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March 2013 Format Discussion Thread

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You DO understand that that's the exact opposite of what's going on right now.


And that what you think the meta is is exactly what we'd want in a good format. Where experienced duelists, and assumedly BETTER duelist, always crush inexperienced duelists.

This reminds me of that one video where the guy in the video said that even noobie players can sack Dark Hole, pull out BLS, and win against a more experienced player.


Currently, right now, "meta" and "not-meta" players, if you will, are currently mashed into one big category. This isn't something we want in a competitive environment. We want to be able to take on members of our own skill level accordingly, and cards like Dark Hole, BLS, and Reborn shrink said gap between "meta" and "not-meta" players.


Anyone can use MST. The only thing that makes it more deadly is the player using it and his/her skill level, not the power of the card.


Anyone can use Dark Hole in the same sense. But, in this case, is it the opponent's fault for overextending, the strength of the card that pushes it for victory, or one just mindlessly playing it like it's no big deal when in the long run he loses because of it?


Not necessarily advocating that Dark Hole should be banned in some way, but it is kind of annoying that lucksacky noobs can win by just pulling out one card.


Yeah... power creep actually makes it easier for shitty players to beat good players.  Long, hard grind-games with lots of bluffing and misdirection, please.

I'm not sure how I feel about this, given the fact that the meta is incredibly fast paced and that duels last no longer, by my calculations, then seven turns. I believe longer, less exciting duels will force players to quit playing. This is all personal opinion, though.

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*insert worst post in this thread here*




OT: I actually don't have a problem with BLS, Reborn, or MST existing right now. BLS is a horrible topdeck and if it leaves I won't cry over it, but if it stays I can deal with it.


Reborn is one I'm personally fine with. I don't expect anything I kill to actually STAY dead for long, so seeing Reborn is like seeing a monster to me. Once again, I won't cry over it if it leaves, but I would rather more problem cards get hit first.


MST I personally feel is fine at 3. Blind MST'ing is bad, and setting MST doesn't always work out. I usually only run 2 in most of my decks cause space so if they Semi it I can live with it.


I would like to see Mermails hit, but if anything it'll be minor so they can push money. I don't know how they work really so I won't say what I think would be hit.


Spellbooks are gonna be a ten-thousand dollar deck so I cannot see them being hit ANYTIME soon.


Fire Fists, Evilswarm, and Consteller are being purposefully ignored for money. Thus Rabbit will most likely be staying at 2 cause Fire Fists and Evilswarm are things.


Machina Gadgets are apparently good in OCG land like usual, so I'm seeing a Gadget hit cause Konami is mean.


HERO will likely be getting a Miracle Fusion hit, even though Stratos should be banned.


I can see Inzektor's getting some kind of buff. Maybe D-Fly to 2. Hieratics might be getting that Seal back at 3.


Wind-Ups... I still think Magician should be banned, but I can see them doing the Inzektor thing with Magician / Shark at 1.

Dark Worlds I think are fine right now, but they got listed as big in OCG land so Snoww / Grapha might be going to 2. 


then probably some minor stuff that no one really cares about right now.

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For those saying that Goyo should stay banned, I disagree. This is a massive Xyz related format and, think about it, if Goyo pops an Xyz and brings it back, it will have no materials, basically just making it a defensive wall.

The only way Stardust is summoned this format is with Starlight Road, so Goyo can't bring it back anyway, so that isn't a problem.

Also what decks will it give a boost to? Blackwings is all I can really think of, and they are not by far a competitive deck.

Goyo to 1 please.

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For those saying that Goyo should stay banned, I disagree. This is a massive Xyz related format and, think about it, if Goyo pops an Xyz and brings it back, it will have no materials, basically just making it a defensive wall.

The only way Stardust is summoned this format is with Starlight Road, so Goyo can't bring it back anyway, so that isn't a problem.

Also what decks will it give a boost to? Blackwings is all I can really think of, and they are not by far a competitive deck.

Goyo to 1 please.

So basically, it doesn't support anything at this particular time so it should come back?


That's fucking awful logic. It doesn't make an easy to make 2800 beater that can almost instantly pay for itself if it was a -1 balanced or well designed in any way. Not having materials is hardly an argument that Goyo's fine, because you can say that Reborn on an Xyz doesn't make it have materials.


Goyo should never come back.

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List that gives people nightmares.


Please for everyone's sake, learn more about why cards are where they are before you make another list.


This thread is basically going to boil down to maybe 2 or 3 good lists, and then every other one being so bad that it makes people cry.


So, lets see where mine stands:



Monster Reborn


Dragoons maybe? 


Final Countdown. (These two are wants, odds are they won't happen)



Wind-Up Magician

If dragoons doesn't get forbidden, it should at least go here.

Dark Magician of Chaos



Chaos Sorcerer

Book of Moon


Gale the Whirlwind

Tenki (In an ideal world, but it won't happen)





The list discounts my Chicken hatred, due to Fire Fists will be getting at most a slap on the wrist. If I had my way it would burn alive for all time, along with the Monster Popper.



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Will Dark Armed Dragon be banned this time around? Or are we going to have to wait through another format of DAD-sacking goodness with Evilswarms?

I'd like for it to go right now. Its really annoying in Chaos Decks and Inzektors IMO.

Depending on how well the Decks are doing in the OCG that run it, you may get your wish. But don't bet on it.

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Will Dark Armed Dragon be banned this time around? Or are we going to have to wait through another format of DAD-sacking goodness with Evilswarms?

I'd like for it to go right now. Its really annoying in Chaos Decks and Inzektors IMO.

We're going to get another round.




Also, even though Tewart hinted that Merlanteans were only going to get a slap on the wrist, I still think that could include Dragoons to 1. Doesn't kill the deck, after all. Maybe Abyssdine to 2, but meh.

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We're going to get another round.




Also, even though Tewart hinted that Merlanteans were only going to get a slap on the wrist, I still think that could include Dragoons to 1. Doesn't kill the deck, after all. Maybe Abyssdine to 2, but meh.

Is Dine even being played?


With the stuff Tewart said now I'm not sure if Dragoons will be hit at all :/

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Just thought I'd post my list.


- Monster Reborn
- Stratos
- Card Destruction
- Gateway of the Six


- Wind-Up Magician
- Wind-Up Factory
- Atlantean Dragoons
- One Day of Peace
- Fire Formation Tenki


- Reckless Greed
- Lonefire Blossom
- Blackwing Gale
- Deep Sea Diva
- Tsukuyomi


- Spore
- Magical Stone Excavation

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Tenki is a common.



It supports many of the decks they're currently pushing. Tenki, in and of itself, is not a money card, but Constellars, Fire Kings, and Fire Fists are all things they're currently pushing. 


Tenki won't be hit, even though it deserves it. You can't even pretend to realistically believe it will be.

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Tenki is a common.

Point being? In fact, that gives them even more incentive to leave it at 3. With Tenki as a common, people will be buying more packs so they can stock up on them and possibly pull higher valued cards along with it. If Tenki is limited, they won't push as much Cosmo Blazar packs because people don't want a bunch of useless commons.

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