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Did (or do) you have cards like these in your country?


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  There are plenty of printed types of cards I could show you, but I forgot to take a picture of them (at a friend's house). However, I do have 2 types available for now.


This is the 1st:



  The names and descriptions are Greek; Drillroid is there only for comparison. These were the very first cards to exist here (2002 or eariler, can't remember). 



This is the 2nd:



  This is a usual type of cards that exists for several years. For pure collection only, they are actual cards but not tournament-accepted.

The cards have the boost pack they originate from printed but, as you can see, there are multiple cards from multiple packs altogether.



Do you have any kind of such collectible cards in your country? 

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I can't understand the Exodia's type, but I had cards like your Mokey Mokey's style too. Lovely and shiny, just like real cards.


(The funny thing with the fakes is that there are mistakes sometimes about the cards' ATK/DEF/descripion etc.)

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I remember my cousin had a Spell Card called Apocalypse or something with this effect:


"Toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, inflict 8000 damage to your opponent LP, if you call it wrong inflict 8000 damage to your LP"

Simple but . . . well, too simple for an insta-win burn. And yes ik it's fakes, but don't know if he printed it himself or got it somewhere.


Even my Malefic deck irl had Geartown written as Teeth Car Street (lol, dunno what it's mean.) But yes since i never played YGO or TCG irl, that deck never been used even once.

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I don't think I've ever had any fake cards, except possibly an old foil Polymerization that was in extremely bad condition; it wrinkly and the front peeled off. However it seems likely that it was a real card that was just dropped in a puddle or something.


It confuses me greatly that people would make fakes like these. Like, presuming they want to sell them and make money off them, surely it would be a good idea to know what a yugioh card actually looks like first?

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I have a couple decks (well, about 140-180) worth of fake cards behind my desk at the time of writing; though that was when I was much younger and didn't know better. 

Most of them either have badly translated Japanese names or really bad OCG; others are close. That, and obvious rarity issues.


I think I had a fake Ra at one point, but idk what I did with it.


(If I get time, maybe I'll take a picture of them. I think I have a card similar to that Exodia Catman has, but I don't know. Should check.)


Although there was the case when one of my classmates in grade school wanted to trade a bunch of cards for a fake Masked Beast I had, and didn't know the difference until I told him.

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I have a friend who didn't want his YGO cards anymore, so he let me look through his stacks and take what I like.

His only real cards were the 6 Ultra Rare from the Yugi Legendary Collection (Gods/DM/BEWD/Red Eyes), and Junk Synchron, as well as some useless crap. He didn't let me have any of those 7 :(

But I used to have so many of these, including a DARK Exodia monster called "Dark Master" that literally had "infinity" written in its ATK & DEF areas.

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Yay, fakes 4life!


Most of what you all said applied to me as well.


TFW I saw Obelisk for the 1st time (badly printed but who cared? 4000 ATK AND DEF? AND IT REFEATED BEUD? SERIOUSLY???)

Hm, this gives an idea... I may start a diff topic till tomorrow.

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