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Bet this is the arc where Serena's Braixen finally evolves, tbh, it seems like the appropriate timing.


[spoiler=League outcome]

Well, I actually did think Ash could win, especilly given how the episode before this ended. Aside from Goodra not getting to really shine (though it's Rain Dance sticking around to help was nice) this is honestly a battle that is worthy of a league finisher, and Alain is one of the few people I am okay with Ash losing to. 


Especially loved the part where the two were exchanging blows close-up, Greninja just hacking away with its shuriken. Really good to see not just big explodey moments of fighting, but good old up-close personal bludgeoning too. Honestly this league has ended on a note I'm happy with, and I look forward to the Flare arc.







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I literally had to search through the thread to find what I said about Shiny Mega Gyarados

As for Lysandre, I can definitely see him having a Shiny Mega Gyarados (and no, it totally has nothing to do with the next Japanese TCG expansion focusing on Shiny Gyarados), or the more likely scenario, a Mega Gyarados in general. We know he has a Mega Ring on his finger and I don't think the writers will not show that if Lysandre didn't have a pokemon capable of mega evolving.


Also, I'm gonna spoiler the pic given its size...

[spoiler=Alain being Yuri]

It works given Yuya and Yuri share the same Japanese VA





Also, I think someone activated DK mode on Zygarde;


(The proportion seems a bit weird here)

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[spoiler=Result]Ash chokes again. Predictable, but I honestly have no idea why the writers want Ash to be 0-6 in leagues. And there won't be another league in the next region. This would have been perfect for Ash to win at least one now. I mean they are probably going to have Ash win a rematch in some random battle that no one cares about.


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[spoiler=Result]Ash chokes again. Predictable, but I honestly have no idea why the writers want Ash to be 0-6 in leagues. And there won't be another league in the next region. This would have been perfect for Ash to win at least one now. I mean they are probably going to have Ash win a rematch in some random battle that no one cares about.


What about Orange Islands?

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I've seen people not count the Orange League.


[spoiler=Analysis to add on to last week's]

This episode adds more similarities to Ash vs Paul in the Sinnoh League.
- Going into the final part of the fight, Ash has 3 pokemon left, whilst Alain has 2 left. This was the case in the Ash/Paul fight as well.
- The character going into the final part that had all of their pokemon take damage won the battle.
- Pikachu lost to the opposing trainer's ace
- Pikachu was the pokemon Ash began the battle with
- There was a weather summoning move used in the battle
- In Ash/Paul going into the final part, all of Ash's remaining 'mons had all taken damage whilst Paul had a pokemon that has received damage and a pokemon that hadn't fought yet. This is reversed in this instance, where Alain's remaining mons have received damage and Ash has a pokemon with damage and two that haven't fought yet.








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Yeah, Orange Islands are usually not included because they aren't an actual region. 


[spoiler=131 thoughts]

  • Damn it Ash, you almost had it. (Though I guess you DID get runner-up status this time, but really only because turnout was smaller).
    • You'd better hope Alola has a Pokemon League of sorts [but we'll have to see].
  • Well, we got the orange Water Shuriken. (And I got an almost-Rasenshuriken vibe from it)
  • Pikachu got ass kicked by Charizard (but it was weakened from battles anyway)
  • Team Flare starts their master plan; okay guys, you'd better be more competent than you were in the games.
  • Can understand why people are pissed off about the outcome though; I'm technically peeved that the writers made Ash lose AGAIN, but least it wasn't as bad as last generation. (Ash gets his ass kicked by new trainer; losing to Alain is more acceptable b/c he got developed enough and is truly good)



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[spoiler=Result]Ash chokes again. Predictable, but I honestly have no idea why the writers want Ash to be 0-6 in leagues. And there won't be another league in the next region. This would have been perfect for Ash to win at least one now. I mean they are probably going to have Ash win a rematch in some random battle that no one cares about.




I can totally see Ash and Alain having 1 more battle since Alain seems to side with Flare. Ash winning that, while not the league win, would make up for second place finish imo.




Yeah, Orange Islands are usually not included because they aren't an actual region. 


[spoiler=131 thoughts]

  • Damn it Ash, you almost had it. (Though I guess you DID get runner-up status this time, but really only because turnout was smaller).
    • You'd better hope Alola has a Pokemon League of sorts [but we'll have to see].
  • Well, we got the orange Water Shuriken. (And I got an almost-Rasenshuriken vibe from it)
  • Pikachu got ass kicked by Charizard (but it was weakened from battles anyway)
  • Team Flare starts their master plan; okay guys, you'd better be more competent than you were in the games.
  • Can understand why people are pissed off about the outcome though; I'm technically peeved that the writers made Ash lose AGAIN, but least it wasn't as bad as last generation. (Ash gets his ass kicked by new trainer; losing to Alain is more acceptable b/c he got developed enough and is truly good)



I've said it many times in this thread that this is still the single best way to have Ash lose in a league. Alain is an established character, one who we actually spent several episodes focusing on, that we know is very skilling given his 1v1 win against an E4 member, who will continue to play a major roll in the final story arc of the season. The win here only makes his roll in the final arc all the more interesting to watch unfold.



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Y'know, on reflection, I'm not surprised Lysandre's Gyarados is shiny tbph, and yes it stems from the PTCG having Shiny Mega Gyarados (despite me saying in the post I quoted from October that it had nothing to do with that, because it was sarcasm).

Also the other Shiny megas in the TCG (Metagross, Gengar and Gardevoir) have also appeared in the anime, so yeah.

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For what it's worth, at least Ash had a fair loss. Unlike the Sinnoh League with f***in' Tobias and his cheese team.



Satoshi being wrecked by Tobias was the writers being meta with a walking gameshark in reference to everyone using legendaries to battle.


Gen 1-3 was Satoshi as a novice.

Gen 4 was what I mentioned above.

Gen 5 was a shitty reset where Satoshi went back to Kanto level's of stupid.

This is why people are so pissed by the sheet ending. The episode was literally titled "Kalos League Victory! Satoshi's Greatest Decisive Battle!".


The Shota fight we just had was 10/10 material. Both trainers using strategy, terrain to their advantage etc. Alain v Satoshi was just who's beams win out in the end. Shoutouts to Pikachu though for soloing a Tyranitar and Metagross, true MVP of the Kalos team.

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While Cameron might be mentally retarded, his team was legit strong. I mean, he had a damn Hydreigon, which is like, the strongest non-legendary Unovan pokemon. And Ash's Unova team sucked. Only 3 of his 9 pokemon were even fully evolved, and 3 of which who hadn't even evolved at all (not including Pikachu). And one of those non-evolved pokemon he sent out against damn Hydreigon. If not for Cameron's complete idiocy, the loss would have easily been legit.

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​Yeah, Ash caught too many pokemon in Unova, thus development between some of them were few and far between, thus his team ended up being more-or-less crap.


[spoiler=what I want to happen]

  • The fem sci's take off their googles




I still don't see that happening though, but hey it's your opinion.



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They really should have a new protag, one that can actually do sheet.

Ash is a good protagonist. Honestly, outside of BW he has constantly shown growth through the series.



Yeah, but there's this thing called variety. I think the anime could do with more of that. (as far as protags are concerned)

I actually agree with Astro. The point of the different companions is to allow for that variety. Not to mention we got Alain this gen and I could see them doing more with a second character's story and having it fold into the main series. It worked really well here imo.

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Ash is a good protagonist. Honestly, outside of BW he has constantly shown growth through the series.

Rule #1: We don't talk about Best Wishes.


I actually agree with Astro. The point of the different companions is to allow for that variety. Not to mention we got Alain this gen and I could see them doing more with a second character's story and having it fold into the main series. It worked really well here imo.

True, though quite a few people think that Ash should be replaced, but ofc they know it's never gonna happen, but hope for it regardless.



[spoiler=Illuminati moment]

Clemont is the gym leader of Lumiose City

Lumiose City is where the Kalos League took place

The winner of the Kalos League is Alain

Alain's VA also voices Sakaki Yuya in Arc-V

Sakaki Yuya's english VA also voices Clemont

Therefore Clemont is the actual winner of the Lumiose conference

Illuminati confirmed.



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Yeah, a lot of people want Ash gone and replaced with Red [we know Ash is technically based on him already] or one of the other [male] game protagonists as the main character. To be fair though, we haven't seen Calem in the anime at any point thus far (but the same can be said for the Gen 5 ones).


I don't have a problem with him losing to Alain as he's gotten developed enough and actually matters in XY (and was a very close battle; a good one at that), but yeah, you'd think he'd at least win an actual league by now. Gen 4 was close (and really should've been runner-up as the actual guy who got that was 6-0 swept by Tobias and couldn't kill anything; Ash at least managed to kill 2, albeit fainting at the end).


Flare arc should be good though.

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