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So who is gonna host the next episode? Cause I already have an article written, and I need to know who to send it too.


In that regard, I guess I can do something else since I got a whole 2 weeks until then. What else can I do?

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So who is gonna host the next episode? Cause I already have an article written, and I need to know who to send it too.


In that regard, I guess I can do something else since I got a whole 2 weeks until then. What else can I do?

I expressed interest in it, and sorry for this time…

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I expressed interest in it, and sorry for this time…


Yeah, Seija asked before. So um, good luck to our next host for the Halloween edition.:3


And I think we did a fair job this time again, everyone who submitted something!


So who is gonna host the next episode? Cause I already have an article written, and I need to know who to send it too.


In that regard, I guess I can do something else since I got a whole 2 weeks until then. What else can I do?


Thinking about it. I'm sure we'll end up with things where you could jump in or co-write with someone anyway.


Imma do the Ghostrick for the next Halloween edition, and I at least know how to work with them


Ghostricks seem like the most fitting choice, yesh. I already mentioned them in the Halloween costume article as a sort of preview for the next issue.xD


I expressed interest in it, and sorry for this time…


Like I said, I'm fine with it and it's good to see a new face hosting this time.

Do you have a concept/direction in mind that we should follow?=o

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Yeah, Seija asked before. So um, good luck to our next host for the Halloween edition.:3


And I think we did a fair job this time again, everyone who submitted something!



Thinking about it. I'm sure we'll end up with things where you could jump in or co-write with someone anyway.



Ghostricks seem like the most fitting choice, yesh. I already mentioned them in the Halloween costume article as a sort of preview for the next issue.xD



Like I said, I'm fine with it and it's good to see a new face hosting this time.

Do you have a concept/direction in mind that we should follow?=o

Just Halloween/Horror in general.

Although, there's one other thing I'd like to do, which might interfere with the monster thing. I'll ask in the group PM.

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I fell through again >.< Sorry I'm letting you guys down.


I still want to try this episode though.


...well you did leave us waiting until the end, lol.=S


Are you sure you still want to do this though? Just asking because I know you mentioned a lot of things in your applications. If you'd like to cover something else like Roleplays/Story Writing or Custom Cards and think you could stay more focussed on it, that's completely fine too. Just let us know.


Also everyone is still up for the next issue, right?

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I'll try to come up with a new Nuzlocke Challenge to introduce for this episode, probably tie it in with it being related to Ghost-type Pokemon or the like.


If nothing else I'll start doing a Pokedex highlight, picking a random pokemon from the X/Y Pokedex and doing a short highlight on it and it's evolutions (if applicable).

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Also everyone is still up for the next issue, right?

Way ahead of you...

[spoiler=Anime Watch - Halloween Edition]
“Who is dead?”

Another episode, Another anime. Which one will I review this episode, you ask?
…come on, the answer is right in front of you.


It’s Halloween! Commemorating this special edition of YCM Channel, I thought it would only be given that the anime in the spotlight would be horror-based. Given this criterion, I had 2 choices, but I went with Another because it was short, sweet, and the concept of it seemed much more interesting.


WARNING! May contain spoilers!


To put this entire anime in a nutshell: Class 3-3 of Yomiyama Middle School is cursed. The story starts 26 years ago in the same class, where a very popular and respected girl died in an accident. Having so many “idols”, grief lingered throughout the majority of the school, more effectively in the students of Class 3-3, where the girl was. As a side effect to their grief, they started to grow delusional. One student started seeing the girl sitting at her desk, still alive and kicking. Soon everyone else started seeing her, and their grief was covered up. However, despite what they saw, the girl was still dead.

Since then, a phenomenon began, which involved everyone connected to Class 3-3, including teachers and assistant teachers. In the later years where new students started coming into the class, the roster accounted for everyone, but there was one “extra student” that was part of the class, making the classroom one seat short. This extra student, whom is actually dead on the inside, having nowhere to sit, caused the phenomenon of one student dying per month to give this “extra student” a seat in the class.

Having caught on to the monthly deaths, the class devised a plan to balance this curse. Since there was one too many students than accounted for, each month, the class indirectly chooses one student to consider “non-existent”, meaning they must not communicate, draw attention to, or even acknowledge that said person is there. Regardless of this little “charm” that they had conjured, the dead student was still there, lingering over the fine line which, if crossed, resulted in another death.



Now usually this would be the part where I describe the characters and rate them individually, since the characters are usually made before the story, at least in my book. But considering pretty much every character dies - which isn’t really a spoiler because it is, indeed, a horror anime – the character ratings aren’t really necessary, plus none of them really stand out enough to be considered significant to me.

As for the plot: The anime begins with a boy named Koichi Sakakibara, a student who previously was attending a private school in Tokyo who moved to Yomiyama for family reasons. This boy starts out in the story in a hospital bed from a collapsed lung, which was said to be hereditary and won’t happen again. He is greeted by 3 students in Class 3-3, for which he would be attending.

Once he was well enough to leave the hospital, he meets a girl named Mei Misaka, a quiet, timid girl with short black hair and an eyepatch over her right eye. Throughout the anime, Koichi and Mei get closer, and the phenomenon triggers after Koichi curiously mentions her to the class. One by one, people start dying in very remote ways, leading up to the truth behind it all.


Overall opinion:

First impression: Intriguing. Not awesome, but intriguing. The concept of the anime is a dive in the dark to those who jumped in blind, but as things started to flesh out, things strung together very well. Things flowed very nicely, so nicely, in fact, that the final reveal wasn’t even shocking. I’m not sure whether to consider that “good” or not, but what is it that they say? “It’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey.”? Makes sense, I guess.

Second impression: This anime has Final Destination written all over it. It only took me the first death to compare the two, and the only real difference is that no one tried to escape death. This peaked my interest and drove me to binge the whole damn thing in one day. I don’t do that often, which says something.

So without any characters to brew up a collective rating:

Backstory: Decent at best. I’ve heard better for plots such as this, but I can’t say I’m not impressed. If anything, the ties between the plot and the backstory added up massively as it drew to the conclusion, which compensates for even the deepest, most meaningful backstory ever conjured. But most importantly, they worked hand-and-hand the entire way through, which is what I like in a story, especially mysteries. 8/10

Plot/Storyline: If there was any plot worthy of hardcore suspense lovers, it would be this one. I was interested the entire time. Even the sparingly placed and subtle plotholes contributed a lot. My only complaint is that it was too short to be considered truly suspenseful and it seemed a tad rushed. Other than that, though, my mind is blown. 9/10


A few last-minute things to mention and to keep in mind: As I watched, I developed a subtle, irrational fear of the following things:

1. Elevators – I almost never use elevators. The only times I use them are in hotels when I have a lot of baggage. Regardless, technology is hard to trust, especially in situations with that much potential force just waiting to fail and result in a violent death that’s worse than falling. Take note, people: Unless you are legitimately incapable of walking, don’t take the elevator. Stairs are MUCH more stable, and they're easier to fix.

2. Dolls – Dolls are everywhere, even between scenes where they aren’t even presently significant. In the long run, however, they actually symbolize the entire anime rather well, especially with how Mei explains their meaning. Nonetheless, if you plan to watch this as well as Rozen Maiden, watch Rozen Maiden first. Trust me.

3. Umbrellas – I haven’t used an umbrella in so long that I don’t even bother. Sure, they keep you dry, but they are annoying at times. In this case, however, an umbrella was involved in a few of the deaths, both of which the possession of one was either pointless or just plain stupid. The tip of the umbrella is the main part of it that makes it a hazardous prop in this anime, so pay attention to that as you watch it.

Besides that, and a few overhyped cliffhangers ending up being cringe-worthily innocent, I’m glad I watched this. It was interesting, well thought-out, and everything connected well in the end.

Overall rating: 8.5/10

Recommendation value: High; Very high for horror lovers.[/spoiler]

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Song Corner - Halloween Episode


Monster by Skillet


since last episode was going to be rock, might as well follow through with that idea this episode.


I mainly chose this song because it's name is monster... and the episode is halloween.



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Striker: Shake-up? Oh do tell me because I'm considering doing a weather report again (even though no one commented on it lol).

Natural disasters are always welcome here.


Creator: Both sound fine You could present a Ghost-type XY Pokémon too incase you go for the second option.


Way ahead of you...


[spoiler=Anime Watch - Halloween Edition]

“Who is dead?”


Another episode, Another anime. Which one will I review this episode, you ask?

…come on, the answer is right in front of you.




It’s Halloween! Commemorating this special edition of YCM Channel, I thought it would only be given that the anime in the spotlight would be horror-based. Given this criterion, I had 2 choices, but I went with Another because it was short, sweet, and the concept of it seemed much more interesting.




WARNING! May contain spoilers!




To put this entire anime in a nutshell: Class 3-3 of Yomiyama Middle School is cursed. The story starts 26 years ago in the same class, where a very popular and respected girl died in an accident. Having so many “idols”, grief lingered throughout the majority of the school, more effectively in the students of Class 3-3, where the girl was. As a side effect to their grief, they started to grow delusional. One student started seeing the girl sitting at her desk, still alive and kicking. Soon everyone else started seeing her, and their grief was covered up. However, despite what they saw, the girl was still dead.


Since then, a phenomenon began, which involved everyone connected to Class 3-3, including teachers and assistant teachers. In the later years where new students started coming into the class, the roster accounted for everyone, but there was one “extra student” that was part of the class, making the classroom one seat short. This extra student, whom is actually dead on the inside, having nowhere to sit, caused the phenomenon of one student dying per month to give this “extra student” a seat in the class.


Having caught on to the monthly deaths, the class devised a plan to balance this curse. Since there was one too many students than accounted for, each month, the class indirectly chooses one student to consider “non-existent”, meaning they must not communicate, draw attention to, or even acknowledge that said person is there. Regardless of this little “charm” that they had conjured, the dead student was still there, lingering over the fine line which, if crossed, resulted in another death.






Now usually this would be the part where I describe the characters and rate them individually, since the characters are usually made before the story, at least in my book. But considering pretty much every character dies - which isn’t really a spoiler because it is, indeed, a horror anime – the character ratings aren’t really necessary, plus none of them really stand out enough to be considered significant to me.


As for the plot: The anime begins with a boy named Koichi Sakakibara, a student who previously was attending a private school in Tokyo who moved to Yomiyama for family reasons. This boy starts out in the story in a hospital bed from a collapsed lung, which was said to be hereditary and won’t happen again. He is greeted by 3 students in Class 3-3, for which he would be attending.


Once he was well enough to leave the hospital, he meets a girl named Mei Misaka, a quiet, timid girl with short black hair and an eyepatch over her right eye. Throughout the anime, Koichi and Mei get closer, and the phenomenon triggers after Koichi curiously mentions her to the class. One by one, people start dying in very remote ways, leading up to the truth behind it all.




Overall opinion:


First impression: Intriguing. Not awesome, but intriguing. The concept of the anime is a dive in the dark to those who jumped in blind, but as things started to flesh out, things strung together very well. Things flowed very nicely, so nicely, in fact, that the final reveal wasn’t even shocking. I’m not sure whether to consider that “good” or not, but what is it that they say? “It’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey.”? Makes sense, I guess.


Second impression: This anime has Final Destination written all over it. It only took me the first death to compare the two, and the only real difference is that no one tried to escape death. This peaked my interest and drove me to binge the whole damn thing in one day. I don’t do that often, which says something.


So without any characters to brew up a collective rating:


Backstory: Decent at best. I’ve heard better for plots such as this, but I can’t say I’m not impressed. If anything, the ties between the plot and the backstory added up massively as it drew to the conclusion, which compensates for even the deepest, most meaningful backstory ever conjured. But most importantly, they worked hand-and-hand the entire way through, which is what I like in a story, especially mysteries. 8/10


Plot/Storyline: If there was any plot worthy of hardcore suspense lovers, it would be this one. I was interested the entire time. Even the sparingly placed and subtle plotholes contributed a lot. My only complaint is that it was too short to be considered truly suspenseful and it seemed a tad rushed. Other than that, though, my mind is blown. 9/10




A few last-minute things to mention and to keep in mind: As I watched, I developed a subtle, irrational fear of the following things:


1.       Elevators – I almost never use elevators. The only times I use them are in hotels when I have a lot of baggage. Regardless, technology is hard to trust, especially in situations with that much potential force just waiting to fail and result in a violent death that’s worse than falling. Take note, people: Unless you are legitimately incapable of walking, don’t take the elevator. Stairs are MUCH more stable, and their easier to fix.


2.       Dolls – Dolls are everywhere, even between scenes where they aren’t even presently significant. In the long run, however, they actually symbolize the entire anime rather well, especially with how Mei explains their meaning. Nonetheless, if you plan to watch this as well as Rozen Maiden, watch Rozen Maiden first. Trust me, just do it.


3.       Umbrellas – I haven’t used an umbrella in so long that I don’t even bother. Sure, they keep you dry, but they are annoying at times. In this case, however, an umbrella was involved in a few of the deaths, both of which the possession of one was either pointless or just plain stupid. The tip of the umbrella is the main part of it that makes it a hazardous prop in this anime, so pay attention to that as you watch it.


Besides that, and a few overhyped cliffhangers ending up being cringe-worthily innocent, I’m glad I watched this. It was interesting, well thought-out, and everything connected well in the end.


Overall rating: 8.5/10


Recommendation value: High; Very high for horror lovers.[/spoiler]


Wow, that's fast. Awesome.:3

We'll see if we can include you somewhere else later, but the review seems very good so far. I liked the mention of the fears which says a lot about the Anime. Who was your favourite character?


Aura: eems fitting enough and I think it's one of the better-known Skillet songs, no?

Like I said, you can also cover something else (anything you want to do really) and someone else will take over the music section.:3 As you wish,as long as you think you can get it done lol.

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Who was your favourite character?


I'd have to say Tatsuji Chibiki, the librarian, cause he's both wise and badass interchangeably.


I should have both articles ready by the end of the weekend. Who's hosting so I can PM it to them?


I believe Seiji is gonna do it.


Regarding the review, should I PM it to him? Or just leave it here?

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I'd have to say Tatsuji Chibiki, the librarian, cause he's both wise and badass interchangeably.



I believe Seiji is gonna do it.


Regarding the review, should I PM it to him? Or just leave it here?

Leave it here. I can paste it just fine, and not enough other people go to this thread anyways.


We have a third windstorm in the 1v1 subforum that goes by the name of TechGenusMaster. He has a 4-0 start leading up to the Fall Open.

Hah, I knew it.

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Ok so we do have Anime, Leaderboard, TCG and Pokémon material and possibly a music review.


Is there any section that we haven't included yet and that we could do something about (and with that I mean something that can be done within a few days, so not the most in-depth thing :'3)? Personally I'm not sure what I should do this time... (but I do feel like maybe for the next issue, we could branch out and try to reach out to a few other sections).


So yeah, what do you want me to do?:3

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Well I'll get my weather report ready then.

Thinking about a member riddle too, but that's all I can contribute for this episode.


ALSO, just for a recap, Toshino Hyoko currently got the highest number of riddles right (won 3 tickets because of an easy and a less easy riddle), Ain the Infinite got 2 and ~British Soul~ has 1.

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[spoiler=Nuzlocke Corner]

Nuzlocke Corner:


We all know how heartrending it can be to lose a good companion in a Nuzlocke, but what if you didn't just lose them, but they also came back to haunt you? That is right folks, this episodes Custom Nuzlocke will be adding a layer of fright to your adventure. Now introducing:



The standard Nuzlocke rules apply, that being that you can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in an area, and all Pokemon must be nicknamed. Furthermore if a Pokemon faints, it is considered "dead" and must be released or stored in the PC, if you run out of Pokemon it's game over and you have to restart from the beginning.


This Nuzlocke Challenge is designed for those who have multiple copies, or a willing partner for the adventure.


To turn a Nuzlocke into a Hauntedlocke, you'll simply adhere to the following rules:

1. When a Pokemon dies, it will be reincarnated as a Ghost Pokemon and continue to haunt you. The Ghost Pokemon must have the same Nickname given to it's living incarnation.

 - The type of Ghost Pokemon your Pokemon becomes is based on it's type and it's Nature.

2. The only Ghost types allowed to be used in this fashion are Shuppet, Misdreavus, Ghastly, Litwick, Pumpkaboo, Duskull, Honedge, Phantump, Rotom, Driftloon, and Golett Evolution lines.

3. You cannot catch wild Ghost Pokemon.

4. If a Ghost Pokemon dies, it is banished to the Void never to be seen again (released or stored in PC).


Now, I could tell you all to do a frightful amount of work to develop a system using type's and Natures to determine the type of Ghost Pokemon. HOWEVER! I've decided to hand out a little treat, that is to say I have (with the help of my Black Shadow) completed the type and Nature tables required for this Nuzlocke!




Fire: +3 Litwick, +1 Pumpkaboo, +1 Honedge -1 Frillish, -3 PhantumpBug: +2 Ghastly, +2 Shuppet, +1 Driftloon, -2 Golett, -3 Litwick
Dark: +3 Ghastly, +1 Shuppet, -2 Rotom
Dragon: +3 Duskull, +1 Driftloon, +1 Honedge, -2 Rotom, -3 Phantump
Electric: +3 Rotom, +1 Ghastly, +1 Frillish, -3 Golett, -1 Phantump
Fairy: +-0 all
Fighting: +2 Golett, +2 Honedge, +2 Duskull, -3 Driftloon, -1 Ghastly, -1 Shuppet
Flying: +3 Driftloon, +1 Phantump, +1 Ghastly, -3 Golett, -1 Litwick
Grass: +3 Phantump, +1 Golett, +3 Pumpkaboo, -3 Litwick, -1 Ghastly
Ground: +3 Golett, +1 Duskull, +1 Honedge, +1 Driftloon -2 Frillish, -3 Shuppet
Ice: +2 Frillish, +2 Misdreavus, +1 Shuppet, +1 Ghastly, -3 Litwick, -3 Phantump, -2 Golett
Normal: +1 Ghastly, +1 Shuppet, +1 Duskull, +1 Misdreavus, -1 Litwick, -1 Phantump, -1 Golett, -1 Rotom
Poison: +3 Ghastly, +1 Shuppet, +2 Misdreavus, +1 Pumpkaboo, -2 Litwick, -1 Phantump
Psychic: +3 Misdreavus, +3 Shuppet, +1 Duskull, -2 Honedge, -1 Golett, -2 Ghastly
Rock: +2 Golett, +1 Honedge, -3 Phantump, -3 Pumpkaboo, -1 Rotom
Steel: +3 Honedge, +1 Golett, +2 Litwick, -3 Pumpkaboo, -2 Phantump, -1 Ghastly
Water: +3 Frillish, +2 Phantump, +2 Pumpkaboo, -3 Litwick, -2 Golett, -1 Duskull





Hardy, Docile, Serious, Bashful, Quirky: +0 to everything
Lonely: +3 Drifloon, +1 Phantump
Brave: +3 Honedge, +1 Shuppet
Adamant: +3 Phantump, +1 Honedge
Naughty: +2 Shuppet, +2 Rotom
Bold: +2 Duskull, +2 Golett
Relaxed:  +2 Shuppet, +2 Golett
Impish:  +3 Pumpkaboo, +1 Phantump
Lax: +3 Golett, +1 Honedge
Timid: +2  Rotom, +2 Gastly
Hasty: +3 Gastly, +1 Misdreavous
Jolly: +2 Pumpkaboo, +2 Drifloon
Naïve: +3 Rotom, +1 Misdreavus
Modest: +3 Litwick, +1 Gastly
Mild: +2 Misdreavus, +2 Litwick
Quiet: +2 Drifloon, +2 Litwick
Rash: +2 Pumpkaboo, +2 Misdreavus
Calm:  +3 Frillish, +1 Honedge
Gentle: +3 Frillish, +1 Phantump
Sassy: +2 Shuppet, +2 Duskull
Careful:  +3 Duskull, +1 Frillish



Truly this is a fiendish adventure waiting to happen! Anyone who completes this Nuzlocke Challenge and provides proof will without a doubt be rewarded by yours truly!


This is LeCreateur, hoping everyone is thoroughly frightened tonight![/spoiler]


Article submitted.

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