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Tormented and Yin's Graphics Shop


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Thanks Yin (as usual, a rep)
Guess I'll be requesting Tormy to make a custom pic for me using it, so here's the form for that one.
Colors: Light blue
Render: http://i.imgur.com/GcqCoGw.png (otherwise it should be in Yin's post with the rest of people's orders)
Others: I'd like it to be have somewhat of an Asian inspired BG (similar to this pic I asked Yin to render, but wasn't able to because of the difficulty of rings).



I'm in no rush for this, so take your time with the previous orders from others.



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[spoiler=Render requests]

Images wanting rendered:








For the first, render of the two center characters and the rope around them.

For the second, render the guy and don't miss the bits around his gun fire.

For the third, render the three characters and their stained glass backgrounds, and the sword and "Follow me." text.[/spoiler]


Please and thank you.


EDIT: Added another picture to the request, if that's all right.

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Dimensions: 90/90

Render: 3163jtd.png

Text: N/A

Colors: Whatever works in the style in other

Other: I'd like this to have a romantic setting. If it isn't too hard, could you have them sit on a cloud in the sky or something like that. And I'd like the overall setting to be a nighttime setting no matter what you do; a calm and peaceful night.



Dimensions: Standard Dimensions (not sure what those are =/)

Render: 2z9kwhs.png

Text: N/A

Colors: Whatever works with Other

Other: This will probably be the most difficult sig you have ever done with me. What I like is for Sora to be looking towards a far off sunset. I want the impression that the far off sunset is the unknown and that Sora is looking towards it and is contemplating about taking the first steps towards it. The colors should best match the picture that is trying to be created.



I hope these aren't too hard for you, Serenade.

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So... hi.


Since you're both awesome, I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to have, or if I'm allowed to ask for, a 'blank canvas' sort of request? Basically I intend to have this avi for a bit and I'd like a new sig banner similar to the ones in the spoiler to go with, with Tachyon there in, but that's kind of the only requirement really. Would that be of interest to you guys?


Dimensions: I guess just similar size to what's in the spoiler?

Render: Can you pluck the one from my avi? I've pulled it off the card on Paint and loaded it up that way, so I don't have a link of that pic to speak of? I'd just like any image with Neo Tachyon in really.

Text: Free scope, I guess 'Bahamut Victory' can go somewhere, no preference as to where/font.

Colors: Free scope. Go wild creatively.

Others: Free scope


So.... yeah... I know I have no right to reject anything you may serve up as I gave you no specific instructions, but you know, this is your section and I'd just be happy for something really if you want a chance to be creative with it. If you're interested of course.

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Dimensions: 8.5 by 11

Render: 30sh994.jpg


Colors: Dark Purple/Blue with some light as a horizon at the top. Sorta' like you did in here http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/307846-i-actually-took-and-did-something-with-some-advice/

Others: That's really it. Dark, with some light, but mainly dark... like a shadow




Will get on with orders tomorrow, was at work all day today and my left hand is getting cramp/or repetitive strain again.


Prime that isn't a render.






[spoiler=Render for Prime's order]Z1XYW0J.png[/spoiler]


I'm sorry, not to be rude or anything, but will I ever get my order? My project is due tomorrow... If not then I understand

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Dimensions: 90/90


Text: N/A

Colors: Whatever works in the style in other

Other: I'd like this to have a romantic setting. If it isn't too hard, could you have them sit on a cloud in the sky or something like that. And I'd like the overall setting to be a nighttime setting no matter what you do; a calm and peaceful night.



Dimensions: Standard Dimensions (not sure what those are =/)


Text: N/A

Colors: Whatever works with Other

Other: This will probably be the most difficult sig you have ever done with me. What I like is for Sora to be looking towards a far off sunset. I want the impression that the far off sunset is the unknown and that Sora is looking towards it and is contemplating about taking the first steps towards it. The colors should best match the picture that is trying to be created.



I hope these aren't too hard for you, Serenade.



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