This isn’t 2009/2010 when you could get away with that (I know because I was there). Heck, he doesn’t even use a grading rubric. He just says who won and left it at that. Not a very well thought out contest at all, and this is the type of contest that needs serious improvement.


Thankfully, Awesum13 improves with his next contest (though that remains to be seen once it’s done): http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/308516-illogical-fusion-contest-enter-by-halloween-and-the-entree-is-cut-down-to-one-point-from-november-on-the-fee-is-three-points/. This time, rules concerning the contest exist with deadlines and card requirements. The front post looks organized, though it needs work. There is some promise here, but he has a long way to go in terms of improvement.


Now for something new on CardCenter: a centerpiece discussion on Card Contests as a whole and its quality. And this does include the 1v1 subforum. So, let’s get started...wait, I’m getting word that this segment of CardCenter is being postponed until the next edition.


Moving on from that, the YCM 1v1 Fall Open has begun. So far, the tournament favors the high seeds for all but three matches. Though, the biggest upset took place between Mugendramon (#1) vs UltimateIRS (#16). That’s right, Mugendramon suffers his second loss of the season (a 0-2 loss) against the lowest seed in the tournament. Mugen’s loss opens the door for Therrion (#4) to make it all the way to the Finals as only Toyo (#12) and the winner of Infinite Rainbow (#9) vs UltimateIRS (#16) stand in his way. The other half the tournament meets expectations with TechGenusMaster (#2) facing Seija Kijin (#7) and Instinct (#3) defeating Karkuk (#6) 3-0. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing how this tournament progresses.

Well, this has been CardCenter. Stay tuned for the next edition as the roundtable should be live then. And now we switch it over to ______ with _________.


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Okay, here's my part.

[spoiler=Archtype of the Moment]


Twas a long time ago, longer now then it seems; in a place perhaps you’ve seen in your dreams. For this archtype you are about to be told, was new as archtype grew old. But you’ve probably wondered what archtype this is. If you haven’t, I’d say it’s time you did.

Duelists young or of any age, wouldn’t you like to scroll down this page? Well come with me and you will see, what subject this review will be.

This is the Ghostricks, this is the Ghostricks, face ups scream mid combo. This is the Ghostricks, they make everybody sick; trick or treat for these guys.

Okay, enough of that. Yes, as the song’s poor rhyming alluded to, this spooky spectacular is based today on the Ghostricks. These ghoulish little demons debuted in the Shadow Specters booster pack, and have so far remained rogue to this day. Thematically, the Ghostricks are divided by Level and by Type. The Fiend monsters are all Level 1, the Spellcasters are Level 2 and their Zombies Level 3. This also applies to their Xyz, but more on that later. All the non-Xyz Ghostrick share the theme of not being able to be Normal Summoned unless you already control a Ghostrick monster, also, they can reset themselves once per turn. A handy effect if I say so myself.

Due to their cutesy looks, some people have considered that there is a relation between to Ghostrick and the Madolche; namely the idea that the Ghostrick too are toys and they share the same house as the Madolche. The idea is that the Madolche have the house during the day, whilst the Ghostrick rule the night. This is all theory mind, but it does make some relative amounts of sense.

[spoiler=The Ghostrick]
Ghostrick Specter
The driving force in the Ghostrick, you pretty much rely on him to be the major draw power with his effect, as well as yet another shield. A handy little thing about this guy is that you can recycle him using Recurring Nightmare, to get even more use out of him later.

Ghostrick Lantern
This guy is pretty much Specter’s little brother. He’s pretty good at, err, stopping direct attacks from Yamato and whatnot. Mmm, yeah, he’s just a pest at best. Well, not quite. His best is being a set-up for Specter to take his place after the first failed attack. Like his big brother he’s also another Recurring target.

Ghostrick Mary
A card recently introduced in Legacy of the Valiant, due to not being released yet there’s not much that can be said about how useful she is. But, from a direct reading, it can be seen that she combos with House very effectively, and pretty much searches any Ghostrick for ya; though let’s face it, she’ll only ever search Jiangshi anyways.

Ghostrick Witch
This adorable little ragamuffin is pretty much, well, bad. Yeah, the Level 2 Ghostrick don’t have much going for them. Witch’s ability probably has a gimmick somewhere, but unless you’re trying to make a desperate attack with House it’d be much easier to use Panic, at least then you hit more targets. Maybe if she forced them face down permanently, but that would be way broken.

Ghostrick Yuki-onna
Unlike Witch, this lovely lady is a bit more useful. Despite requiring destruction by battle, her effect can cripple some strategies pretty soundly. Yamato a problem? Let him ram into this and watch as he’s now stuck face down for good. Abyssmegalo about to make his second attack? Oh wait, he’s now stuck in the twilight zone. Though how the magnificent hell this thing survived Marksman is beyond me.

Ghostrick Stein
Ah, here we go. The Level 3 Zombie Ghostrick started out as being the searcher class of the archtype. Stein is the beefiest of the non-Xyz Ghostrick, and his effect certainly shows it. He’s a searcher and beneficiary of the Ghostrick House field spell, which allows him to attack direct if your opponent only has face downs, pretty handy. However, his weak status can cause some issues once the House goes down on your opponents turn. Despite that, he can search any of the 3 Ghostrick Spell/Traps, which include the one that protects him as well as the one that sets up his combo with House. His 0 DEF makes him the third Recurring Nightmare target however, and you just know he’ll be back.

Ghostrick Jiangshi
Aside from Mary, this is pretty much the most powerful of the non-Xyz Ghostrick. Once flipped face up, as a result of a Flip Summon, or by an effect or attack, she searches out a Ghostrick to haunt your hand. And this applies even if you control only her, which will then provoke her to search out Lantern or Specter. And due to the wibbly wobbly nature of the rulings, if she was attacked and would be destroyed you can then immediately summon the Specter you added once she goes boom. I have zero idea as to how that makes sense but apparently you can do that.

Ghostrick Ghoul
Another new friend not from the Legacy of the Valiant, but as the sneak preview card for Shadow Specters. Much like Mary he hasn’t had much time for testing yet, but as you can see his effect goes against the Stall nature surrounding the Ghostrick, somewhat. He and Stein alone can create a 2700 behemoth that will shield the other face down Ghostrick from harm whilst House is in play, and it also renders Stein more likely to trigger his effect. Aside from that, Ghoul might allow the Ghostrick access to the Virus cards if he proves somewhat consistent.

Ghostrick Dullahan
Another card to be released in Legacy of the Valiant, Dullahan is another interesting twist as a generic 2 material Rank 1, a rarity that originally only belonged to Slacker Magician. Like the newer Ghostrick, this guy is all about offence. Even alone he starts out with 1200 ATK that will grow to the ever might stat of 2000 with a full field. But what makes him interesting his effect that halves one monster’s ATK for that turn, during either player’s turn. Those who remember Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind know what kind of power halving is, though Gale was permanent. As an added bonus, Dullahan also gets you back a Ghostrick should he fall. Such as say, the Sepcter you probably detached to use his effect.

Ghostrick Alucard
The ‘boss’ if you will of Ghostrick, Alucard stands as the strongest of the Ghostrick, but also a pretty good generic Rank 3. His point of action is to act as major defence for his fellow Ghostricks, but his real ace is popping face down cards; making him great at hitting the backrow before a push. A good combo with Alucard is to boost him using Ghoul, then set all the Ghostrick. Even with just Ghoul, Alucard stands at 2900, a difficult number to overcome usually. As a bonus, he too searches a Ghostrick from the grave when he falls. An excellent Rank 3 in my opinion.

Ghostrick House
Ah, here is the main piece of the Ghostrick. Whilst this haunted house is out, if either player only controls face down monsters then their opponent can go direct, something Ghostrick like to do. This makes House key to their plays as a House and Stein will easily net 1600 damage and another House in reserve. This card also has a rare damage halving effect you just don’t see anymore. It’s good for halting burn decks, but you’ll only ever see this card used in Ghostrick, who gain the most absolute advantage from this card.

Ghostrick Out
Ghostrick Out is their second defensive card from their S/T pool. In fact really, all 3 of their S/Ts are defensive. Oh well. Out, at the ghost of giving away a bit of strategy, guards all your Ghostrick and face down monsters form destruction and targeting effects. This is a pretty handy effect for those trying to pull off a field wipe, though do remember that this won’t save your monsters that were already targeted.

Ghostrick Panic
The last of their S/T support, Panic is designed to aid the Ghostrick strategy of forcing your opponent’s monsters face down by applying a switcheroo here. Pretty much required to the Ghostrick, it can ruin a good strategy very quickly.[/spoiler]

Naturally, the Ghostrick aren’t without friends.
[spoiler=Box of Friends]
Morphing Jar #2
I’ve had a lot of history with this card, as I used to run it in an Iron Chain deck years ago, and this guy exemplifies the tradition of the Trolling Jars. For simply getting flipped face up, he cleans the field in the most obnoxious way, by sending them back to the deck. From there, he screws with many deck types as the monsters that can’t be summoned add to the total you can summon. Of course, Extra Deck monsters being sent back don’t add back to the total, so if a player only controls Xyz monsters, then they get nothing. So for example your opponent running Dragon Rulers get two monsters sent back to the deck, one of which being Big Eye or a Synchro they’re so fond of now, if they so happen to draw a Dragon Ruler, it gets milled and they get nothing, except, well, another Dragon Ruler in the grave. Okay bad example, but the point is still there. This guy is a real troll card and I see a long lasting friendship between him and the Ghostrick.

Tour Guide of the Underworld
Whilst the Fiends of the Ghostrick were Level 1, Tour Guide still has some use in the deck, namely being an instant Alucard. And an instant Alucard is always pretty handy. Granted, I am sure she doesn’t really appear often, but still an option nonetheless.

Masked Chameleon
Seeing as how Specter, Lantern and Stein all possess 0 DEF, then this guy has some general use if you want real firepower. He can be an instant Catastor or Armades with Specter/Lantern, or a Black Rose Dragon or other generic Level 7 with Stein. Synchro power being handy, he’s definitely worth a look if you want some extra firepower.

Swords of Concealing Light
A card that is rather popular in many Ghostrick decks, this card pretty much allows you to set up an assault via House. Plus it forces your opponent into hibernation for a few turns if you just so happen to snipe their best efforts. Definitely worth a 2 in any Ghostrick Deck.

Recurring Nightmare
Much like Salvage, this card really aids the Ghostrick since it can target three different Ghostrick, two of which (Specter & Lantern) really love being in the hand. Worth at least a 2 or even a 3 if you’re feeling lucky.

Allure of Darkness
General draw power, that’s it pretty much. I mean, any deck with a realiable amount of DARK monsters can use this card.

Needle Ceiling
Ghostrick can swarm a little bit, but since this card only snipes face ups, then you can take advantage of their ability to reset themselves in order to crush your opponents field. Worth a 1 at least.[/spoiler]

.:Play Style:.

I’ll be honest: At this point in time Ghostrick really don’t do anything. Due to the lack of play testing with Ghoul and Dullahan, we don’t know if they’re ready to be a power force. At this time, they just stall and hope they can get lucky by your opponent drawing badly. See, since they lack monsters with an ATK above 1800, it makes it hard for them to compete with even Tier 2 decks at best. If they do get lucky then they might be able to sweep your opponent, but they tend to be incredibly reliant on Morphing Jar #2 in order to stun your opponent and cause a field sweep. He does an exquisite bit of trolling if his effect gets set off, but he can’t really make up for the mediocrity of the archtype in general.

A playstyle I came to use for a bit was stalling my opponent with Lantern & Specter, before using Masked Chameleon to make a Level 5 Synchro. But that’s kinda the issue. High tier decks are known for their speed, their advantage generation and usually having utterly broken members. The Ghostrick are just too weak and too slow to compare with them the vast majority of the time. They’re good at disadvantaging the opponent, but that’s really about it.

.:Pros & Cons:.
Let’s see if the good can outweigh the bad.


Can majorly screw with your opponent or sometimes shut down big plays.
Morphing Jar #2 is right at home here, and he’s just evil.
Can pull off some real damage if they have a good set-up.


Are incredibly slow.
Their no Normal Summon clause can really set them back if your opponent runs through your Specters & Lanterns.
Their first plays rely on Lantern to set up Specter.
Can be beaten simply by Dark Simorgh.


These guys don’t have much use as of right now, but I have had enough experience to give my own idea on a decklist. Note my S/T choices are based on personal preferences and aren’t absolute Black.

.:Monsters 20:.
Ghostrick Lantern x3
Ghostrick Specter x2
Ghostick Mary x2
Ghostrick Yuki-onna x2
Ghostrick Kyonshee x3
Ghostrick Stein x2
Ghostrick Ghoul
Morphing Jar #2 x2
Masked Chameleon x2
Dark Armed Dragon

.:Spells 13:.
Allure of Darkness
Ghostrick House x3
Recurring Nightmare x2
Pot of Duality x2
Swords of Concealing Light x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Book of Moon

.:Traps 7:.
Ghostrick Out x2
Ghostrick Panic x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Bottomless Trap Hole
Needle Ceiling

.:Extra Deck:.
Ally of Justice Catastor
Armades, Keeper of Boundaries
Black Rose Dragon
Scrap Archfiend
Scrap Dragon
Jeweled Red Dragon Archfiend
Slacker Magician
Ghostrick Dullahan
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
Number 30: Acid Golem
Number 47: Nightmare Shark
Number 49: Fortune Tune
Ghostrick Alucard
Mechquipped Angineer[/spoiler]

.:Final Thoughts:.

As it stands, Ghostrick are still a fledgling archtype, and have yet to make a major mark beyond being annoying as all sweet hell. They can win usually only if they get lucky, but they just don’t have the speed or the power to stand to Tier decks.
Since i only got one set of comments, I won't bother posting what other people think. Besides, you people have probably faced them anough to have your own opinion on the archtype.

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mfw Stanley turned out to be Kyng


Anyway, I...don't remember if someone claimed the host stick for the next issue ._. but if no one did, Striker can take the job. However I was waiting for the Halloween event to finish before I can leave the site and I'm doing that now. I'm stepping down as club creator/leader too and will only stay as a back-up who helps out once in a while. Because we're that special. :D


So what happens to this club? We could appoint someone else to führ people around or make this club leader-less. It's mostly about updating the OP if someone joins, otherwise I don't think we had/needed much of a head person here, lol.

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^That would be an explanation, yeah.


I noticed the lack of comments and even the unsolved riddle when people usually gave it a try as soon as the issue was posted (lol). And it was quite easy too.=x


Well maybe we need a review a few things and add/remove some sections? I think one thing we should do if we want to continue is trying to cater more to people's interests. Most of the comments we got were only about...the TCG archetype or another article, but it's kind of sad if some people only care about one part. Of course everyone has preferences and won't read everything. I personally liked the variety so far, but maybe we'll have to ask again and see what people are really interested into? What sections want more coverage, who wants to have something featured and such.


...but that all sounds good until we know that we rarely get any feedback about the whole show, lel.

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Methinks we should do a retro theme once. Like feature older video games, anime, music, revamped Decks and such.


Also does anyone oppose that we drop Aura (or keep him and open 1-2 spots for someone in addition)? It's less the fact that he hasn't submitted anything so far, but rather that we never get a notice/get promised something until the last minute, but nothing follows. lol


I don't mind just keeping him incase though, but at least another spot would be good to widen the topics too.

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