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That King of the Hill RP-ish game


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such mundane means cannot protect you from my power little Striker, Your Magical Barrier Shatters easily when the first Pillar struck it and it only lasted that hit and still hit your fort regardless... Magic is simply a cheap Imitation of a god's Power... Even the Best Mages are nothing more than cheap mimics!


In addition, the Pillar of Light stirred up all the Mutant Fauna in the area, causing all the Mutant Bears to attack the fort, forcing Striker's backup shields (If any) to divert from the top of the fort to protect against the Bears


A Second Pillar of Light flattens the fort, crushing all defenses in the way, and just to ensure I taken the hill, I command all 180 of my Winged Girgashiy to Mineral Hail the crap out of Striker's Hill, ensuring that his fort cannot survive the impact of 180 attacks that cannot be blocked by such tissue paper for shields


I take the Hill from Striker again


The Prophet's Hill

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Ok, seeing as Pennar is being really ridiculous I reset the game and Quadmesa to how it was the last time I posted (resetting is a GM action) and then I nerf pennar by the legitimacy of politics and grammatical correctness (pennar's constant misuse of the word "apostle", i looked it up) now when he enslaves a person or other organism it only lasts until the end of the turn, and the "enslaved" organism is not wiped of it's own will. (this kind of nerf, or more powerful nerfs, should be a GM action)

==Map of Quadmesa==
-------------------------------------------------------Northhilltown(town, owner dispute)
North Hill: Kyng's
Cardgametown(town w/ academy)------------West Hill: cgk's ---- East Hill: my hill ---------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------South Hill: No entry zone -------------Kittenville(town)
(The -s are to center things up for the map)

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I Laugh at the whole "Misuse" thing, because I quote myself here:

For future Reference, The Girgashiy is based on the Mabinogi's Raid Boss of the same name and the Zebach is based on the knowledge of a Future Boss in that game of the same name, with amplified range to fit it's role, I am also using Pennar's Abilities as per canon(With occasional blinks into the Boundary Weaving abilities of my Previous name to fix the game when something really bad happens)

The First Line of the Wiki for the Girgashiy Raid Boss? As Copy/Pasted from the Page:

The Girgashiy are gigantic divine creatures created by the Prophets through the use of humans. They are one of the primary enemies of Chapter 6, and are a part of a larger group of unknown creatures called the Apostles.

The Nerf is without point anyway, Canon Protects Pennar's Teleportation abilities from being hit- oh wait, Controlling them you mean?, The Transformation itself is Permanent by Canon, but is also a Schrodinger's Cat, so Cures can be applied to it, What it does to the mind is actually inflicts a Hyper aggressive state to Animals (I can teleport the Animals to town and wait outside without telling them to "Rampage" and they'll do so anyway) and I assume it does something similar to other things when not controlled, so the Nerf has little point other than to prevent me from occupying any hills (Not that I mind or anything)
However, I decide that I should stop playing my cruel little game, I revert my powers into that of my previous Identity temporarily, oh goodie, here we go again...
I Manipulate the Boundary Possible/Impossible (Again) to completely negate any nerfs anytime while in my Previous(As in these) powers.... I then Manipulate the Boundary Dream/Reality to Perform some sort of warped version of Gates of Babylon on all the hills, Instead of Medieval weaponry, I spawn hundreds of millions of the Mutant Bears that was originally near Striker's Hill before the Reset and easily take over the entire region of Quadmesa
Scarlet Hills

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I go back to my mount and decide to make six inventions, to make it so that it will take time I will make it a game of change

[spoiler=My Inventions]This is to explain how me building will work without making a big post. once per post I can roll a 6 sided dice I add one letter to the invention with the same number. When I get half way though an invention's name I will say what advantage it will give me. When all the letters are in and the invention's name completly revealed it will be built, but if someone guesses the invention before the half way mark they get it once it is built




1. ??????????????????
2. ????????????????????????
3. ?????????????
4. ?????????????????
5. ???????????

6. ???????????


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No one is paying attention... [spoiler=My Inventions]This is to explain how me building will work without making a big post. once per post I can roll a 6 sided dice I add one letter to the invention with the same number. When I get half way though an invention's name I will say what advantage it will give me. When all the letters are in and the invention's name completly revealed it will be built, but if someone guesses the invention before the half way mark they get it once it is built. I rolled a 6

Inventions 1. ?????????????????? 2. ???????????????????????? 3. ????????????? 4. ????????????????? 5. ??????????? 6. B??????????


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So... Mutant bears? Things are getting really confusing. So, I'll take back what was mine, etc. Can't figure out enough of what's going on to do much more, since people keep ignoring previous posts and confusioning things.

Ok. Using GM power I eliminate all non-people mobs made by Pennar and other players. (In this case mobs means any organism made by a player that is not another player.)

I also offer CGK an alliance to help keep the game straightforward and not so crazy.


==Map of Quadmesa==

-------------------------------------------------------Northhilltown(town, owner dispute)

North Hill: Kyng's

Cardgametown(town w/ academy)------------West Hill: cgk's ---- East Hill: my hill ---------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------South Hill: No entry zone -------------Kittenville(town)

(The -s are to center things up for the map)

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I Manipulate the Boundary Dream/Reality once more, Raining hundreds of copies of the Legendary Spear Gae Bulg down all over every hill, Taking the entire region very easily once more


Scarlet Hills


cr47t makes the rules, so nice try. Now run along back to your cave under Kyng's hill.


Reclaims my hill, obviously.

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After realising I have better things to do with my time I take a moment to spy on my opponent's movement's after noticing that all the kitten's are gone I use a magic incarnation to summon my kitten back into reality, then to avoid my kitten turning into a killer I leave it at home to continue building my inventions while going to kill cr47t

[spoiler=My Inventions]This is to explain how me building will work without making a big post. once per post I can roll a 6 sided dice I add one letter to the invention with the same number. When I get half way though an invention's name I will say what advantage it will give me. When all the letters are in and the invention's name completly revealed it will be built, but if someone guesses the invention before the half way mark they get it once it is built, I rolled a 4.

Inventions 1. ?????????????????? 2. ???????????????????????? 3. ????????????? 4. V???????????????? 5. ??????????? 6. B??????????

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While I relax on my hill I decide to go back to my house on the hill and arm myself in case pennar comes and tries to screw around. Also realizing that I wiped out all the kittens with my last GM action I use GM power to bring back all the Kittenville inhabitants again.


Hill ownerships stay the same.

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Your lightning is all redirected to a huge amount of lightning rods that I set up on a mountain next to Des's mountain.There are still plenty left after the bolts stop.


All hills remain the same and aren't scarlet. (why do u make them that anyway)

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After realising that cr47t is not that much of a bad guy I go back to my mount then see the rods on the a mountain next to mine is scaring pumpkin(the name I just gave my kitten) so I take them out and put them on a moutain about 5 mounts north of mine,then with the last of this turn energy I make sure my kitten is okay, i let him stop working on my inventions.

[spoiler=My Inventions]This is to explain how me building will work without making a big post. once per post I can roll a 6 sided dice I add one letter to the invention with the same number. When I get half way though an invention's name I will say what advantage it will give me. When all the letters are in and the invention's name completly revealed it will be built, but if someone guesses the invention before the half way mark they get it once it is built, no roll this turn.

Inventions 1. ?????????????????? 2. ???????????????????????? 3. ????????????? 4. V???????????????? 5. ??????????? 6. B??????????

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All hills remain the same and aren't scarlet. (why do u make them that anyway)


(Scarlet Hill was an Allusion to my Previous Identities, I first Joined the King of the Hill Games as Flandre Scarlet, thus Scarlet Hill, The powers in question is actually that of Yukari Yakumo)


I proceed to perform a Perfect Rendition of Gates of Babylon, Gating in and Launching Weapons of all varieties at cr47t's and Striker's Hills, I proceed to take and occupy both hills with very clever use of the Boundary Here/There


Scarlet Hills

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I send a email to cr47t asking to form an alliance, saying he is the only logical choice because everyone else tried to destroy my mount by he saved it, the email get's then get's intercepted and leaked on facebook, making everyone else feel bad. I continue building my inventions

[spoiler=My Inventions]This is to explain how me building will work without making a big post. once per post I can roll a 6 sided dice I add one letter to the invention with the same number. When I get half way though an invention's name I will say what advantage it will give me. When all the letters are in and the invention's name completly revealed it will be built, but if someone guesses the invention before the half way mark they get it once it is built, I roll a one.

Inventions 1. A????????????????? 2. ???????????????????????? 3. ????????????? 4. V???????????????? 5. ??????????? 6. B??????????

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